教員紹介トップページへ | 三重大学トップページへ |
職名 | 教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | わかばやし てつし 若林 哲史 |
生年月 | ||||||||||
TEL | ||||||||||
FAX | ||||||||||
個人のホームページ | ||||||||||
学歴 | ||||||||||
学位 | 1997.06 博士(工学) 名古屋大学
所属学会 | 電子情報通信学会 情報処理学会 IEEE | |||||||||
社会活動 | 亀山市総合環境研究センター
職歴 | 1991.07~ 三重大学
学術(芸術)賞 | The best paper award of ICCR-2008,The best paper award of ICCR-2008,ICCR-2008
MVA2015 Best Poster Award,MVA2015 Best Poster Award,2015.05,IAPR MVA2015 ICET2016 Best Paper Award,ICET2016 Best Paper Award,2016.08,ICET2016 ICET2016 Best Paper Award,ICET2016 Best Paper Award,2016.08,ICET2016 ICITR2019 Best Paper Award,ICITR2019 Best Paper Award,2019.12,ICITR2019 Conference Committee |
専門分野 | パターン認識(文字認識,文書理解) 機械学習 医用画像処理 | |||||||||
現在の研究課題 | ||||||||||
担当科目 | パターン認識・理解特論 ヒューマンインタフェース ヒュ-マン・インタフェ-ス演習Ⅰ ヒュ-マン・インタフェ-ス演習Ⅱ プログラミング言語Ⅰ 画像処理 学術英語論文発表 国際会議発表演習 情報工学特別研究Ⅰ 情報工学特別研究Ⅱ 情報工学特別研究Ⅲ 情報工学特別研究Ⅳ 論文発表演習 | |||||||||
主な業績等 | Busagala, L.S.P., Wataru OHYAMA, Tetsushi WAKABAYASHI, Fumitaka KIMURA: “Integrated Feature Analysis For Automatic Text Classification”: P.Perner (Ed.), Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, MLDM 2007: IBaI Publishing ISSN 1864-9734, pp.16-26:(Leipzig, Germany, July 18-20, 2007).
Fei LIU , Wataru OHYAMA, Tetsushi WAKABAYASHI and Fumitaka KIMURA: “Improvement of Cadastral Map Assembling Based on GHT”: Proceedings of the IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, pp.571-574 (Tokyo, Japan, May 16-18, 2007). Kenta Nakayama, Wataru Ohyama, Tetsushi Wakabayasehi, Fumitaka Kimura, Shinji Tsuruoka, Kiyotsugu Sekioka: "Speckle Reduction of Echocardiograms via Wavelet Shrinkage of Ultrasonic RF Signals" Proc. of 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 395-398 (Dec. 3-6 2008, Singapore) Lazaro S.P. BUSAGALA, Wataru OHYAMA, Tetsushi WAKABAYASHI, Fumitaka KIMURA: “Improving Automatic Text Classification by Integrated Feature Analysis”: IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems Vol.E91-D No.4 pp.1101-1109 (Apr.2008) Nozomi NAKAO, Wataru OHYAMA, Tetsushi WAKABAYASHI and Fumitaka KIMURA: “Automatic Detection of Facial Midline as a Guide for Facial Feature Extraction”: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems - PRIS2007, pp.119-128 (Funchal, Portugal, June 12-13, 2007). Nozomi NAKAO, Wataru OHYAMA, Tetsushi WAKABAYASHI, and Fumitaka KIMURA: “Automatic Detection of Facial Midline And Its Contributions To Facial Feature Extraction”: Electronic Letters on Computer Vision And Image Analysis (ELCVIA), Special Issue on Vision & Multimedia Processing - Vol.6, No.3, pp.55-66 (Sep. 2007). S.Yang, S.Tsuruoka, H.Kawanaka, T.Shinogi, W.Ohyama, T.Wakabayashi, F.Kimura and K.Sekioka, "A Tracking Method of Regional Myocardium on Ultrasonic RF Echo Signal Based on Active Net Model", Proc. of Intl. Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2007), pp. 607-612, 2007(韓国、Sokcyo). U. Pal, N. Sharma, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura , “Off-Line Handwritten Character Recognition of Devnagari Script”, In Proceedings 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. pp. 496-500, Curitiba, Brazil, September 24-26, 2007. U. Pal, N. Sharma, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura, “Handwritten Character Recognition of Popular South Indian Scripts”, SUCH Proceedings (Springer Verlag), 2007. U. Pal, S. Chanda, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura, “SVM Based Devnagari Handwritten Character Recognition using Curvature Feature”, In Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conference on Cognition and Recognition, pp. 56-61, 2008. Best Paper Award. U. Pal, S. Chanda, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura, “SVM Based Devnagari Handwritten Character Recognition using Curvature Feature”, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cognition and Recognition, pp. 56-61, 2008. U. Pal, S. Chanda, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura, Accuracy improvement of Devnagari Character Recognition Combining SVM and MQDF”, In proc. International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, pp.367-372, 2008. U. Pal, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura, “A System for Off-line Oriya Handwritten Character Recognition using Curvature