教員紹介トップページへ | 三重大学トップページへ |

職名 | 教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | しまおか もとむ 島岡 要 |
生年月 | 1964.11 | |||||||||
TEL | ||||||||||
FAX | ||||||||||
shimaoka@doc.medic. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください) | ||||||||||
個人のホームページ | http://www.medic.mie-u.ac.jp/molpath/staff/page1.html | |||||||||
学歴 | 大阪大学医学部 学士課程 (1983年~1989年) 卒業・修了
大阪大学大学院医学研究科 博士課程・博士後期課程 (~1997年) 卒業・修了 |
学位 | 1997 医学博士 大阪大学大学院・医学研究科
所属学会 | 日本免疫学会 日本血栓止血学会 日本麻酔学会 米国血液学会 日本運動器疼痛学会 | |||||||||
社会活動 | ||||||||||
職歴 | 1989~ 大阪府立病院麻酔科 研修医
1993~ 大阪大学医学部附属病院集中治療部 医員 1994~ 大阪大学微生物病研究所 研究員 1996~ 大阪大学医学部・麻酔集中治療医学講座 助手(助教) 2003~ ハーバード大学医学部麻酔学・ボストン小児病院・免疫病研究所 独立助教授 2008~ ハーバード大学医学部麻酔学・ボストン小児病院・分子医学部門 独立准教授 2014~ 三重大学バイオエンジニアリング国際教育研究センター センター長 |
学術(芸術)賞 | 米国血液学会(American Society of Hematology)新人賞,2004,米国血液学会
Leukemia & Lymphoma学会トランスレーショナル・リサーチ・アワード,2008,Leukemia & Lymphoma学会 Highland General Partners 起業家新人賞,2008 (オバマ大統領)チャレンジ・グラントRC1アワード,2009 |
専門分野 | 細胞接着(インテグリンの構造生物学)
免疫学(immune cell trafficking) 分子病態学(血管生物学、炎症と凝固異常) 麻酔学(麻酔薬の免疫系に対する作用) 集中治療学(敗血症の病態生理) |
現在の研究課題 | インテグリン活性化制御機構の解明 | |||||||||
担当科目 | 分子病態学 | |||||||||
主な業績等 | Publications:
Original 1 Shimaoka M, Yoh M, Segawa A, Takarada Y, Yamamoto K, Honda T. Development of enzyme-labeled oligonucleotide probe for detection of mecA gene in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Clin Microbiol 1994; 32: 1866-9. 2 Shimaoka M, Iida T, Ohara A, Taenaka N, Mashimo T, Honda T, Yoshiya I. NOC, a nitric-oxide-releasing compound, induces dose dependent apoptosis in macrophages. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1995; 209: 519-26. 3 Shimaoka M, Yoh M, Takarada Y, Yamamoto K, Honda T. Detection of the gene for toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 in Staphylococcus aureus using enzyme-labeled oligonucleotide probes. J Med Microbiol 1996; 44: 215-8. 4 Shimaoka M, Iida T, Ohara A, Taenaka N, Mashimo T, Honda T, Yoshiya I. Ketamine inhibits nitric oxide production in activated macrophages. Br J Anesthesia 1996; 77: 238-42. 5 Okuda Y, Sakoda S, Shimaoka M, Yanagihara T. Nitric oxide induces apoptosis in mouse splenic T lymphocytes. Immunol Lett 1996; 52: 135-8. 6 Shimaoka M, Ikeda M, Iida T, Taenaka N, Yoshiya I, Honda T. Fucoidin, a potent inhibitor of leukocyte rolling, prevents neutrophil influx into phorbol-ester-induced inflammatory sites in rabbit lungs. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996; 153: 307-11. 7 Sugimoto M, Shimaoka M, Hagihira S, Fujino Y, Nishimura S, Kamata S, Taenaka N, Yoshiya I. Tension pneumopericardium following tracheoplasty for congenital tracheal stenosis. Anaesth Intens Care 1997; 25: 539-41. 8 Yamada K, Shimaoka M, Nagayama K, Hiroi T, Kiyono H, Honda T. Bacterial invasion induced interleukin-7 receptor expression in colonic epithelial cell line, T84. Eur J Immunol 1997; 27: 3456-60. 9 Shimaoka M, Fujino Y, Taenaka N, Hiroi T, Kiyono H, Yoshiya I. High frequency oscillatory ventilation attenuates the activation of alveolar macrophage and neutrophil in lung injury. Critical Care (Lond) 1998; 2: 35-9. 