職名 教授
氏名 いしはら あつし
石原  篤
所属 部局 工学研究科
学科・専攻 応用化学専攻
講座 無機分析化学
教育研究分野 無機素材化学
E-mail ishihara@chem. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください)
個人のホームページ https://seeds.mie-u.ac.jp/seeds/1148.html
学歴 京都大学工学部石油化学科 学士課程 (~1984年)
京都大学大学院工学研究科石油化学専攻 博士課程・博士後期課程 (~1989年) 卒業・修了
学位 1989 工学博士 京都大学
所属学会 日本化学会 化学工学会 石油学会 日本エネルギー学会 触媒学会 日本セラミックス協会 アメリカ化学会 イギリス化学会 東海化学工業会 日本ゼオライト学会
社会活動 一般社団法人 触媒学会
一般社団法人 触媒学会,経営・予算委員会
一般社団法人 触媒学会,平成29年度一般社団法人触媒学会経営・予算委員会幹事
一般社団法人 触媒学会,理事会
一般社団法人 石炭・炭素資源有効利用研究会
株式会社 化学同人
公益社団法人 石油学会
公益社団法人 石油学会,海外協力分科会
公益社団法人 石油学会,公益社団法人石油学会平成29年度海外協力分科会委員
公益社団法人 石油学会,石油学会海外協力分科会委員
公益社団法人 石油学会,平成27年度海外協力合同セミナー事業分科会委員
公益社団法人 石油学会,平成27年度海外協力受入事業分科会委員
公益社団法人 石油学会,平成28年度海外協力分科会委員
公益社団法人 日本化学会 教育・普及部門,日本化学会教育・普及部門国際科学オリンピック強化訓練合宿協力委員
公益社団法人 日本化学会 第94春季年会実行委員会,日本化学会第94春季年会プログラム小委員会部門幹事
公益社団法人 日本石油学会,石油学会海外協力分科会委員
国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構
三重県 環境生活部
社団法人 石油学会,石油学会海外協力分科会委員
社団法人 石油学会,石油学会秋季大会・浜松大会実行委員
触媒学会,触媒学会 西日本地区幹事(非常勤)
触媒学会,触媒学会 代議員(非常勤)
信州大学 学術研究院繊維学系,信州大学学術研究院繊維学系テニュア・トラック教員テニュア審査委員会
独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所,研究ユニット評価委員会委員
独立行政法人 日本学術振興会,石炭・炭素資源利用技術第148委員会
独立行政法人 日本学術振興会,石炭・炭素資源利用技術第148委員会委員
独立行政法人 日本学術振興会 石炭・炭素資源利用技術第148委員会,石炭・炭素資源利用技術第148委員会
職歴 2006.04~ 三重大学大学院 教員 教授
学術(芸術)賞 石油学会奨励賞,新規な脱硫触媒の開発と難脱硫性硫黄化合物の脱硫反応機構の解明,石油学会
専門分野 無機素材化学、石油精製、石油化学、石炭化学、触媒化学、環境触媒
現在の研究課題 キュリー・ポイント・パイロライザー法を用いた重質炭素資源の接触的変換反応の解析 ゲル骨格補強法を用いる新規多孔性物質の創製 階層構造を持つミクロ-メソ多孔性構造的複合体の創成 環境触媒を用いたFT合成油からのSAF燃料製造 石油、石炭、バイオマス等重質炭素資源の利用技術開発 炭酸ガスの利用技術開発
担当科目 応用化学基礎I 応用化学特別研究Ⅰ 応用化学特別研究Ⅱ 応用化学特別研究Ⅲ 応用化学特別研究Ⅳ 化学Ⅱ 学術英語論文発表 機能性材料化学演習Ⅰ 国際会議発表演習 先端無機素材特論 複合材料化学演習 無機素材化学 論文発表演習
主な業績等 Fundamental Study of the Preparation Method and Functions of Supported Metal Catalysts and Catalytic Matrices for Petroleum Refining 単著 2024.01 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Insititute 67巻1号 1-14
Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel by Hydrocracking of n-Heptadecane Using Pt-Supported Y-Zeolite-Al2O3 Composite Catalysts 共著 2024.01 ACS Omega 9 3669-3674
Synthesis of ZSM-5 Zeolites from Quang Ninh Coal Ash Components and Activity for Catalytic Cracking of Low-density Polyethylene 共著 2024.03 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 67巻2号 61-70
Preparation of Two- and Three-layered Hierarchical Catalysts Using Gel Skeletal Reinforcement and Properties for Catalytic Cracking of Low Density Polyethylene 共著 2023.09 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 66巻5号 154-161
Dehydrocyclization-cracking of Soybean Oil Using Pt/NiMo Sulfide Catalysts Supported on Hierarchical ZSM-5-Al2O3-TiO2-composite Prepared by Sol-gel Method 共著 2023.10 Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 102巻10号 110-119
Reforming of ethanol with carbon dioxide catalysed by silver-promoted copper ceria zirconia composites 共著 2024.01 Sustainable Energy & Fuels 8巻5号 1057-1067
Comparison of Ashes from Ca-rich and Ca-poor Vietnamese Coals 共著 2023.05 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 66巻3号 81-87
Dehydrocyclization-cracking of soybean oil using β-zeolite-Al2O3 hierarchical composite-supported Pt, Pd, CoMo, and NiMo sulfide catalysts 共著 2023.08 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 13 10711-10722
工業用無補充式セルフクリーニング pH 電極の製品開発 およびその防汚技術 共著 2023.08 ぶんせき 8 342-342
Reforming of Ethanol with Carbon Dioxide Catalysed by Gold-promoted Copper-ceria-zirconia Composites 共著 2023.09 Chemistry Letters 52巻9号 764-767
セルフクリーニングpH電極の実現場における評価 共著 2023.10 EICA 28 11-18