Feature”, In Proceedings 10th International Conf. on Information Technology, pp. 227-229, 2007. U. Pal, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura, “Handwritten Bangla Compound Character Recognition using Gradient Feature”, In Proceedings 10th International Conf. on Information Technology, pp. 208-213, 2007. U. Pal, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura, MQDF Based Recognition of Off-line Bangla Handwritten Compound Character, Journal of Advances in Engineering Science, Section-C, 3, pp.1-8, 2008. U. Pal, T. Wakabayashi, N. Sharma and F. Kimura, “Handwritten Numeral Recognition of Six Popular Indian Scripts”, In Proceedings 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. pp. 749-753, Curitiba, Brazil, September 24-26, 2007. U. Pal, T. Wakabayashi, N. Sharma and F. Kimura, “Telugu Off-Line Handwritten Character Recognition”, In Proc. National Level Conference, TANTRAGNANA, Mysore, 2008. 劉 飛,大山 航,若林 哲史,木村 文隆:「一般化Hough変換による地籍図の再構成」:電気学会論文誌C,Vol.127,No.11,pp.1894--1901(Nov. 2007). Mirror Image Learning for Autoassociative Neural Networks 共著 2003.08 Proc. of the Seventh International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'03) 804-808 超音波ドプラ信号を用いた相関加重位相差法による局所心筋壁運動の自動追跡 共著 2003.09 電子情報通信学会論文誌(A) J86-A 917-928 Accuracy improvement of automatic text classification based on feature transformation 共著 2003.11 Proc: the 2003 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng’03) 118-120 統計的分類手法による英文新聞記事のテキスト自動分類 共著 2004.03 電気学会論文誌C 124-C 852-860 Eigenspace Method by Autoassociative Networks for Object Recognition 共著 2004.08 Proceedings of Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition 2004 95-103 Two Dimensional Motion Tracking of Left Ventricular Myocardium Using Ultrasonic Doppler Signal 共著 2004.08 Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 436-440 A Study on Decision Rule for Japanese Dictation Test 共著 2004.10 Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwritten Recognition 592-596 複数ROI結合相関法による局所心筋壁運動の自動追跡 共著 2004.10 電気学会論文誌C 124-C 2079-2086 Automatic Text Classification of Engilish Newswire Articles Based on Statistical Classification Techniques 共著 2005.07 Electrical Engineering in Japan 152 50-60 Machine Learning with Transformed features in Automatic Text Classification 共著 2005.10 Proceedings of ECML/PKDD-05 workshop on Sub-symbolic Paradigms for Learning in Structured Domains (Relational Machine Learning) 11-20 Estimation of Respiratory Rate Using Long Term ECG Recording 共著 2005.12 The 12th International Conferenceon BioMedical Engineering Myocardial motion tracking by adaptive combination of correlation and instantaneous phase difference of ultrasonic RF signals 共著 2005.12 The 12th International Conferenceon BioMedical Engineering Automatic Assembling of Cadastral Maps Based on Generalized Hough Transformation 共著 2006.02 Document Analysis Systems VII by Bunke, H. and Spdz, A.(Eds.) DAS 2006 593-603 The Impact of OCR Accuracy and Feature Transformation on Automatic Text Classification 共著 2006.02 Document Analysis Systems VII by Bunke, H. and Spdz, A.(Eds.) DAS 2006 506-517 3-D Display of the Wall Mtion for Regional Cardiac Muscle from Ultrasonic B-mode Image :Wall Motion Display of Thickness, Thickening Rate 2006.09 Proc. of Joint 3rd International Conf. on SCIS & ISIS 2006 1848-1853 3-D Display of the Wall Motion for Regional Cardiac Muscle from Ultrasonic:Thickening Rate using Contour of Inner and Outer Wall 共著 2006.11 Proc. of 2006 International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology(ICHIT2006) 6-12 Shape constraint Elastic Link Model for Myocardial Motion Tracking in Echocardiogram 共著 2008.09 Proc. of SCIS&ISIS2008 Quantitative Assessment of Left Ventricular Myocardial Motion Using Shape Constraint Elastic Link Model 共著 2008.12 Proc. of 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 1102-1105 Motion Tracking of Local Myocardial Tissue Using DP Tracking Method on M-mode Echocardiogram 共著 2009.01 Proc. of International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2009 37-40 超音波による心筋機能の定量評価:心筋壁内部運動の高精度追跡とその応用” 共著 2009.05 画像ラボ 20 1-6 Comparative Study of Devnagari Handwritten Character Recognition using Different Feature and Classifiers 共著 2009.07 Proc. 