職名 准教授
氏名 もとがいと あつし
元垣内 敦司
生年月 1971.11
所属 部局 工学研究科
学科・専攻 電気電子工学専攻
講座 電子物性工学
TEL 059-231-9399
FAX 059-231-9399
E-mail motogaito@elec. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください)
個人のホームページ http://www.opt.elec.mie-u.ac.jp/
学歴 静岡大学大学院電子科学研究科(後期3年博士課程)電子応用工学専攻 (1995年04月~1998年03月) 修了

静岡大学工学部電子工学科 学士課程 (1990年04月~1993年03月) 中退

静岡大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 修士課程・博士前期課程 (1993年04月~1995年03月) 修了

静岡大学大学院電子科学研究科電子応用工学専攻 博士課程・博士後期課程 (1995年04月~1998年03月) 修了

学位 1995.03 修士(工学) 静岡大学
1998.03 博士(工学) 静岡大学
所属学会 公益社団法人 応用物理学会
公益社団法人 応用物理学会 応用電子物性分科会
公益社団法人 応用物理学会 フォトニクス分科会
一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会
一般社団法人 日本光学会
Optical Society of America
European Optical Society
SPIE (the International Society for Optics & Photonics)
社会活動 鈴鹿高等工業専門学校非常勤講師, 2001-2004
日本結晶成長学会 編集委員 2003-2004
(株)三重ティーエルオー 研究交流サロン事業研究連携グループ「感性系照明開発技術研究会」代表者 2006
(株)三重ティーエルオー 研究交流サロン事業研究連携グループ「極限ナノエレクトロニクス研究会」代表者 2008
財団法人 中部産業・地域活性化センター LED研究会委員 2010
一般社団法人照明学会東海支部幹事 2016-
照明学会東海支部 あかりの日記念講演会実行委員会 委員 2016
照明学会東海支部 あかりの日記念講演会実行委員会 委員長 2017-
一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 電子部品・材料研究専門委員会委員 2016-
一般社団法人日本光学会 ナノオプティックス研究グループ幹事・運営委員会 委員 2016-
一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 光デバイス研究専門委員会委員 2017-
一般社団法人日本光学会 レーザーディスプレイ技術研究グループ委員 2018-
Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2019 (LDC2019) Steering Comittee 2018-2019
Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2020 (LDC2019) Steering Comittee 2019-2020
一般社団法人日本光学会 運営委員 2019-2020

職歴 1998.04~2012.03 三重大学 教員 助教
2012.04~ 三重大学 教員 准教授
学術(芸術)賞 令和5年度 優秀論文・著書・作品賞 2024.5 三重大学

高柳研究奨励賞 2019.12,公益財団法人 浜松電子工学奨励会

光みらい若手奨励金 2011.2 応用物理学会分科会 日本工学会

専門分野 ナノ光学
現在の研究課題 表面プラズモン共鳴及びプラズモニックメタ表面に関する理論的研究と光デバイス応用に関する研究
担当科目 基礎物理学Ⅱ
主な業績等 (1) Karen Akatsuka, Kazumasa Hiramatsu and Atsushi Motogaito, "TM- and TE-polarization-selective narrowband perfect absorber for near-ultraviolet light using Fano resonance in an aluminum nanohole array structure ", Applied Physics B, 130, 64 (2024).

(2) Atsushi Motogaito, Akitaka Harada and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, "Fabrication and Operation Analysis of a Surface-Plasmon Sensor Using a Nonpropagating Mode ", Plasmonics (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-023-02111-5

(3) Atsushi Motogaito, Yukino Hayashi, Akinori Watanabe and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, "Fabrication of Polarization Control Devices Using Metal Grating Structures", Optics and Photoics Journal, 12, pp.201-213 (2022).

(4) Atsushi Motoaito, Ryoga Tanaka and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, "Fabrication of perfect plasmonic absorbers for blue and near-ultraviolet lights using double-layer wire-grid structures ", Journal of European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, 17, 6 (2021).

(5) Atsushi Motoaito, Yosuke Iguchi, Shuji Kato and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, "Fabrication and characterization of a binary diffractive lens for controlling focal distribution ", Applied Optics, 59, pp.742-747 (2020).

(6) Atsushi Motogaito and Yusuke Ito, “Excitation Mechanism of Surface Plasmon Polaritons for Surface Plasmon Sensor with 1D Metal Grating Structure for High Refractive Index Medium”, Photonic Sensors, 9, pp. 11-18 (2019).