1-1-3 ゲル骨格補強法を用いたメソ孔シリカとβ-ゼオライトの同時発生による新しい階層構造触媒の調製とその接触分解特性(1-1-3 Preparation of novel hierarchical catalysts by simultaneous generation of mesoporous silica and β-zeolite using gel skeleton reinforcement and their catalytic cracking property) 共著 2022.07 日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集(Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy) 31巻 6-7
3-2-3 Zn交換ZSM-5-Al2O3複合担体担持貴金属触媒によるオレイン酸メチルの環化脱水素化分解反応(3-2-3 Dehydrocyclization-cracking of methyl oleate using Zn-exchanged ZSM-5-Al2O3 composite-supported noble metal catalysts) 共著 2022.07 日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集(Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy) 31巻 52-53
β-zeolite-Al2O3複合担体担持PtCoMo硫化物触媒を用いた油脂の環化脱水素化分解による芳香族製造(Aromatics formation by dehydrocyclization-cracking of fat using β-zeolite-Al2O3 composite-supported PtCoMo sulfide catalysts) 共著 2022.05 石油学会 年会・秋季大会講演要旨集(Proceeding of Annual/Fall Meetings of the Japan Petroleum Institute) 2022巻 35-
キュリー・ポイント・パイロライザー法を用いたミクロ-メソ-メソ階層構造触媒による低密度ポリエチレンの接触分解反応の解析(Analysis of catalytic cracking of low-density polyethylene catalyzed by micro-meso-meso hierarchical catalysts using Curie point pyrolyzer method) 共著 2022.10 石油学会 年会・秋季大会講演要旨集(Proceeding of Annual/Fall Meetings of the Japan Petroleum Institute) 2022巻 14-
2-25 CeO2-ZrO2複合担体担持Cu触媒を用いたエタノールのCO2改質によるCOおよびH2の製造(2-25 Production of CO and H2 by CO2 reforming of ethanol using a CeO2-ZrO2 composite-supported Cu catalysts) 共著 2022.10 石炭科学会議発表論文集(Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science) 59 78-79
2-09 ベトナム石炭灰分を用いたZSM-5の調製と分解反応性(2-09 Preparation and cracking reactivity of ZSM-5 using Vietnamese coal ash) 共著 2022.10 石炭科学会議発表論文集(Proceedings of Conference on Coal Science) 59 46-47
Hydrothermal gasification of phenol with Ru added carbon-metal oxide composite-supported Ni catalysts prepared by sol-gel method 共著 2022.09 The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 188巻 105694-105694
pH response and mechanical properties of Fe2O3?TeO2-Based glass/stainless steel enamel electrodes for pH sensors 共著 2023.01 Heliyon e12966-e12966
階層構造触媒の二つの調製法とその反応性:   注目を集める接触分解を中心に考える 単著 2022.06 化学 77 64-65
ゼオライトとマトリックスからなる新しい階層構造触媒の調製法と炭素質資源の接触分解,水素化分解および接触改質における機能 単著 2022.12 触媒 64 342-348
11-3 脱硫触媒 単著 2023.02 触媒総合辞典 466-467
7-4 石油精製触媒3 石油精製 接触改質 単著 2023.02 触媒総合辞典 292-293
7-2 石油精製触媒1 石油精製 水素化脱硫 単著 2023.02 触媒総合辞典 288-289
Selective Formation of p-Xylene in Catalytic Cracking of Low-density Polyethylene:Using Simultaneously Generated ZSM-5 and Mesoporous Silica:with Gel Skeletal Reinforcement 共著 2022.09 Chemistry Lettrs 51 1033-1036
Thermal Behavior of Crystalline Minerals in Argonne Premium Coals under Air and Argon Atmospheres: Comparison between Bituminous, Sub-bituminous, and Brown Coals 共著 2022.03 Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy
Catalytic cracking of low-density polyethylene over zeolite-containing hierarchical two-layered catalyst with different mesopore size using Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2022.03 Fuel Processing Technology
Effect of Type of Matrix on Formation of Aromatics by Cracking and Dehydrocyclization of n-Pentane Using ZnZSM-5 Metal Oxide Hierarchical Composite Catalysts 共著 2022.01 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute
Development of Ag and Ag alloys-precipitated Ag2O-TeO2 glass and Ag2O-TeO2 glass/stainless steel reference electrodes for pH sensors 共著 2021.12 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
Development of Self-cleaning pH Electrode Equipped with a UV-LED and Its Field Test 共著 2021.10 EICA