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) 1111-1115 F-ratio Based Weighted Feature Extraction for Similar Shape Character Recognition 共著 2009.07 Proc.10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) 196-200 Denoising of Echocardiograms using Wavelet Shrinkage 共著 2009.10 Proc. of the First International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies - Biomedical Engineering - (IWRIS2009) 31-34 Semi-automatic noninvasive assessment of local myocardial motion Using M-mode Echocardiogram 共著 2009.10 Proc. of the First International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies - Biomedical Engineering - (IWRIS2009) 27-30 Tracking of Left Ventricular Myocardial Motion in B-mode echocardiogram 共著 2009.10 Proc. of the First International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies - Biomedical Engineering - (IWRIS2009) 35-38 An impact of linguistic features on automated classification of OCR texts 共著 2010.06 Proceedings of the 9th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems 1 287-292 Motion Tracking of Left Ventricular Local Myocardium in B-Mode Echocardiogram Using DP-Correlation Method 共著 2010.08 IFMBE Proceedings of 6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB2010) 1 477-480 Text Independent Writer Identification for Bengali Script 2010.08 Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010) 1 2005-2008 Motion Tracking of Local Myocardial Tissue Using a DP Tracking Method on M-mode Echocardiograms 共著 2010.09 Medical Imaging Technology 28 271-278 Feature Selection and Integration in Automatic Classification of Japanese Texts 共著 2010.10 Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies 1 63-66 Performance Improvement of Automatic Facial Midline Detection by Chain-coded Merlin-Farber Hough Transform 共著 2010.10 Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies 1 67-70 Automatic Chinese Text Classification using Character N-grams 共著 2010.11 Proceedings of the 2nd China-Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Pattern Recognition (CJKPR2010) 1 160-165 Color Recognition for 64-color 2D Barcode 共著 2010.11 Proceedings of the 2nd China-Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Pattern Recognition (CJKPR2010) 1 230-233 Improvement of On-line Signature Verification Based on Gradient Features 共著 2010.11 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwritten Recognition (ICFHR2010) 1 410-414 Performance Analysis of the Gradient Feature and the Modified Direction Feature for Off-line Signature Verification 共著 2010.11 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwritten Recognition (ICFHR2010) 1 303-307 チェインコード化Merlin-Farber法を用いた正面顔正中線の自動抽出 共著 2010.12 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) 130 2159-2166 濃度こう配特徴を用いたオンライン署名照合の高精度化 共著 2010.12 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) 130 2142-2149 方眼格子による方位推定と地籍図のつなぎ合わせ 共著 2010.12 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) 130 2150-2158 Color Recognition by Extended Color Space Method for 64-color 2-D Barcode 共著 2011.06 Proceedings of the 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications 259-262 A Study on Automatic Chinese Text Classification 共著 2011.09 Proceedings of the 11th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 1 920-924 An Impact of OCR Errors on Automated Classification of OCR Japanese Texts With Parts-of-Speech Analysis 共著 2011.09 Proceedings of the 11th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 1 543-547 Three Dimensional Rotation-Free Recognition of Characters 共著 2011.09 Proceedings of the 11th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 1 824-828 Detection of Eyes by Circular Hough Transform and Histgram of Gradient 共著 2011.10 Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies 1 53-52 Motion Tracking of Left Ventricular Local Myocardium Using Multithreaded DP Tracking 共著 2011.10 Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies 1 69-72 Person Identification Robust Against Aging Using Gradient Features 共著 2011.10 Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies 1 49-52 A Study on Recognition of Characters Written in Complex Background using K-means Clustering 共著 2011.12 Proceedings of International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU 1 239-241 