職名 准教授
氏名 かつまたひでゆき
勝又 英之
所属 部局 工学研究科
学科・専攻 応用化学専攻
講座 無機分析化学
教育研究分野 分析環境化学研究室
E-mail hidekアットchem. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください)
学位 博士(理学) 筑波大学
所属学会 日本化学会 日本分析化学会 アメリカ化学会
職歴 三重大学工学部 助手
三重大学大学院工学研究科 助手
三重大学大学院工学研究科 助教
カリフォルニア工科大学 Visiting Associate
三重大学大学院工学研究科 准教授
学術(芸術)賞 中部分析化学会奨励賞
Reviewer Award for Analytical Sciences
専門分野 分析化学 環境化学
担当科目 応用化学基礎I 応用化学基礎II 化学実験I 分析化学 分析化学演習 分離化学演習 分析化学特論
主な業績等 Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction in Methanol at Cu and Cu2O-Deposited Carbon Black Electrodes 共著 2019.04 ChemEngineering 3(1) 15-
Mineralization of Diazinon with nanosized-photocatalyst TiO2 in water under sunlight irradiation: optimization of degradation conditions and reaction pathway 共著 2019.05 Environmental technology 1-10
Improvement of Photocatalytic H2-Generation under Visible Light Irradiation by Controlling the Band Gap of ZnIn2S4 with Cu and In 共著 2019.09 Catalysts 9(8) 681-
Dual-defect-modified graphitic carbon nitride with boosted photocatalytic activity under visible light 共著 2019.10 Scientific Reports 9 14873-
Tetrahedral UMOFNs/Ag3PO4 Core?Shell Photocatalysts for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity under Visible Light 共著 2019.10 ACS omega 4(14) 15975-15984
Ternary dual Z-scheme graphitic carbon nitride/ultrathin metal-organic framework nanosheet/Ag3PO 4 photocatalysts for boosted photocatalytic performance under visible light 共著 2019.11 RSC Advances 9(68) 39843-39853
Photocatalytic degradation of a typical neonicotinoid insecticide: nitenpyrum by ZnO nanoparticles under solar irradiation 共著 2020.06 Environmental Science & Pollution Research 27 20446-20456
Mineralization of diazinon with nanosized-photocatalyst TiO2 in water under sunlight irradiation: Optimization of degradation conditions and reaction pathway 共著 2020.08 Environmental Technology 41 3524-3533
Structurally modified graphitic carbon nitride with highly photocatalytic activity in the presence of visible light 共著 2020.10 Catalysis Today 352 47-53
Highly photocatalytic hydrogen generation over P-doped g-C3N4 with aromatic ring structure 共著 2021.08 Materials Letters 299 130068-
Formic acid motivated photocatalytic reduction of:Cr(VI) to Cr(III) with ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles under UV irradiation 共著 2021.09 Environmental Technology 42 2740-2748
Ag-modified g-C3N4 with enhanced activity for the photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium in the presence of EDTA under ultraviolet irradiation 共著 2022.04 Environmental Technology 1-14
Highly efficient visible light-induced photocatalytic oxidation of arsenite with nanosized WO3 particles in the presence of Cu2+ and CuO 共著 2022.04 Environmental Technology 1-12
Electrochemical decolorization of methylene blue in solution with metal doped Ti/α,β-PbO2 mesh electrode 共著 2022.05 Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia) 57巻2号 325-337
Synthesis of an iso-type graphitic carbon nitride heterojunction derived from oxamide and urea in molten salt for high-performance visible-light driven photocatalysis 共著 2022.07 New Journal of Chemistry 46巻19号 8999-9009
Dual Z-scheme heterojunction g-C3N4/Ag3PO4/AgBr photocatalyst with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity 共著 2022.08 Ceramics International 48巻15号 21939-21946
Development of Ag/Ag2O/ZnO photocatalyst and their photocatalytic activity towards dibutyl phthalate decomposition in water 共著 2022.09 Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
Ultra-thin graphene/g-C3N4 nanosheets with in-plane heterojunction for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance 共著 2022.12 Materials Technology 37巻12号 2194-2203
Photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A using O-doped dual g-C3N4 under visible light irradiation 共著 2023.03 Catalysis Today 411-412巻 113877-113877
Utilization of Green house Gases 共著 2003.06
役に立つ化学シリーズ④分析化学 共著 2004.10 朝倉書店
Advanced Organic-Inorganic Composites: Materials, Devices and Allied Applications 共著 2011.08 NOVA Publisher
Nanocatalysis for Fuels and Chemicals 共著 2012.01 ACS Symposium Seiries
Photo-Electrochemistry & Photo-Biology for the Sustainability 単著or編著 2012.10 Union Press
わかる理工系のための化学 共著 2012.12 共立出版
分析化学 共著 2012.12 オーム社
Green Carbon Dioxide: Advances in CO2 Utilization 共著 2014.12 Wiley