Dehydrocyclization-cracking of soybean oil using β-zeolite-Al2O3 hierarchical composite-supported Pt, Pd, CoMo, and NiMo sulfide catalysts 共著 2021.09 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Aromatics formation by cracking and dehydrocyclization of n‐hexane using Zn ion‐exchanged ZSM‐5?Al2O3 hierarchical composite catalysts 共著 2021.09 Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
Preparation of novel zeolite‐containing hierarchical two‐layered catalysts with large mesopores by gel skeletal reinforcement and their reactivities in catalytic cracking of n‐dodecane 共著 2021.08 J. Porous Mater.,
Dehydrocyclization?cracking of methyl oleate by Pt catalysts supported on a ZnZSM-5?Al2O3 hierarchical composite 共著 2021.06 RSC Advances
Aromatics formation by dehydrocyclization-cracking of methyl oleate using ZnZSM-5-alumina composite-supported NiMo sulfide catalysts 共著 2021.04 Fuel
Effect of matrix on aromatics production by cracking and dehydrocyclization of n-pentane using Ga ion-exchanged ZSM-5-alumina composite catalysts 共著 2021.03 Fuel Processing Technology 213 106679-
Effects of the addition of CeO2 on the steam reforming of ethanol using novel carbon-Al2O3 and carbon-ZrO2 composite-supported Co catalysts 共著 2021.02 RSC Advances 11 8530-
Effects of Zn Addition into ZSM‐5 Zeolite on Dehydrocyclization- Cracking of Soybean Oil Using Hierarchical Zeolite-Al2O3 Composite- Supported Pt/NiMo Sulfided Catalysts 共著 2021.02 ACS Omega 6 5509-
Analysis of Thermal Behavior of Crystalline Minerals in Bituminous Coal Samples under Air and Argon Atmospheres 共著 2021.01 ACS Omega 6 1197-
Preparation of β-zeolite mixed catalysts using alumina and titania matrices modified by silication of gel skeletal reinforcement and their reactivity for catalytic cracking of n-dodecane 共著 2021.01 Applied Catalysis A: General 610 117959-
Catalytic cracking of C12-C32 hydrocarbons by hierarchical β- and Y-zeolite- containing mesoporous silica and silica-alumina using Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2020.09 J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 150 104876-
Effects of a Matrix on Formation of Aromatic Compounds by Dehydrocyclization of n‐Pentane Using ZnZSM-5?Al2O3 Composite Catalysts 共著 2020.05 ACS Omega 5 11160-11166
Estimation of Catalytic Cracking of Vacuum Gas Oil by a Y Zeolite- Containing Two-Layered Catalyst and a Novel Three-Layered Hierarchical Catalyst Using a Curie Point Pyrolyzer Method 共著 2020.05 Energy Fuel 7448 7454-
Preparation of novel three-layered catalysts by gel skeletal reinforcement and their reactivity for catalytic cracking of low density polyethylene 共著 2020.09
Selective production of aromatic compounds by dehydrocyclization of n-pentane using ZnZSM-5-Al2O3 composite catalysts 共著 2020.09
Analysis of thermal behavior of crystalline minerals in Argonne premium coals under air and argon atmospheres 共著 2020.09
Preparation of hierarchical catalysts with the simultaneous generation of microporous zeolite using a template and large mesoporous silica by gel skeletal reinforcement and their reactivity in the catalytic cracking of n-dodecane 共著 2019.07 Catal. Sci. Technol. 9 3614-3618
Effects of types of zeolite and oxide and preparation methods on dehydrocyclization-cracking of soybean oil using hierarchical zeolite-oxide composite-supported Pt/NiMo sulfided catalysts 共著 2019.11 Fuel Process. Technol.
Steam reforming of ethanol using novel carbon-oxide composite-supported T Ni, Co and Fe catalysts 共著 2020.11 Fuel Process. Technol.