Aging-free Person Identification Using Grayscale Gradient Features 共著 2011.12 Proceedings of International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU 1 336-338 Automatic Chinese Text Classification Using Character-based and Word-based Segmentation 共著 2011.12 Proceedings of International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU 1 239-241 Color Recognition by Extended Color Representation for Multi-color 2-D Barcode 共著 2011.12 Proceedings of International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU 1 316-319 Detection of Eyes by Circular Hough Transform and Histogram of Gradient 共著 2011.12 Proceedings of International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU 1 323-326 Motion Tracking of Left Ventricular Myocardium using B-mode Ultrasonic Image Sequence 共著 2011.12 Proceedings of International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU 1 347-349 Motion Tracking of Local Myocardial Tissue Using DP Tracking Method on M-mode Echocardiogram 共著 2011.12 Proceedings of International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU 1 257-260 Impact of Word Segmentation Errors on Automatic Chinese Text Classification 共著 2012.03 Proceedings of 10 th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems 1 271-275 Multiple Feature-Classifier Combination in Automated Text Classification 共著 2012.03 Proceedings of 10 th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems 1 43-47 Tracking of Local Myocardial Motion on M-Mode Echocardiogram by DP-based Elastic Model 共著 2012.08 Proceedings of the 14th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP2012) 1 1-7 Combination of Signature Verification Techniques by SVM 共著 2012.09 Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR2012) 1 428-431 Automatic Fruit Grading System Using Princepal Component Analysis of Color Image 共著 2012.10 Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2012) 1 79-82 A Study on Three Dimensional Rotation-Free Character Recognition and Rotation Angle Estimation of Characters 共著 2012.11 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1 677-680 Accuracy Improvement of Signature Verification by Segmentation Verification 共著 2012.11 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU (IS2EMU2012) 1 342-343 Automatic Chinese Text Classification Using Character-based and Word-based Approach 共著 2012.11 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU (IS2EMU2012) 1 278-281 Automatic Fruit Grading System Using Princepal Component Analysis of Color Image 共著 2012.11 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU (IS2EMU2012) 1 328-330 Detection of Eyes by Circular Hough Transform and Histogram of Gradient 共著 2012.11 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1 1795-1798 DP-based Motion Tracking for Left Ventricular Myocardium and Its Multi-thread Imprementation 共著 2012.11 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU (IS2EMU2012) 1 315-318 Motion Tracking of Local Myocardial Tissue Using a DP+E Tracking Method on M-mode Echocardiograms 共著 2012.11 Fifth International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET-12) 1 1-6 Probablistic Rotation Angle Estimation of 3D Rotated Characters 共著 2012.11 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU (IS2EMU2012) 1 275-277 Tracking of Local Myocardial Motion on M-mode Echocardiogram by DP-based Elastic Model 共著 2012.11 Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium for Sustainability by Engineering at MIU (IS2EMU2012) 1 306-309 3次元回転不変カメラベース文字認識 共著 2013.04 電気学会論文誌C 133-4 876-882 Development of Quantitative Assessment for Brush Handwriting Ability 共著 2013.06 Proceedings of 16th Biennial Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS 2013) 1 62-65 Accuracy Improvement of Viewpoint-Free Scene Character Recognition by Rotation Angle Estimation 共著 2013.08 Fifth International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR2013) 1 60-70 Automatic Chinese Text Classification Using Character-based and Word-based Approach 共著 2013.08 Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2013) 133-4 329-333 Improvement of Japanese signature verification by segmentation-verification 2013.08 Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2013) 1 379-382 Robust Recognition of