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職名 | 講師 | |||||||||
氏名 | かわのみつお 河野 光雄 |
生年月 | 1963.01 | |||||||||
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kawanom@doc.medic. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください) | ||||||||||
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学歴 | 大分大学工学部化学環境工学科 学士課程 (~1986年)
博士課程・博士後期課程 (~) |
学位 | 1996.03 医学博士 三重大学
所属学会 | 日本ウイルス学会(評議員) 日本免疫学会 | |||||||||
社会活動 | ||||||||||
職歴 | 1991.04~1996.05 三重大学医学部 微生物学講座 文部科学教官助手
1996.06~2005.03 三重大学医学部 微生物学講座 文部科学教官講師 2005.04~ 三重大学大学院医学系研究科 病態解明医学講座感染症制御医学分野 講師 |
学術(芸術)賞 | ||||||||||
専門分野 | ウイルス学 分子生物学 | |||||||||
現在の研究課題 | パラインフルエンザ2型ウイルスベクターを用いた新規ワクチン開発 ヘルパーT細胞サブセットの特異的誘導による新規粘膜免疫療法の開発 | |||||||||
担当科目 | PBLチュートリアル 感染症制御医学 看護病態学I 新医学専攻コース 生態防御の分子基盤 分子医学実習 | |||||||||
主な業績等 | 喘息の遺伝子免疫療法の可能性と将来の展望 共著 2003.02 アレルギー・免疫 10 81-88
Characterization ofSendai Virus Persistently Infected L929 Cells and SendaiVirus pi Strain: Recombinant Sendai Viruses Having Mpi Protein Shows Lower Cytotoxicity and Are Incapable of Establishing Persistent Infection. 共著 2003.09 Virology 314 110-124 The targeted disruption of the CD98 gene results in embryonic lethality. 共著 2003.09 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 308 847-851 Effects of ALDH2 gene polymorphisms and alcohol-drinking behavior on micronuclei frequency in non-smokers. 共著 2003.11 Mutat.Res.-GTEM. 541 71-80 Identification of Amino Acids Essential for the Human Parainfluenza Type 2 VirusV Protein to Lower the Intracellular Levels of the STAT2. 共著 2003.12 Virology 317 208-219 Early stage of establishment process of Sendai virus persistent infection: an unstable dynamic phase and then selection of viruses which are tightly cell-associated, temperature-sensitive and capable of establishing persistent infection. 共著 2004 J.Virol. 78 11939-11951 Recombinant Sendai viruses with L1618V mutation in their L polymerase protein establish persistent infection, but not temperature sensitive. 共著 2004 Virology. 329 289-301 The functional interaction between CD98 and CD147 in regulation of virus-induced cell fusion and osteoclast formation. 共著 2004 Med Microbiol Immunol. 193 155-162 Evidence of association of the CYP2E1 genetic polymorphism with micronuclei frequency in human peripheral blood. 共著 2004.01 Mutation Research 546 45-53 Cytological properties of stromal cells derived from giant cell tumor of bone (GCTSC) which can induce osteoclastformation of human blood monocytes without cell to cell contact. 共著 2005 J Orthop Res. 23 979-987 A mutant fusion (F) protein of simian virus 5 induces hemagglutinin-neuraminidase-independent syncytium formation despite the internalization of the F protein. 共著 2006 Virology. 347 11-27 Possible activation of murine T lymphocyte through CD98 is independent of interleukin 2/interleukin 2 receptor system. 共著 2006 Biomed Res. 27 61-67 The properties of recombinant Sendai virus having the P gene of Sendai virus pi strain derived from BHK cells persistently infected with Sendai virus. 共著 2006 Med Microbiol Immunol. 8 1-8 Failure of multinucleated giant cell formation in k562 cells infected with newcastle disease virus and human parainfluenza type 2 virus. 共著 2007 Microbiol Immunol. 51 601-608 Irradiation prolongs survival of Alport mice. 共著 2008 J Am Soc Nephrol 19 1692-1700 Effects of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein mutations on cell-cell fusion mediated by human parainfluenza type 2 virus 共著 2008.09 J Virol. 