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職名 | 教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | すえはら けんいちろう 末原 憲一郎 |
生年月 | ||||||||||
TEL | 059-231-9596 | |||||||||
FAX | 059-231-9596 | |||||||||
suehara@bio. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください) | ||||||||||
個人のホームページ | ||||||||||
学歴 | 静岡大学工学部 学士課程 (~1992年)
名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 修士課程・博士前期課程 (~1994年03月) 卒業・修了 名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 博士課程・博士後期課程 (~1996年09月) 卒業・修了 |
学位 | 1996.09 博士(工学) 名古屋大学
所属学会 | 化学工学会 日本生物工学会 日本生物環境工学会 日本分光学会 日本食品工学会 廃棄物資源循環学会 | |||||||||
社会活動 | 公立大学法人 広島市立大学
沼津工業高等専門学校 東海学園大学 |
職歴 | 1996.10~2005.09 広島市立大学情報科学部 教員 助手
2005.10~ 三重大学生物資源学部 教員 助教授 |
学術(芸術)賞 | NIR Advance Award
SICE-ICCAS2006 Best Paper Award 日本食品工学会第20回(2019年度)年次大会優秀口頭発表賞,中赤外分光法を用いたオレンジ果汁中に含まれる成分糖の定量,2019.08,日本食品工学会第20回年次大会実行委員会 Consolation Prize Best Paper Award (Food Engineering),Consolation Prize Best Paper Award (Food Engineering),2021.01,FRUTIC 家政学会中部支部院生・学生発表奨励賞,清酒用麹と焼酎用麹を用いて製造したみりんの比較,2021.02,家政学会中部支部 |
専門分野 | 生物化学工学
生物情報工学 食品工学 |
現在の研究課題 | 光センシング手法を援用したバイオマス利活用プロセス管理 中赤外分光法を援用したバイオマス利活用プロセス管理 中赤外分光法を援用した食品の品質評価に関する研究 農業・環境・医療分野における色彩画像処理・計測 | |||||||||
担当科目 | 現代科学理解特殊講義2 食品生物情報工学特論 生命機能化学実験実習1 生命機能化学特論Ⅰ 特別研究 特別研究Ⅱ 物理化学 | |||||||||
主な業績等 | Development of multiband optical sensing method for phenotyping of tomatoes in cultivation site 共著 Food Research 4 132-137
Factors on Infrared Drying Characteristics of Ebisen (Shrimp Cracker) Sauce Drying 2010 1515-1521 種菌がコンポスト化速度に与える影響の評価:(Evaluation of effect of seeding on the rate of thermophilic composting) 共著 1992.01 廃棄物学会論文誌 3 78-85 Application of image Analysis with neural network for plant somatic embryo culture 共著 1995.01 Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering, 76(6), 505-509(1993) 76 505-509 Efficient production of celery embryos and plantlets released in culture of immobilized gel beads 共著 1995.01 Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering 79 585-588 Optimal expression of GUS gene from methyl jasmonate-inducible promoter in high density culture of transformed tobacco cell line BY-2 共著 1996.01 Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering, 82(1), 51-55(1996) 82 51-55 セロリ再分化植物体から誘導したカルスを用いた植物体再生系と再分化効率:(Plant regeneration and somatic embryogenesis frequency using callus induced from regenerated celery plant) 共著 1996.01 化学工学論文集、22(3), 691-694(1996) 22 691-694 Application of near infrared spectroscopy to the measurement of cell mass in solid cultures of mushroom 共著 1998.01 Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 6, 273-277(1998) 6 273-277 Determination of the content of water and rice bran in solid media used for mushroom cultivation using near-infrared spectroscopy 単著 1998.01 Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering, 86(5), 472-476(1998) 86 472-476 Development of rotating-mesh basket type bioreactor for carrot embryo production in immobilized callus system 共著 1998.01 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 31 613-617 Rapid measurement and control of the moisture content of compost using near-infrared spectroscopy 単著 1999.01 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 87(6), 769-774(1999) 87 769-774 Measurement of the concentrations of glucose and lactic acid in the peritoneal dialysis solutions using near-infrared spectroscopy 共著 2000.01 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 90 540-544 Measurement of lipid content of compost fermentation using near infrared spectroscopy 単著 2001.01 Near Infrared Analysis 2 37-42 Measurement of the concentrations of glucose and citric acid in the aqueous solution of a blood anticoagulant using near-Infrared Spectroscopy 共著 2001.01 Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 9(1), 43-48(2001) 9 43-48 Simultaneous measurement of the carbon and nitrogen content of compost using near-infrared spectroscopy 単著 2001.01 Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 9(1), 35-41(2001) 9 35-41 Measurement of the concentrations of mannosyl erythritol lipid and soybean oil in the glycolipid fermentation process using near-infrared spectroscopy 共著 2002.01 Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 10(1), 53-61(2002) 10 53-61 Effects of C/N ratio and pH of raw materials on oil degradation efficiency in compost fermentation process 共著 2003.01 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 96(1), 47-52(2003) 96 47-52 Management of compost fermentation process using near-infrared spectroscopy 共著 2003.01 Useful and Advanced Information in the Field of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 277-292 Microbial treatment of oil contained wastewater discharged from Industrial Kitchen 共著 2003.01 Japan Journal of Food Engineering 4 123-128 Bioprocess Monitoring Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy 共著 2004.01 Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol 90 173-198 Quality Evaluation of Soybean using Germination Percentage for Tofu Production 共著 2004.01 Japan Journal of Food Engineering, 5(3), 169-175(2004) 5 169-175 Biological treatment of Wastewater Discharged from Biodiesel Fuel Production Plant with Alkali-catalyzed Transesterification 共著 2005.01 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 100 437-442 Stabilization of Free and Immobilized Enzymes Using Hyperthermophilic Chaperonin 共著 2006 Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 101(2), 131-136(2006) 101 131-136 Development of an Air-Oil and Oil-Water Interface Detector Using Plastic Optical Fiber and Its Application for Measurement of Oil Layer Thickness of Industrial Kitchen Wastewater in a Grease Trap 単著 2006.06 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 39 670-677 Analysis of kinetic uptake phenomena of monosaccharide and disaccharide by suspension TBY-2 cells using an FT-IR/ATR method 共著 2007 Bioprocess and Biosystem Enginering 30 457-468 Rapid and Simple Determination of Oil and Urea Concentrations and Solids Content to Monitor Biodegradation Conditions of Wastewater Discharged from a Biodiesel Fuel Production Plant 共著 2007 Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 15 89-96 含油排水の微生物学的処理と光ファイバセンサを用いた含油量の測定 共著 2008.03 食品工業 51 53-57 熱硬化性バイオプラスチックのプレポリマーにおける常温安定性 共著 2010.06 Journal of Applied Glycoscience 57 95-103 Appearance Evaluation of Agricultural Products Image Based on Spectral Information of Lighting 共著 2010.11 Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2010 2447-2450 Infrared spectral feature of plant-cell culture media 共著 2010.12 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on NIR Spectroscopy 1141-1145 バイオプラスチックプレポリマーの熱硬化挙動 共著 2011.01 応用糖質科学 1 76-85 Influences of pH and Temperature on Infrared Spectroscopic Features of Brewed Coffee 共著 2011.11 Procedia Food Science 1 1132-1138 Quantitative Evaluation of Surface Color of Tomato Fruits Cultivated in Remote Farm Using Digital Camera Images 共著 2012 SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration 5 18-23 Quantitative Evaluation of Surface Color of Tomato Fruits Cultivated in Remote Farm Using Digital Camera Images 共著 2012.01 SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration 5 18-23 Sugar uptake analysis of :Sugar uptake analysis of suspension Arabidopsis, tobacco, and rice cells in various media using an FT-IR/ATR method: 共著 2012.08 Bioprocess Biosystem Engineering 35 1259-1268 Cure Characteristics of Bioplastic Prepolymer during Industrial Manufacturing 共著 