(7) Atsushi Motogaito, Tomoyasu Nakajima, Hideto Miyake and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Excitation mechanism of surface plasmon polaritons in a double- layer wire grid structure”, Applied Physics A 123, 729 (2017).

(8) Atsushi Motogaito, Naoki Hashimoto, Kazumasa Hiramatsu and Katsusuke Murakami, “Study of Plant Cultivation Using a Light-Emitting Diode Illumination System to Control the Spectral Irradiance Distribution”, Optics and Photonics Journal, 7, pp.101-108 (2017).

(9) 元垣内敦司、“LEDを用いた植物栽培”、O plus E, 39, pp.657-661(2017)

(10) Atsushi Motogaito, Shinya Mito, Hideto Miyake and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Detecting High-Refractive-Index Media Using Surface Plasmon Sensor with One-Dimensional Metal Diffraction Grating”, Optics and Photonics Journal, 6, pp.164-170 (2016).

(11) Atsushi Motogaito, Masanori Kito, Hideto Miyake and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Fabrication and optical characterization of a 2D metal periodic grating structure for cold filter application”, Proceedings of SPIE Micro+Nano Materials, Devices, and Systems, 9668, pp.96681Q-1 – 96681Q-6 (2015).

(12) Atsushi Motogaito, Yuuta Morishita, Hideto Miyake and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Extraordinary Optical Transmission Exhibited by Surface Plasmon Polaritons in a Double-Layer Wire Grid Polarizer”, Plasmonics, 10, pp.1657-1662 (2015).

(13) Atsushi Motogaito, Shohei Nakamura, Jyun Miyazaki, Hideto Miyake and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Using surface-plasmon polariton at the GaP-Au interface in order to detect chemical species in high-refractive-index media”, Optics Communications, 341, pp.64-68 (2015).

(14) Atsushi Motogaito and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Fabrication of Binary Diffractive Lenses and the Application to LED Lighting for Controlling Luminosity Distribution”, Optics and Photonics Journal, 3, pp.67-73 (2013).

(15) 元垣内敦司、真部勝英、平松和政、“地元の伝統工芸品の新しい照明への活用―伊勢形紙をシェードとして用いたLED感性系照明の開発―”、照明学会誌、97、pp.381-385 (2013).

(16) Atsushi Motogaito, Narito Machida,Tadanori Morikawa, Katsuhide Manabe, Hideto Miyake and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Fabrication of a binary diffractive lens for controlling the luminous intensity distribution of LED light”, Optical Review, 16, pp.455-457 (2009).

(17) Hideto Miyake, Takeharu Ishii, Atsushi Motogaito, and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Improved optical properties of AlGaN using periodic structures”, Physica Status Soidi (c), 5, pp.1822-1824 (2008)

(18) Atsushi Motogaito, Katsuhide Manabe, Yuuki Yamanaka, Narito Machida, Hideto Miyake and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Journal of Light & Visual Environment, 32, pp.218-221 (2008).

(19) Yasuhiro Shibata, Atsushi Motogaito, Hideto Miyake, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Youichiro Ohuchi, Hiroaki Okagawa, Kazuyuki Tadatomo, Tatsuya Nomura, Yutaka Hamamura and Kazutoshi Fukui, Materteral Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 831, pp. E3.12.1-E3.12.6 (2005).

(20) Atsushi Motogaito, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Yasuhiro Shibata, Hironobu Watanabe, Hideto Miyake, Kazutoshi Fukui, Youichiro Ohuchi, Kazuyuki Tadatomo and Yutaka Hamamura, “Characterization of III-nitride Based Schottky UV Detectors with Wide Detectable Wavelength Range (360-10 nm) using Synchrotron Radiation”, Materteral Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 798, pp. Y6.6.1-Y6.6.6 (2004).

(21) Hideto Miyake, Hironori Yasukawa, Yoshihiro Kida, Keiichi Ohta, Yasuhiro Shibata, Atsushi Motogaito, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Youichiro Ohuchi, Kazuyuki Tadatomo, Yutaka Hamamura and Kazutoshi Fukui, “High performance Schottky UV detectors (265-100 nm) using n-Al0.5Ga0.5N on AlN epitaxial layer,Physica Status Solidi (a), 200, pp.151-154 (2003).

(22) Atsushi Motogaito, Hironobu Watanabe, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Kazutoshi Fukui, Yutaka Hamamura and Kazuyuki Tadatomom “Characterization of GaN based Schottky UV detectors in the vacuum UV (VUV) and the soft X-ray (SX) region (10–100 nm)”, Physica Status Solidi (a), 200, pp.147-150 (2003).

