教員紹介トップページへ | 三重大学トップページへ |

職名 | 教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | こばやし よしなお 小林 由直 |
生年月 | 1961.08 | |||||||||
TEL | 059-231-9068 | |||||||||
FAX | 059-231-9049 | |||||||||
yoshinao@hac. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください) | ||||||||||
個人のホームページ | ||||||||||
学歴 | 1986年 山口大学医学部卒業
1992年 三重大学医学部大学院 学位取得卒業 |
学位 | 医学博士 | |||||||||
所属学会 | 日本内科学会 総合内科専門医・指導医
日本消化器病学会 専門医・指導医 日本肝臓学会 専門医・指導医 日本消化器内視鏡学会 専門医 |
社会活動 | 日本消化器病学会評議員
日本肝臓学会西部会評議員 |
職歴 | 2004年 2月 三重大学医学部附属病院 消化器・肝臓内科 助手
2008年 12月 三重大学医学部附属病院 消化器・肝臓内科 講師 2010年 2月 三重大学保健管理センター 准教授 2019年 12月〜 三重大学保健管理センター 教授 |
学術(芸術)賞 | ||||||||||
専門分野 | 消化器内科学、肝臓病学 | |||||||||
現在の研究課題 | メタボリック関連病態における臓器相関 | |||||||||
担当科目 | 医学医療B2 健康科学 | |||||||||
主な業績等 | Reactive nitrogen species mediate DNA damage in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric mucosa. (共著)Helicobacter.2009; 14:552-8.
Role of transferrin receptor 2 in hepatic accumulation of iron in patients with chronic hepatitis C. (共著)J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2006: 21; 144-151. Effect of suppressor of cytokine signaling on hepcidin production in hepatitis C virus replicon cells. (共著)Hepatol Res. 2011 41(4):364-74. Linkage disequilibrium of UGT1A1*6 and UGT1A1*28 in relation to UGT1A6 and UGT1A7 polymorphisms. (共著)Oncology Report 2006 16:801-806. Nutrition therapy using a multidisciplinary team improves survival rates in patients with liver cirrhosis (共著)2013.11 Nutrition 29 1418-1421 Evaluation and prognosis of sarcopenia using impedance analysis in patients with liver cirrhosis. (共著)2014.10 Hepatol Res. 10 E316-E317 Recessive inheritance of population-specific intronic LINE-1 insertion causes a rotor syndrome phenotype. (共著) 2015.03 Hum Mutat. 36 327-332 Influence of dietary intake of fish oil, magnesium, and zinc on metabolic parameters among individuals tested for diabetes (共著) 2015.07 Nutrition 31 988-993 Change in skeletal muscle mass after administering entecavir in patients with hepatitis B. (共著) 2015.09 Nutrition 31 1173-1174 Associations among circulating branched-chain amino acids and tyrosine with muscle volume and glucose metabolism in individuals without diabetes.(共著) 2016.03 Nutrition. 32 531-538 The Associations between Circulating Bile Acids and the Muscle Volume in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). (共著) 2017.04 Intern Med. 56 755-762 Association between Excessive Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Injuries in College Students: A Multi-Center Cross-Sectional Study in Japan. (共著)2017.06 Tohoku J Exp Med. 242 157-163 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin level is a prognostic factor for survival in rat and human chronic liver disease. (共著) 2017.11 Hepatol Commun. 1 946-956 Changes in liver function and body composition by direct-acting antiviral therapy for hepatitis C virus infection. (共著)2018.04 Hepatol Res. 48 337-344 Circulating extracellular vesicles are associated with lipid and insulin metabolism. (共著)2018.10 Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 315 E574-E582 Circulating Extracellular Vesicles and Their miR "Barcode" Differentiate Alcohol Drinkers With Liver Injury and Those Without Liver Injury in Severe Trauma Patients. (共著)2019.06 Front Med-Lausanne 6 Branched-chain amino acids protect the liver from cirrhotic injury via suppression of activation of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, toll-like receptor 4, and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, as well as Enterococcus faecalis translocation. (共著)2021.02 Nutrition 86 111194-111194 Branched-chain amino acids and l-carnitine attenuate lipotoxic hepatocellular damage in rat cirrhotic liver. (共著)2021.03 Biomed Pharmacother. 135 111181-111181 Protein Composition of Circulating Extracellular Vesicles Immediately Changed by Particular Short Time of High-Intensity Interval Training Exercise (共著)2021.07 Front Physiol 12 693007-693007 Extracellular vesicles from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma endoscopic ultrasound-fine needle aspiration samples contain a protein barcode. (共著)2022.03 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 29 394-403 A new detection system for serum fragmented cytokeratin 18 as a biomarker reflecting histologic activities of human nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. (共著)2022.04 Hepatol Commun. The prognostic potential of fragmented CK18 serum levels in HCC patients reflecting disease progression and overall hepatocyte damage. (共著)2022.08 Front Oncol. 12 993705 Association of lithocholic acid with skeletal muscle hypertrophy through TGR5-IGF-1 and skeletal muscle mass in cultured mouse myotubes, chronic liver disease rats and humans. (共著) 2022.11 Elife 11 e80638 The prognostic role of controlling nutritional status and skeletal muscle mass in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after curative treatment. (共著)2022.12 Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 34 1269-1276 Effect of pemafibrate on liver enzymes and shear wave velocity in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients. (共著) 2023.02 Front Med 10 1073025 |