2012.11 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 45 924-930 座談会「持続可能なバイオマス系廃棄物利活用を考える」 共著 2013.01 廃棄物資源循環学会誌 24 56-61 Evaluation of Salt Influence on Sugar Consumption by Suspension Cells Based on Spectroscopic Analysis 共著 2013.03 Journal of Analytical Method in Chemistly 2013 Effects of Assistance of Hot Air Convection on Infrared Drying Characteristics of Seasoned Instant Noodles Coated with Sauce 共著 2014.12 International Agricultural Engineering Journal 23 22-30 Quantitative color evaluation under sunlight using open platform camera and mini-spectrometer 共著 2016 Proc. of 4th CIGR-AgEng 561 植物フェノタイピングのための光センシング技術 共著 2016 農業食料工学会誌 78 274-278 Color calibration of images acquired under artifical lighting conditions based on illumibating spectral information and geometrical relationships 共著 2016.06 WCCA-AFITA SS3 食糧・食料確保のための持続的農業の世界動向 単著 2016.06 日本食品工学会誌 17 A-15-A-15 Characteristics of combined vacuum freeze drying and high frequency dielectric heating of a food model 共著 2016.08 Proc. of 20th International Drying Symposium C-4-5 Evaluation of radiative power absorbed by wet porous materials during infrared drying 共著 2016.08 Proc. of 20th International Drying Symposium P1-36 グローバル・フードバリューチェーン~フードイノベーションとビッグデータ/IoT利活用~ 単著 2016.09 日本食品工学会誌 18 A-12-A-12 農業・食品分野における表現型計測への光放射応用 共著 2016.11 照明学会誌 100 497-501 食料・食品生産と日本版インダストリー4.0 単著 2016.12 日本食品工学会誌 18 A-18-A-18 Color Calibration for the Pressure Ulcer Image Acquired Under Different Illumination: A Key Step for Simple, Rapid and Quantitative Color Evaluation of the Human Skin Diseases Using a Digital Camera 共著 2017.03 Journal of Light & Visual Environment 40 10-19 食料・食品生産分野における情報通信技術利活用~アジア農業情報技術会議(AFITA2016)に参加して~ 単著 2017.03 日本食品工学会誌 18 A-11-A-11 Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis of Saccharides in Aqueous Solutions with Sodium Chloride 共著 2017.04 Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 81 735-742 次世代シーケンサーと食糧・食品生産(育種+フェノミクス研究+ゲノム編集?) 単著 2017.04 日本食品工学会誌 18(2) A-7-A-8 食品工学分野における赤外分光センシング 共著 2017.05 アグリバイオ 2 430-434 農業・食品加工分野における赤外分光計測とその応用 共著 2017.06 光アライアンス 28 21-24 Color Evaluation of Images Acquired Using Open Platform Camera and Mini-Spectrometer under Natural Lighting Conditions 共著 2017.08 Food Packaging and Shelf Life 14 26-33 Development of Simple Optical Sensor for Measurement of Sugar Content using Bent Optical Fiber, Light Emitting Diode and Photo Diode 共著 2018.03 Journal of Science and Technology in Lighting 41 12-21 赤外分光情報に基づいた嗜好飲料のスペクトル特性把握 共著 2018.03 日本醸造協会誌 113 133-141 Characteristics of mirin made with Shochu koji 共著 2021.10 Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies 47-50 Novel Method for Estimating Furfural Content in Transformer Insulating Oil Using Spectroscopic Analysis and Pattern Recognition 共著 2022.02 IEEJ Trans. Electr. Electron. Eng. 17 646-653 Simple Estimation of Effective Irradiance of UV-LED light for Evaluation of Microbial Inactivation in Turbid Aqueous Solution 共著 2023.02 Eng. Agri. Environ. Food 15 81-86 赤外分光スペクトル情報に基づいた絶縁油劣化指標の推定手法の検討(Examination of Estimation Method of Insulating Oil Deterioration Index Using FT-IR Spectroscopic Information) 共著 2023.10 電気学会論文誌B(IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy) 143巻10号 567-573 Simultaneous content determination of mono-, di-, and fructo-oligo-saccharides in citrus fruit juices using an FTIR-PLS method based on selected absorption bands 共著 2024.01 Int. J. Food Sci. 2024 近赤外分光情報に基づいた油入変圧器の可搬型劣化診断装置の開発 共著 2024.01 電気学会論文誌A 144巻2号 56-65 Development of a Simultaneous Quantification Method for Multiple Modes of Nitrogen in Leaf Models Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Measurement 共著 2024.02 Sensors 24 現在/これからの情報教育について 共著 2024.03 30 49-51 生物工学ハンドブック 共著 2005.06 コロナ社 |