Rotated Face Using Grayscale Gradient Features 共著 2013.10 Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2013) 1 64-67 Improvement of Japanese Signature Verification by Combined Segmentation Verification Approach 2013.11 Proceedings of the Second IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2013) 1 501-505 Automatic Grading of Japanese Ume Plum by Auto-associative Neural Networks 共著 2014.02 Proceedings of the 20th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2014 1 382-387 Improving Accuracy of Printed Character Recognition Using Hexagonal Zoning of Directional Histogram Feature 共著 2014.08 Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2014) 1 2497-2702 Semi-Automatic Noninvasive Tracking of Local Myocardial Motion using Dynamic Programming based Elastic Model 共著 2014.09 International Journal of Computer Applications 101(5) 32-38 Cubic Gradient Local Auto-Correlation for Cooking Motion Recognition 2014.10 Proceedings of the Fourth IIEEJ International Workshop on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC2014) 1 1-5 Generalized Segmentation-Verification for Multilingual Signatures 共著 2014.10 Proceedings of the Fourth IIEEJ International Workshop on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC2014) 1 1-5 Performance Improvement of Dot-Matrix Character Recognition by Variation Model Based Learning 共著 2014.11 Proceedings of First International Workshop on Robust Reading (IWRR2014) 1 1-10 カメラで撮影された文字の3次元回転角度推定 2014.12 電気学会論文誌C 134(12) 1817-1823 正六角形ゾーニングによる文字認識の高精度化 2014.12 電気学会論文誌C 134(12) 1824-1817 組み合わせ分割照合法による日本語署名照合の高精度化 共著 2014.12 電気学会論文誌C 134(12) 1809-1816 Facial Features Extraction by Accelerated Implementation of Circular Hough Transform and Appearance Evaluation 共著 2015.01 Proceedings of 21st Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2015) 1 1-6 Rotated Face Recognition by Manifold Learning with Auto-associative Neural Network 共著 2015.01 Proceedings of 21st Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2015) 1 1-4 Improvement of automatic Chinese text classification by combining multiple features 2015.03 IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 10(2) 166-174 Efficient Three Dimensional Rotation Estimation for Camera-based OCR 共著 2015.05 Proceedings of IAPR 14th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications(MVA2015) 1 459-462 Efficient Estimation of Character Normal Direction for Camera-based OCR 共著 2015.08 Proceedings of 13th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2015) 1 371-375 Multilingual Signature-Verification by Generalized Combined SegmentationVerification 共著 2015.08 Proceedings of 13th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2015) 1 811-815 Automatic High-precision Alignment for Heliostat Using Attached Camera 共著 2015.10 Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2015) 1 1-4 Automatic Region Detection for Myocardial Motion Tracking Using M-mode Echocardiograms 共著 2015.10 Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2015) 1 1-4 Extraction and Recognition of Dot-Matrix Characters 共著 2015.10 Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS2015) 1 1-4 Spatiotemporal Auto-Correlation of Grayscale Gradient with Importance Map for Cooking Gesture Recognition 共著 2015.11 Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2015) 1 1-5 濃度こう配と円のHough変換を用いた顔特徴点の抽出 共著 2015.12 電学論C 135 1501-1508 Connecting Symbol Segmentation for Mathematical OCR by Thinning-based Segmentation Point Detection 共著 2016.02 Proceedings of the 22nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2016) 1 196-199 Detection-free Automatic License-Plate Recognition via Three Dimensional Rotated Characters Recognition 共著 2016.02 Proceedings of the 22nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2016) 1 274-278 Image-based Automatic high-precision alignment for Heliostat using attached camera 共著 2016.02 Proceedings of the 22nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2016) 1 162-166 Improving Accuracy Using Saliency Map for Human Detection 共著 2016.02 Proceedings of the 22nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2016) 1 128-131 Reading Dot-matrix Text via Variation Model Based Learning 共著 2016.02 Proceedings of the 22nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2016) 