(23) Kazumasa Hiramatsu and Atsushi Motogaito, “GaN-based Schottky barrier photodetectors from near ultraviolet to vacuum ultraviolet (360–50 nm)”, Physica Status Solidi (a), 195, pp.496-501 (2003).

(24) Atsushi Motogaito, Keiichi Ohta, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Youichiro Ohuchi, Kazuyuki Tadatomo, Yutaka Hamamura and Kazutoshi Fukui, “Effects of the Schottky electrode structure in GaN based UV-VUV (50-360 nm) photodetector”. Materteral Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 693, pp. 761-766 (2002).

(25) Atsushi Motogaito, Keiichi Ohta, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Youichiro Ohuchi, Kazuyuki Tadatomo, Yutaka Hamamura and Kazutoshi Fukui, “Characterization of GaN Based UV‐VUV Detectors in the Range 3.4–25 eV by Using Synchrotron Radiation”, Physica Status olidi (a), 188, pp.337-340 (2001).

(26) Atsushi Motogaito, Motoo Yamaguchi, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Masahiro Kotoh, Youichiro Ohuchi, Kazuyuki Tadatomo, Yutaka Hamamura and Kazutoshi Fukui, “Characterization of GaN-Based Schottky Barrier Ultraviolet (UV) Detectors in the UV and Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Region Using Synchrotron Radiation”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 40, pp.L368-370 (2001).

(27) Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Masahiro Haino, Motoo Yamaguchi, Hideto Miyake, Atsushi Motogaito, Nobuhiko Sawaki, Yasushi Iyechika and Takayoshi Maeda, “GaN layer structures with buried tungsten nitrides (WNx) using epitaxial lateral overgrowth via MOVPE”, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 82, pp.62-64 (2001).

(28) Masahiro Haino, Motoo Yamaguchi, Hideto Miyake, Atsushi Motogaito, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Yasutoshi Kawaguchi, Nobuhiko Sawaki, Yasushi Iyechika and Takayoshi Maeda, “Buried Tungsten Metal Structure Fabricated by Epitaxial-Lateral-Overgrown GaN via Low-Pressure Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy”, Jaanese Journal of Applied Physics, 39, pp. L449-L452 (2000).

(29) Kazumasa Hiramtsu, Atsushi Motogaito, Hideto Miyake, Yoshiaki Honda, Yasushi Itechika, Takayoshi Maeda, Frank Bertram, Jüergen Christen, and Axel Hoffman, “Crystalline and Optical Properties of ELO GaN by HVPE Using Tungsten Mask”. IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E83-C, pp.620-626 (2000).

(30) Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Katsuya Nishiyama, Masaru Onishi, Hiromitsu Mizutani, Mitsuhisa Narukawa, Atsushi Motogaito, Hideto Miyake, Yasushi Iyechika and Takayoshi Maeda, “Fabrication and characterization of low defect density GaN using facet-controlled epitaxial lateral overgrowth (FACELO), Journal of Crystal Growth, 221, pp.316-326 (2000).

(31) Hideto Miyake, Motoo Yamaguchi, Masahiro Haino, Atsushi Motogaito, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Shingo Nambu, Yasutoshi Kawaguchi, Nobuhiko Sawaki, Yasushi Iyechika, Takayoshi Maeda and Isamu Akasaki, “Fabrication of GaN with Buried Tungsten (W) Structures Using Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth (ELO) via LP-MOVPE”, Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 595 W2.3.1-W2.3.6 (2000).

(32) Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Katsuya Nishiyama, Atsushi Motogaito, Hideto Miyake, Yasushi Iyechika and Takayoshi Maeda, “Recent Progress in Selective Area Growth and Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth of III-Nitrides: Effects of Reactor Pressure in MOVPE Growth”, Physica Status Solidi (a), 176, pp. 535-543 (1999).

(33) Hideto Miyake, Atsushi Motogaito and Kazumasa Hiramatsu, “Effects of Reactor Pressure on Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth of GaN via Low-Pressure Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 38, pp. L1000-L1002 (1999).

(34) Atsushi Motogaito, Masakazu Kimura, Sadik Dost, Hironobu Katsuno, Akira Tanaka and Tokuzo Sukegawa, “Growth of alloy GalnP crystals by compositional conversion of InP layers grown on GaP substrates in an LPE system”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 182, pp.275-280 (1999).

(35) Haruhiko Udono, Atsushi Motogaito, Masakazu Kimura, Akira Tanaka and Tokuzo Sukegawa, “Suppression of twins in GaAs layers grown on a GaP(111) B substrate by liquid phase epitaxy”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 169, pp.181-184 (1996).