職名 教授
氏名 なるせ ひろし
成瀬 央
生年月 1958.04
所属 部局 工学研究科
学科・専攻 情報工学専攻
講座 情報ネットワーク工学
教育研究分野 パターン情報処理
TEL 059-231-9456
FAX 059-231-9456
E-mail naruse@pa.info. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください)
学歴 千葉大学(工学部) 学士課程 (~1982年)
千葉大学(工学研究科) 修士課程・博士前期課程 (~1984年) 卒業・修了
学位 1993.05 博士(工学) 名古屋大学
所属学会 電子情報通信学会(フェロー) 日本機械学会 土木学会
社会活動 三重県立津高等学校
職歴 1984.04~2005.03 日本電信電話株式会社研究所
1999.04~2001.03 茨城大学 非常勤講師
2001.04~2005.03 千葉大学 非常勤講師
2001.04~2003.03 図書館情報大学 客員助教授
2003.04~2005.03 筑波大学 客員助教授
学術(芸術)賞 昭和63年度電子情報通信学会篠原記念学術奨励賞(電子情報通信学会)
専門分野 光応用計測
現在の研究課題 光ファイバを用いたセンシング技術
担当科目 パターン情報処理演習Ⅱ パタ-ン情報処理演習Ⅰ 国際会議発表演習 情報工学特別研究Ⅰ 情報工学特別研究Ⅱ 情報工学特別研究Ⅲ 情報工学特別研究Ⅳ 工業数学JC(フーリエ解析)計測工学 制御工学 知的ユーザインタフェース特論 論文発表演習
主な業績等 Dependence of the Brillouin gain spectrum on linear strain distribution for optical time-domain reflectometer-type strain sensors 共著 2002.01 Applied Optics 41 7212-7217
Application of Brillouin scattering-based distributed optical fiber strain sensor to actual concrete piles 共著 2002.04 IEICE Trans. Electronics E85-C 945-951
光ファイバセンサによる大型複合材料構造のヘルスモニタリング 共著 2002.09 日本複合材料学会誌 28 176-188
ブリルアンゲインスペクトルの形状変化を利用した複合材料の損傷検知法 共著 2002.11 日本複合材料学会誌 28 241-248
Application of fiber-optic distributed sensors to health monitoring for full-scale composite structures 共著 2003.01 Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 14 3-13
Damage detection for international America’s cup class yachts using a fiber optic distributed strain sensor 共著 2003.01 IEICE Trans. Electronics E86-C 218-223
Deformation of the Brillouin gain spectrum caused by parabolic strain distribution and resulting measurement error in BOTDR strain measurement system 共著 2003.01 IEICE Trans. Electronics E86-C 2111-2121
Distributed strain sensing from damaged composite materials based on shape variation of the Brillouin spectrum 共著 2004.01 Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 15 17-25
Telecommunications tunnel monitoring system based on distributed optical fiber strain measurement 共著 2005.05 17th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 5855 168-171
Telecommunications tunnel monitoring system employing BOTDR 共著 2005.11 1st International Workshop on Opto-electronic Sensor-based Monitoring in Geo-engineering 57-65
光ファイバによる構造物のモニタリング 単著 2006.03 日本機械学会誌 109 158-159
Underground Mine Monitoring Using Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Sensing System 共著 2006.10 18th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors
Application of distributed fiber optic strain sensing system to monitoring of changes in underground mine’s state 共著 2007.10 Measurement Science and Technology 18 3202-3210
Adaptive Kernel quantile regression for anormaly detection 共著 2009.05 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 13 230-236
Deformation of Brillouin scattered light power spectrum shape by linear strain distribution 共著 2009.10 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 7503
Displacement measurement by sensor unit with a pair of crossed optical fibers 共著 2009.10 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 7503
Prototype of a Local Strain Detection Device using Planar Lightwave Circuit to Improve :the Spatial Resolution of a Long-Range Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Measurement System 共著 2011.11 The 2nd International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU 2 323-325
Measurement of tunnel-ceiling and side-wall displacements sing arc-shaped beam and fiber Bragg grating sensors: 共著 2012.10 International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors 8421 842133-1-842133-4
Vertical sound image control using level differences between parametric speakers 共著 2013.06 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 3363-3367
Measurement of Diameter Changes in Tunnels using Fiber-Optic Sensing 共著 2013.09 Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies, IWRIS 2013 12 44-47
Shape Variation of Brillouin Gain Spectrum Caused by Sinusoidal-like Strain Distribution 共著 2013.09 CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013 WPF-19-1-WPF-19-2
運筆音を用いた記述者識別 共著 2018.01 日本音響学会誌 1 14-16
Analysis of BGS observation condition dependence of ring circumferential strain measurement error 共著 2018.05 7th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference Tue_P14-1-Tue_P14-3
Noise reduction for Brillouin gain spectrum observations using nonnegative matrix factorization 共著 2018.05 7th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference Wed_P11-1- Wed_P11-3
Deformation of the Brillouin gain spectrum under spatially and temporally nonuniform strain 共著 2018.09 26th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors TuE96-1-TuE96-4
Denoising of Brillouin gain spectrum observations using nonnegative matrix factorization 共著 2018.09 ISSEMU2018-C 63-64
Relationship between Brillouin gain spectrum observation conditions and ring circumferential strain measurement error 共著 2018.09 ISSEMU2018-C 27-28
Statistics Computation for Low Complexity Spectrum Sensing Based on Multiple Antennas 共著 2018.09 IEEE PIMRC 2018 1-2
Spectrum Sensing Based on Weighted Diversity Combining Using Time-Averaged CAF 共著 2019.02 IEICE Commun. Express 9 20-25
Weight Computation Techniques for Spectrum Sensing Based on Test Statistics Shared CAF Diversity Combining 共著 2019.02 IEEE ICAIIC 2019 1-6
Spectrum Sensing Using Phase Inversion Based on Space Diversity with Over Three Antennas 共著 2019.08 IEICE Trans. Fundamentals E102-A 974-977
Derivation of Sensing Features for Maximum Cyclic Autocorrelation Selection Based Signal Detection 共著 2019.09 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2019-Fal 1-5
Measurements of LoRa Propagation in Harsh Environment: Numerous NLOS Areas and Ill-Conditioned LoRa Gateway 共著 2019.09 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2019-Fal 1-5
Availability verification of the Brillouin-gain-spectrum-model-fitting ring circumferential strain measurement via simulation experiments 共著 2019.11 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference Oral 39-Oral 39
Expanded circumferential-strain-measurement method for general ring-shaped structures 共著 2019.11 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference Poster 58-Poster 58
Weight updating technique in spectrum sensing based on CAF shared diversity combining 共著 2020.01 IEICE Communication Express 9 1-6