Effect of heat-treatment on the pH sensitivity of stainless-steel electrodes as pH sensors 共著 2019.10
Evaluation of crystallization behavior of titania-containing tellurite glasses and their activity for photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue 共著 2019.09
Dehydroaromatization of n-pentane by GaZSM-5-Al2O3 catalysts 共著 2019.09
Effects of types of zeolite and oxide and preparation methods on dehydrocyclizationcrackning of soybean oil using zeolite-oxide composite-supported Pt/NiMo sulfided:catalysts 共著 2019.09
Analysis of thermal behavior of crystalline minerals in coals under air and argon atmospheres 共著 2019.09
Dedehydrocyclization-cracking of methyl oleate catalyzed by NiMo supported ZnZSM-5-Al2O3 composite catalyst 共著 2019.09
Hydrothermal gasification of phenol water using novel carbon-ZrO2 composite-supported iron and cobalt catalysts 共著 2019.09
Preparation of hierarchical catalysts with micro-mesopores by gel skeletal reinforcement and their reactivity for catalytic cracking of n-dodecane 共著 2019.09
Preparation and reactivity of hierarchical catalysts in catalytic cracking 単著 2019.06 Fuel Processing Technology 194 106116-106116
Preface to the special issue: “The 14th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry” 共著 2019.07 Fuel Processing Technology 195 106158-106158
Development of Self-Cleaning pH Electrode Coated with Titanium Oxide (TiO2) and Its Photocatalytic Activity 共著 2018.04
Effect of heat-treatment on the pH sensitivity of stainless-steel electrodes as pH sensors 共著 2019.03 Heliyon 5 e01239-e01239
Development of Self-Cleaning pH Electrode Coated with Titanium Oxide (TiO2) and Its Photocatalytic Activity 共著 2018.10 EICA 2・3 69-74
Preparation of Silica, Alumina, Titania, and Zirconia with Different Pore Sizes Using Sol?Gel Method and Their Properties as Matrices in Catalytic Cracking 共著 2018.10 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 57 14394-14405
Cracking reactivity of hierarchical catalysts with simultaneous generation of microporous zeolite and mesoporous silica by gel skeletal reinforcement 共著 2018.08
Dehydrocyclization-Cracking of Methyl Oleate Using Novel Zeolite-Containing Hierarchical Composite-Supported Metal Catalysts 共著 2018.08
Dehydrocyclization-cracking of soybean oil using ZnZSM-5-alumina composite-supported PtNiMo catalysts 共著 2018.09
Analysis of dehydrocyclization-cracking of n-hexadecane by ZnZSM-5-alumina composite-supported Pt catalysts using Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2018.09
Dehydrocyclization-cracking of soybean oil using β-zeolite-alumina composite-supported PtNiMo catalyst 共著 2018.04
Preparation and cracking reactivity of hierarchical catalysts prepared by simultaneous generation of ZSM-5 and mesoporous silica by gel skeletal reinforcement 共著 2018.08
Preparation and characterization of zeolite-containing silica-aluminas with three layered micro-meso-meso-structure and their reactivity for catalytic cracking of soybean oil using Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2017 Fuel Process. Technol. 161 8-16
Dehydrocyclization-cracking reaction of soybean oil using zeolite-metal oxide composite-supported PtNiMo sulfided catalysts 共著 2017 Fuel Process. Technol. 161 17-22
Effects of Pt-loading on Formation and Visible Light-Induced Photocatalytic Activity of Bismuth Titanate 共著 2018 J. Jpn. Inst. Energy. 97 70-76
Effect of glass former (B2O3, SiO2, GeO2 and P2O5) addition to Fe2O3-Bi2O3 glass on pH responsivity 共著 2018 Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 257 807-814
Catalytic cracking of soybean oil by ZSM-5 zeolite-containing silica-aluminas with three layered micro-meso-meso-structure 共著 2018 Cat. Today 303 123-129
Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide in the Presence of Solvent Using Novel Carbon-Oxide Composite Supported Cobalt and Iron Catalysts 共著 2018 J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst. 61 51-58
Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) from Thermally Poled Zn-Bi-Te-O-F Glasses with Very Long Relaxation Time 共著 2018 J. Mater. Sci. Eng. Adv. Tech. 17 11-22
Hydrothermal gasification reaction of phenol water with Fe and Co catalyst supported on carbon-oxide composite carrier 共著 2017.09
Catalytic Cracking of Fat by Hierarchical Zeolite-Containing SiO2-Al2O3 Using Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2018.03
Catalytic Cracking of Soybean Oil Using Zeolite-containing Microporous and Mesoporous Mixed Catalysts with Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2016 J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst. 59 184-196
Catalytic cracking reaction of vacuum gas oil and atmospheric residue by zeolite-containing microporous and mesoporous composites using Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2016 Fuel Process. Technol. 142 337-344
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of porous Bi2O3 polymorphisms 共著 2016 Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 41 7388-7392