82 8283-8295 Fucoidan inhibits parainfluenza virus type 2 infection to LLCMK2 cells. 共著 2008.12 Biomed Res. 29 331-334 A quantitative method for analyzing establishing-efficiency of persistent viral infection. 共著 2009 Microbiol Immunol. 53 259-265 Analyses of transgenic mice that have human CD98 heavy chain gene 共著 2009 Cytologia 74 65-70 Effects of multiple amino acids of the parainfluenza virus 5 fusion protein on its haemagglutinin-neuraminidase-independent fusion activity. 共著 2009 J Gen Virol. 90 405-413 Effects of multiple amino acids of the parainfluenza virus 5 fusion protein on its haemagglutinin-neuraminidase-independent fusion activity. 共著 2009.02 J Gen Virol. 90 405-413 Inhibitory effect of bovine lactoferrin on human parainfluenza virus type 2 infection. 共著 2010 J Health Sci. 56 613-617 Completion of the full-length genome sequence of human parainfluenza virus types 4A and 4B: sequence analysis of the large protein genes and gene start, intergenic and end sequences. 共著 2011 Arch Virol. 156 161-166 Identification of domains on the fusion (F) protein trimer that influence the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase specificity of the f protein in mediating cell-cell fusion. 共著 2011 J Virol. 85 3153-3161 Legume lectins inhibit human parainfluenza virus type 2 infection by interfering with the entry. 共著 2012.04 Viruses. 4 1104-1115 Single systemic administration of Ag85B of mycobacteria DNA inhibits allergic airway inflammation in a mouse model of asthma. 共著 2012.12 J Asthma Allergy. 5 71-79 Intranasally administered antigen 85B gene vaccine in non-replicating human Parainfluenza type 2 virus vector ameliorates mouse atopic dermatitis. 共著 2013.07 PLoS One. 24 e66614-e66614 Full conversion of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase specificity of the parainfluenza virus 5 fusion protein by replacement of 21 amino acids in its head region with those of the simian virus 41 fusion protein. 共著 2013.08 J Virol. 87 8342-8350 Human parainfluenza virus type 2 vector induces dendritic cell maturation without viral RNA replication/transcription. 共著 2013.11 Hum Gene Ther. 24 683-691 Recombinant Ag85B vaccine by taking advantage of characteristics of human parainfluenza type 2 virus vector showed Mycobacteria-specific immune responses by intranasal immunization. 共著 2014.03 Vaccine. 32 1727-1735 Vero/BC-F: an efficient packaging cell line stably expressing F protein to generate single round-infectious human parainfluenza virus type 2 vector. 共著 2014.08 Gene Ther. 21 775-784 Ribavirin inhibits human parainfluenza virus type 2 replication in vitro. 共著 2014.11 Microbiol Immunol. 58 628-635 Improvement in early diagnosis of Japanese spotted fever by using a novel Rick PCR system. 共著 2015.11 J Dermatol. 42 1066-1071 Restrictive IL-10 induction by an innocuous parainfluenza virus vector ameliorates nasal allergy. 共著 2017.02 J Allergy Clin Immunol 139 682-686 Glycyrrhizin inhibits human parainfluenza virus type 2 replication by the inhibition of genome RNA, mRNA and protein syntheses. 共著 2017.11 Drug Discov Ther. 11 246-252 Immunological association of inducible bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue organogenesis in Ag85B-rHPIV2 vaccine-induced anti-tuberculosis mucosal immune responses in mice. 共著 2018.09 Int Immunol 30 471-481 Inhibitions of human parainfluenza virus type 2 replication by ribavirin and mycophenolate mofetil are restored by guanosine and S-(4-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine. 共著 2019 Drug Discov Ther. 13 314-321 |