1 150-155 Recognition of Low Resolution Telops in Arabic News Broadcasting 共著 2016.02 Proceedings of the 22nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2016) 1 156-161 Connecting Symbol Segmentation for Mathematical OCR 共著 2016.08 Proceedings of 3rd ICET: 2nd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT2016) ICIT006 19-22 License-Plate Recognition via 3 Dimensional OCR 共著 2016.08 Proceedings of 3rd ICET: 2nd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT2016) ICIT009 33-37 Recognizing Arabic News Captions for Video Retrieval 共著 2016.08 Proceedings of 3rd ICET: 2nd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT2016) ICIT002 6-10 Saliency Map Based Cascading Human Detector 共著 2016.08 Proceedings of 3rd ICET: 2nd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT2016) ICIT003 11-14 Effective Random-impostor Training for Combined Segmentation Signature Verification 共著 2016.10 Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR2016) #149 489-494 Recognition and Transition Frame Detection of Arabic News Captions for Video Retrieval 共著 2016.12 Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2016) 3994-3999 アラビア語ニュース映像中のテロップの認識 共著 2016.12 電気学会論文誌C Vol. 136, No.12 1668-1676 Age-Invariant Face Recognition by Verification of Segmented Face Images 共著 2017.02 Proceedings of 23rd International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2017) #O1-1 1-3 Recognition of Moving Captions for Arabic News Video Retrieval 共著 2017.02 Proceedings of 23rd International Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2017) #O3-1 1-6 Recognition and Connection of Moving Captions in Arabic TV News 共著 2017.04 Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Arabic Script Analysis and Recognition (ASAR 2017) #66- Automatic Extraction and Recognition of Shoe Logos with a Wide Variety of Appearance 共著 2017.05 Proceedings of 15th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2017) 185-188 Recognition and Defect Detection of Dot-matrix Text via Variation-model Based Learning 共著 2017.05 Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV2017) 1-8 Gesture Recognition based on Spatiotemporal Histogram of Oriented Gradient Variation 共著 2017.08 Proceedings of 2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV-2017) #33- Segmented Face Image Verification for Age-Invariant Face Recognition 共著 2017.08 Proceedings of 2017 6th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV-2017) #35- Age-Invariant Person Identification by Segmentation Verification of Face Image 共著 2017.11 Proceedings of 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2017) 358-363 Detection and Recognition of Arabic Text in Video Frames 共著 2017.11 Proceedings of 6th International Workshop on Multilingual OCR (Workshop conjunction with ICDAR2017) 20-24 Multilingual-Signature Verification by Verifier Fusion using Random Forests 共著 2017.11 Proceedings of 4th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2017) 941-946 ランダム偽筆学習を用いた組み合わせ分割署名照合 共著 2017.12 電子情報通信学会論文誌A Vol.J100-A,No.12 435-443 Extraction and Recognition of Shoe Logos with a Wide Variety of Appearance using Two-Stage Classifiers 共著 2018.05 IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Vol.E101-D, No.5 1325-1332 Recognition of Facial Expression in Conversation by Double-Stream Recurrent Neural Network 共著 2019.02 Proceedings of the 25nd Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2019) #P1-2 1-2 Neonatal Brain MRI Segmentation Using Fine-Tuned Convolutional Neural Networks 共著 2019.12 International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences Vol.24, No.2 83-90 A Study on Generation of Synthetic Images Using Deep Learning for Wafermap Anomaly Classification 共著 2021.10 Proc. of the 13th International Workshop on Regional Innovation Studies (IWRIS 2021) 39-42 Automatic Neonatal Alertness State Classification Based on Facial Expression Recognition 共著 2022.03 Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics Vol. 26, No. 2 188-195 U. Pal, N. Sharma, T. Wakabayashi and F. Kimura, “Handwritten Character Recognition of Popular South Indian Scripts”, Springer Verlag book on Arabic and Chinese Handwriting Recognition, LNCS- 4768 (Editors: Dave Doermann and Stefan Jaeger), pp. 251-264, 2008. |