Preparation of SiO2 and SiO2-Al2O3 catalysts by gel skeletal reinforcement using hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS) and acetic anhydride and aluminum tri-sec-butoxide (ASB) systems and elucidation of their catalytic cracking properties as matrices 共著 2016 Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 233 163-170
pH Sensors Using 3d-Block Metal Oxide-Coated Stainless Steel Electrodes 共著 2016 Electrochim. Acta 220 699-704
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in the Presence of Solvent Using Novel Carbon-Oxide Composite Supported Cobalt and Iron Catalysts 共著 2016.08 Pittsburgh Coal Conference
Selective dehydrocyclization reaction of n-heptane using zeolite-oxide composite-supporeted NiMo-based catalysts 単著 2016.11 26th Annual Saudi-Japan Symposium ? 2016
Catalytic Cracking of VGO by Zeolite-Kaolin Mixed Catalysts Using Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2015 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 58
Hydrothermal gasification of phenol water on novel carbon-supported Ni catalysts prepared by the sol?gel method using tartaric acid and aluminum tri-sec-butoxide 共著 2015 Fuel Processing Technology 136 34-40
Catalytic cracking reaction of vacuum gas oil and atmospheric residue by zeolite-containing microporous and mesoporous composites using Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2016 Fuel Process. Technol. 142 337-344
Drastic Dependence of the pH Sensitivity of Fe2O3-Bi2O3-B2O3 Hydrophobic Glasses with Composition 共著 2015 Materials 8 8624-8629
Preparation of Alumina-Supported Cobalt-Molybdenum Catalysts by Sol-Gel Method and Hydrodesulfurization Activities 共著 2015 J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst. 58 103-109
Preparation and properties of Sol?Gel derived CuFeO2 thin films by dip-coating technique 共著 2015 J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 123 448-451
Catalytic Cracking of Soybean Oil by Hierarchical Zeolite Containing Mesoporous Silica-Aluminas Using a Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2015 J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 396 310-318
Hydrothermal gasification of phenol water on novel carbon-supported Ni catalysts prepared by the sol–gel method using tartaric acid and alminum tri-sec-butoxide 2015.06 Fuel Processing Technology 136 34-40
Effects of Types of Metal Oxides on Hydrothermal Gasification of Phenol over Novel Metal Oxide-Carbon Composite Supported Ni Catalysts Prepared by Sol-Gel Method 共著 2015 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 58
Catalytic Cracking of VGO by Zeolite-Kaolin Mixed Catalysts Using Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2015.05 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 58 169-175
Effects of Types of Metal Oxides on Hydrothermal Gasification of Phenol over Novel Metal Oxide-Carbon Composite Supported Ni Catalysts Prepared by Sol-Gel Method 共著 2015.09 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 58 302-311
Catalytic cracking reaction of vacuum gas oil and atmospheric residue by zeolite-containing microporous andmesoporous composites using Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2016.01 Fuel Processing Technology 142 337-344
接触分解触媒のための新しいメソ孔材料の調製とそれらの重質炭素資源接触分解反応特性 単著 2015.04 触媒 57 87-93
Drastic Dependence of the pH Sensitivity of Fe2O3-Bi2O3-B2O3 Hydrophobic Glasses with Composition 共著 2015.12 Materials 8 8624-8629
Preparation and properties of sol-gel derived CuFeO2 thin films by dip-coating technique 共著 2015.08 J. Ceram. Soc. 40 448-451
Catalytic Cracking of Soybean Oil by Different Hierarchical Zeolite Containing Mesoporous SiO2-Al2O3 Using a Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2015 Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuel
Catalytic Cracking of Heavy Oils by Hierarchical Zeolite Containing Mesoporous Silica-Aluminas with Large Mesopore Using Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2015 Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuel
Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of Porous Bi2O3 共著 2015 Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Energy Fuel
Estimation of catalytic cracking reaction of model compounds using zeolite-containing hierarchical silica and silica-alumina catalysts by Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2015 Proceedings of Pacifichem 2015
Selective dehydrocyclization of n-heptane using zeolite-alumina composite supported NiMo catalysts 共著 2015 Proceedings of Pacifichem 2015
Selective dehydrocyclization-cracking of soybean oil using zeolite-alumina composite supported PtNiMo catalysts 共著 2015 Proceedings of Pacifichem 2015
Catalytic cracking of soybean oil by three-layered hierarchical zeolite containing mesoporous SiO2-Al2O3 using a Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2015 Proceedings of ZMPC2015
Preparation of SiO2 and SiO2-Al2O3 catalysts by gel skeletal reinforcement and analysis of catalytic cracking reaction of n-dodecane 共著 2015 Proceedings of ZMPC2015
Preparation of Novel Carbon-Oxide Composite Supported Cobalt Catalysts and Their Reactivity for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in the Presence of Solvent 共著 2015 Proceedings of The 13th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry
Elucidation of Catalytic Cracking of Soybean Oil by Zeolite-Mesoporous Oxides Composites Using Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2015 Proceedings of The 13th Japan-China Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry
Preparation of amorphous silica-alumina using polyethylene glycol and its role for matrix in catalytic cracking of n-dodecane 共著 2014 Appl. Catal. A, Gen. 478 58-65
Hydrocracking of soybean oil using zeolite?alumina composite supported NiMo catalysts 共著 2014 Fuel 134 611-617
Catalytic Cracking of Soybean Oil by Hierarchical Zeolite Containing Mesoporous Silica-Aluminas Using a Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2015 Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 396 310-318
Preparation of Alumina-Supported Cobalt-Molybdenum Catalysts by Sol-Gel Method and Hydrodesulfurization Activities 共著 2015 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 58 103-109
Preparation and properties of Sol?Gel derived CuFeO2 thin films by dip-coating technique 共著 2015 J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 123 448-451
Preparation of SiO2-TiO2 and SiO2-ZrO2 catalysts by gel skeletal reinforcement and elucidation of their catalytic cracking properties as matrices 共著 2014.06 TOCAT7
Catalytic cracking of vacuum gas oil by zeolite-kaolin composite catalysts using Curie point pyrolyzer 共著 2014.06 TOCAT7
Hydrocracking of 1-Methylnaphthalene/Decahydronaphthalene Mixture Catalyzed by Zeolite-Alumina Composite Supported NiMo Catalysts 共著 2013.08 Fuel. Process. Technol. 116 222-227
Hydrothermal Gasification of Phenol Water on Novel Carbon-Supported Ni Catalysts Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method Using PEG 共著 2013.08 J. Jpn. Inst. Energy 92 687-694
Catalytic Cracking of VGO by Hierarchical Y Zeolite-containing Mesoporous Silica?Alumina Catalysts Using Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2014.01 J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst. 57 34-46
Fe2O3-Bi2O3-B2O3 Glasses as Lithium-Free Nonsilicate pH Responsive Glasses ? Compatibility between pH Responsivity and Hydrophobicity 共著 2014.03 Mater. Res. Bull. 50 385-391
Preparation of Hierarchical β and Y Zeolite-Containing Mesoporous Silica?Aluminas and Their Properties for Catalytic Cracking of n-Dodecane 共著 2012 J. Catal. 295 81-90
Catalytic Cracking of VGO by Hierarchical ZSM-5 Zeolite Containing Mesoporous Silica?Aluminas Using a Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2012 Catal. Commun. 28 163-167
Large Mesopore Generation in an Amorphous Silica-Alumina by Controlling the Pore Size with the Gel Skeletal Reinforcement and Its Application to Catalytic Cracking 共著 2012 Catalysts 2 368-385
Titanophosphate Glasses as Lithium-Free Nonsilicate pH-Responsive Glasses --- Compatibility between pH Responsivity and Self-Cleaning Properties 共著 2012 Mater. Res. Bull. 47 1942-1949
Effect of Sb2O3 Addition on Photoluminescence Properties of Zinc Phosphate and Borate Glasses 共著 2012 J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn. 120 436-437
Preparation of amorphous silica-alumina using the sol-gel method and its reactivity for a matrix in catalytic cracking 単著 2012.02 Catal. Surv. Asia 16 36-47
Pore size control of a novel amorphous silica-alumina with large mesopore by the gel skeletal reinforcement and its catalytic cracking properties 共著 2012.02 ACS, Symp. Series, "Nanocatalysis for Fuels and Chemicals", Chapter 4 51-60
Hydrodesulfurization of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene Using Sol-Gel Alumina-Supported Cobalt-Molybdenum Catalysts with High Metal Loading 共著 2012.02 ACS, Symp. Series, "Nanocatalysis for Fuels and Chemicals", Chapter 7 87-92
Novel method for generating large mesopores in an amorphous silica-alumina by controlling the pore size with the gel skeletal reinforcement and its catalytic cracking properties as a catalyst matrix 共著 2011.06 Chem. Lett. 40 558-560
Catalytic property of amorphous silica-alumina prepared using dicarboxylic and tricarboxylic acids as a matrix in catalytic cracking of n-dodecane 共著 2011.05 J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst. 54 189-200
Catalytic cracking of VGO by beta-zeolite containing silica-alumina using a Curie Point Pyrolyzer 共著 2011.08 Prepr. Pap., Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel 56 427-428
Hydrocracking of Aromatic Compound Catalyzed by Zeolite-Containing NiMo Supported Catalysts 共著 2011.08 Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem. 56 96-97
Second Harmonic Generation of Thermally Poled ZnCl2 or ZnBr2-B2O3-TeO2 Glasses and Its Mechanism 共著 2011.04 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 357 1013-1015
ZnO-Bi2O3-B2O3 Glasses as Molding Glasses with High Refractive Indices and Low Coloration Codes 共著 2011.05 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 2061-2066
ゾル-ゲル法による新規石油精製触媒の調製と反応性解析 単著 2011.10 東海化学工業会会報 272 9-16
Large Mesopore Generation in an Amorphous Silica-Alumina by Controlling the Pore Size with the Gel Skeletal Reinforcement and its Catalytic Cracking Properities as a Catalyst Matrix 共著 2011.08 The 11th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, Proceedings
