職名 准教授
氏名 ばん ともみ
伴 智美
生年月 1974.02
所属 部局 生物資源学研究科
学科・専攻 資源循環学専攻
講座 農業生物学
TEL 059-231-9489
E-mail tomomi@bio. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください)
学位 2002.03 博士(農学) 鳥取大学大学院連合農学研究科
所属学会 日本畜産学会 日本獣医学会
職歴 2002.04~2004.03 島根大学 日本学術振興会特別研究員
2004.04~ 三重大学 教員 助手
専門分野 家畜の栄養生理
現在の研究課題 水牛における脂質代謝の研究
担当科目 資源循環学演習 生物資源学A 生物資源学総論 動物機能学 動物生産学 農業化学実験 農業生物学実験
主な業績等 Comparison of carcass and meat characteristics of Brahman grade cattle (Bos indicus) and crossbred water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) 共著 2007.12 Animal Science Journal 78 596-604
Studies on Carboxymethyl Cellulase and Xylanase Activities of Anaerobic Fungal Isolate CR4 from the Bovine Rumen 共著 2008.12 Current Microbiology 57 615-619
Comparative study of plasma leptin concentration between solid ruminal and liquid abomasal feeding in weaned adult sheep. 共著 2010 Animal Science Journal 81 648-656
Detection of fiber-digesting bacteria in the ceca of ostrich using specific primer sets. 共著 2010.02 Current Microbiology 60 112-116
Microbial diversity in ostrich ceca as revealed by 16S ribosomal RNA gene clone library and detection of novel Fibrobacter species. 共著 2010.04 Anaerobe 16 83-93
Effect of raw rice bran supplementation on rumen methanogen population density and in vitro rumen fermentation. 共著 2013 Grassland Science 59 129-134
Plasma leptin, feed intake, and body fat accumulation in fattening castrated male and female lambs 共著 2008.02 Animal Science Journal 79 58-67
The changes in body weight and plasma metabolite levels during leptin injection are caused by the reduction of food intake in sheep. 共著 2000.04 Animal Science 70 343-348
Effect of light and food on leptin plasma concentrations in ewes. 2000.10 Animal Science 71 235-242
Blood leptin concentrations in Japanese black cattle. 共著 2001 Animal Science 72 309-313
The relationships between leptin and insulin in blood plasma of growing lambs. 共著 2001 Animal Science 73 71-76
Effect of dietary energy levels on plasma leptin in sheep. 共著 2002 Animal Science Journal 73 471-478
Plasma leptin concentration in pre- and post-weaning lambs. 共著 2003 Animal Science 76 221-227
Plasma leptin concentration during 45 days in pre-weaning Japanese Black and Holstein calves. 共著 2003 Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 12 697-706
Comparison of feed intake, digestibility and fattening performance of Brahman grade cattle (Bos indicus) and crossbred water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). 共著 2004 Animal Science Journal 75 549-555
The relationships between leptin and vitamin A levels in plasma of fattening cattle supplemented with vitamin A 共著 2001.12 Animal Science 73 433-441
Effects of species and sex on plasma hormone and metabolite concentrations in crossbred Brahman cattle and crossbred water buffalo 共著 2007.04 Livestock Science 107 244-252
Body fat content and feeding level interact strongly in the short- and medium-term regulation of plasma leptin during underfeeding and re-feeding in adult sheep 共著 2007.07 British Journal of Nutrition 98 106-115
Comparison of fattening performance in Brahman grade cattle (Bos indicus) and crossbred water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) fed on high roughage diet 共著 2008.04 Animal Science Journal 79 210-217
Comparison of carcass and meat characteristics of Brahman grade cattle (Bos indicus) and crossbred water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) 共著 2008.02 Animal Science Journal 79 210-217