Catalytic properties of amorphous silica-alumina prepared using malic acid as a matrix in catalytic cracking of n-dodecane 共著 2010 APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL 388 68-76
Influence of heat treatment temperature and of Sb2O3 addition on photoluminescence properties of ZnO ceramics prepared by sol-gel technique 共著 2010 Engineering 2 969-972
Reactivity of amorphous silica-alumina prepared by the sol-gel method as a matrix in catalytic cracking 単著 2010 20th Annual Saudi - Japanese Joint Symposium on Catalysts in Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals, Proceedings 37-46
水素化脱硫触媒の最近の展開-STM, DFT, STEMによる構造解析 単著 2010 化学 65 72-73
Ti3+-Free Titanoborophosphate Glasses as Molding Glasses with High Refractive Indices 共著 2009.06 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 92 1250-1255
Preparation of amorphous silica-alumina by a sol-gel method and its reactivity for catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon 共著 2009.08 Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Petr. Chem. 54 221-222
Preparation of Alumina-Supported Cobalt-Molybdenum Catalysts by a Sol-Gel Method and its Reactivity for Hydrodesulfurization 共著 2009.08 Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Petr. Chem. 54 59-60
Synthesis of Di-t-butyl Polysulfide from Isobutene, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Sulfur (part1) Catalytic Behavior of MFI Zeolites 共著 2009.05 J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst. 52 128-138
Catalytic cracking of hydrocarbons using silica-alumina prepared by the sol-gel method 共著 2009.07 The 10th Japan-China Symp. Coal and C1 Chem. Proceedings. C-11
Preparation and hydrodesulfurization property of alumina-supported cobalt-molybdenum catalysts by a sol-gel method 共著 2008.07 ICC 13 presympodium proceedings
環境・エネルギーなど多様な分野のニーズに対応する触媒の開発・展開動向 単著 2008.12 WEB Journal 97 16-18
Synthesis of amorphous silica-alumina and its reactivity for catalytic cracking reaction 2008.12 Asian Collaborative Forum for Women Researchers in Science and Technology 35-35
Ti3+-free TiO2-B2O3-P2O5 glasses as optical glasses 2008.12 Asian Collaborative Forum for Women Researchers in Science and Technology 46-46
Stress-induced second harmonic generation in silica glass 共著 2008 J. Ceram. Soc. Japan 116 1232-1233
Luminescent properties of amorphous Al2O3 prepared by sol-gel method 2008 J. Ceram. Soc. Japan 116 835-836
触媒概論:触媒の種類と特徴、触媒反応のメカニズム、暮らしの中の触媒 単著 2008.06 触媒道場テキスト
Degradation of Carbazole by Novosphingobium sp. Strain NIY3 共著 2008.05 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 51 174-179
触媒の種類・特性と適用分野 単著 2008.05 工業材料 56 26-30
Sulfidation State and Sulfur Behavior on Mo-Based HDS Catalysts Supported on TiO2 Using 35S Tracer methods 単著 2008.03 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 51 73-82
35Sトレーサー法を用いた高表面積チタニア担持モリブデン系水素化脱硫触媒上における硫黄挙動の解析 単著 2007.06 硫酸と工業 60 97-103
Comparison by 35S Radiotracer Methods of Hydrodesulfurization Behavior for Molybdenum, Cobalt-Molybdenum and Nickel-Molybdenum Catalysts Supported on γ-Alumina and High Specific Surface Area Titania 共著 2007.05 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 50 154-161
廃PVCの処理技術動向 共著 2007.01 化学工業 58 65-73
Addition effect of phosphorus on Ni-Mo catalysts in hydrodenitrogenation 共著 2006.09 Prepr.Pap.-Am.Chem.Soc.,Div.Petr.Chem. 51 271-
PVC Hydrocracking with Recovering of a Large Amount of H2. :Characterization of the Catalysts and the Products after Each Step of the Process 共著 2006.06 Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference 10
廃PVCの処理技術 共著 2006.06 ペトロテック 29 422-427
Investigation of sulfur behavior on CoMo-based HDS catalysts supported on high surface area TiO2 by 35S radioisotope tracer method, 共著 2005.12 Appl. Catal., A: General 292 50-60
Decolorization of coal humic acid by extracellular enzymes 共著 2005.10 Coal Preparation 25 211-220
Hydrodesulfurization of sulfur-containing polyaromatic compounds in light gas oil using noble metal catalysts 共著 2005.09 Applied Catalysis A: General 289 163-173
Interpretation of the difference of optimal Mo density in MoS2-Al2O3 and MoS2-TiO2 HDS catalysts 共著 2005.09 Research on chemical intermediates 31 759-
Addition effect of ruthenium on nickel steam reforming catalysts 共著 2005.08 Fuel 84 1462-1468
Discription of the CUS regeneration over MoS2-based HDS catalysts using 35S experiments combined with computer simulations 共著 2005.06 Appl. Catal., A. Gen. 289 51-
Oxidative desulfurization and denitrogenation of a light gas oil using an Oxidation/Adsorption continuous flow process 共著 2005.06 Applied Catalysis A: General 279 279-287
Development of hydrodesulfurization catalysts using molybdenum complex with molybdenum-sulfur bonds. :Part I Effect of activating method on catalytic activity of molybdenum precursor 共著 2005.05 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 48 137-144
Investigation of sulfur behavior on Mo-based HDS catalysts supported on high surface area TiO2 by 35S radioisotope tracer method 共著 2005.01 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 48 37-44
Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrogenation Reactions on Noble Metal Catalysts. II:Effect of Partial Pressure of Hydrogen Sulfide on Sulfur Behavior on Alumina-Supported Platinum and Palladium Catalysts 共著 2004.11 J. Catal. 221 294-301
Novel hydrodesulfurization catalysts derived from a rhodium carbonyl complex 共著 2004.09 J. Mol. Catal., 209 155-162
Novel hydrodesulfurization catalysts derived from a supported rhodium carbonyl complex:Effect of the Support on catalytic activity and sulfur behavior 共著 2004.09 J. Mol. Catal. 213 207-215
Inhibiting effect of H2S on the DBT HDS activity of Ru-based catalysts :Effect of the Cs addition 共著 2004.08 J. Catal. 224 243-251
Effect of demineralization on hydrogen transfer of coal with tritiated gaseous hydrogen 共著 2004.05 Fuel Processing Technology 85 887-901
Elucidation of Sulfur Behavior in Ultra Deep Hydrodesulfurization Using 35S Radioisotope Tracer Methods.Part I :Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene with Lower Concentration over a Sulfided Ni-Co-Mo/Al2O3 Catalyst. 共著 2003.12 Appl. Catal., A., 244 283-290
Elucidation by computer simulations of the CUS regeneration mechanism during HDS over MoS2 by combination with 35S experiments 単著 2003.11 Research on Chem. Intermed. 29 589-607
Synthesis of Polysulfides Using Diisobutylene, Sulfur, and Hydrogen Sulfide over Solid Base Catalysts 共著 2003.09 Appl. Catal. A. 253 15-27
Oxidative Desulfurizaiton of Fuel oil: Part I. Oxidation of Dibenzothiophenes Using tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide. 共著 2003.08 Applied Catalysis, A: General 253 91-99
Study of the Sulfidation Process of CrO3-Al2O3 Hydrodesulfurization Catalysts by a 35S Radioisotope Pulse Tracer Method. 共著 2003.08 Applied Catalysis, A: General 249 251-259
Elucidation of sulfidation state and hydrodesulfurization mechanism on ruthenium-cesium sulfide catalysts using 35S radioisotope tracer methods 共著 2003.05 Journal of Catalysis 217 59-68
Elucidation of promotion effect of cobalt and nickel on Mo/TiO2 catalyst using a 35S tracer method. 共著 2003.05 Applied Catalysis, A: General 238 109-117
Elucidation of retarding effects of sulfur and nitrogen compounds on aromatic compounds hydrogenation 共著 2003.04 Energy and Fuels 17 1338-1345
Characterization of Sulfur Exchange Reaction between Polysulfides and Elemental Sulfur Using a 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method. 共著 2003.04 Chemical Communications 842-843
Synthesis of di-tert-butylpolysulfide using isobutene, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur. Part I. :Performance of Alkali metal oxide and alkaline earth metal oxide loaded on alumina catalysts 共著 2003.01 J. Jpn. Petrol. Inst., 46 35-44
Elucidation of hydrogen mobility in coal using a Fixed Bed Flow Reactor-hydrogen transfer reaction between tritiated hydrogen, coal and tetralin 共著 2002.11 Energy & Fuels 16 1483-1489
Elucidation of hydrogen transfer between coal and tritiated organic solvent 共著 2002.11 Energy & Fuels 16 1490-1498
Elucidation of Dimethylsulfone Metabolism in Rat using a 35S radioisotope tracer method 共著 2002.10 Nutrition Research 22 313-322
Elucidation of Behavior of Sulfur on Mo Catalysts Supported on TiO2 with Various Surface Areas Using 35S Tracer mehtods 共著 2002.06 J. Catal. 209 266-270
Elucidation of Sulfidation State and Hydrodesulfurization Mechanism on Mo/TiO2 Catalyst Using 35S Radioisotope Tracer Methods 共著 2002.06 Appl. Catal. A: General 224 191-199
Elucidation of hydrogen mobility in coal under reductive atmosphere using a tritium tracer method 共著 2002.06 Fuel 81 1409-1415
Elucidation of promotion effect of nickel on Mo/Al2O3 and Co-Mo/Al2O3 catalysts in hydrodesulfurization using a 35S radioisotope tracer method 共著 2002.04 Appl. Catal., A 227 19-28
Elucidation of hydrogen mobility in functional groups of coals using tritium tracer methods 共著 2002.01 Energy & Fuels 16 32-39
Elucidation of promoting effect of cobalt on TiO2-supported Mo Catalysts Using a 35S Tracer mehtod 共著 2002.01 Sekiyu Gakkaishi 45 39-44
ペトロテック 単著or編著 2023.08 石油学会
ペトロテック 単著or編著 2023.12 石油学会
洛朋 単著or編著 2024.01 洛朋会
日本エネルギー学会誌年鑑 共著 2017.08 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会誌年鑑 共著 2014.08 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会誌年鑑 共著 2014.08 日本エネルギー学会
ペトロテック 単著or編著 2016.02 石油学会
触媒 単著or編著 2015.08 触媒学会
日本エネルギー学会誌年鑑 共著 2014.08 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会誌年鑑 共著 2013.08 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会誌年鑑 共著 2012.08 日本エネルギー学会
わかる理工系のための化学 2013.04 共立出版
触媒調製ハンドブック 共著 2011.04 NTS
触媒便覧 単著or編著 2008.12 講談社サイエンティフィック 触媒学会編
触媒辞典 共著 2006.05 朝倉書店
“Coal and Coal Related Compounds-Structure, Reactivity and Catal 共著 2004.12 Kodansha-Elsevier
水素化精製ーScience and Technologyー 共著 2000.10 (株)アイシーピー
"Hydrodesulfurization and Hydrodenitrogenation-Chemistry and Eng 1999.12 Kodansha Scientific-Wiley-VCH
季刊化学総説、高次機能触媒の設計 環境調和型触媒の開発を目指した新展開 共著 1999.08 日本化学会編
東ソー株式会社共同研究報告書 単著
東ソー株式会社共同研究報告書 単著
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ゾル-ゲル法を用いた水素化脱硫触媒の新しい製造方法の開発 単著