10 Sugimoto M, Shimaoka M, Hosotsubo K, Tanigami H, Taenaka N, Kiyono H, Yoshiya I. Upregulation of Fas ligand mRNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells after major surgery. Clin Exp Immunol 1998; 112: 120-5. 11 Egawa T, Shimaoka M, Shimizu N, Hagihira S, Fujino Y, Nishimura S, Taenaka N, Yoshimime T, Yoshiya I. A case of multiple aneurysms of the vein of Galen with heart failure due to persistent fetal circulation. J Anesthesia 1998; 12: 100-2. 12 Izumi R. Shimaoka M, Nagaoka C, Komaki,M, Mizutani A, Yoh M, Honda T, Taenaka N, Yoshiya I. Effectiveness of hand-disinfection by a flow water system using electrolytic products of sodium chloride, compared with a conventional method using alcoholic solution in a intensive care unit (letter). Critical Care (Lond) 1998; 2: 79-80. 13 Nishimura S, Fujino Y, Shimaoka M, Hagihira S, Taenaka N., Yoshiya, I. Circadian secretion pattern of melatonin after major surgery. J Pineal Res 1998; 25: 73-7. 14 Iijima, H., Takahashi, I., Hiroi, T., Shimaoka, M., Kawano S, Nagano K, Hori M, Kiyono H. Orally administered cholera toxin prevents murine intestinal T cell from staphylococcal enterotoxin B-induced anergy. Gastoenterology 1998; 115: 1197-204. 15 Shimaoka M, Hosotsubo K, Sugimoto M, Sakaue G, Taenaka N, Yoshiya I, Kiyono H. Influence of surgical stress on T cells: enhancement of early phase of lymphocytes activation. Anesth Analg 1998; 87: 1431-5. 16 Sugimoto M, Shimaoka M, Taenaka N, Kiyono H, Yoshiya I. Satellate ganglion block attenuates lymphocyte activation. Reg Anesth Pain Med 1999; 24: 30-5. 17 Shimazu T, Shimaoka M, Sugimoto H, Taenaka N, Hasegawa T, the Osaka HUS Critical Care Study Group. Does blood type B protect against haemolytic uraemic syndrome? an analysis of the 1996 Sakai outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 (VTEC O157) infection. J Infect 2000; 41: 45-9. 18 Shimaoka M, Shifman JM, Jing H, Takagi J, Mayo SL, Springer TA. Computational design of an integrin I domain stabilized in the open high affinity conformation. Nature Struct Biol 2000; 7: 674-678. 19 Imanaka H, Shimaoka M, Matsuura N, Nishimura M, Ohta N, Taenaka N, Kiyono H. Ventilator-induced lung injury is associated with neutrophil infiltration, macrophage activation and TGF-beta mRNA upregulation in rat lung. Anesth Analg 2001; 92: 428-36. 20 Lu C, Shimaoka M, Ferzly M, Oxvig C, Takagi J, Springer TA. An isolated, surface-expressed I domain of the integrin alphaLbeta2 is sufficient for strong adhesive function when locked in the open conformation with a disulfide bond. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001; 98:2387-92 21 Lu C, Shimaoka M, Zhang Q, Takagi J, Springer TA. Locking in alternative conformations of the integrin alphaLbeta2 I domain with disulfide bonds reveals functional relationships among integrin domains. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001; 98:2393-8. 22 Shimaoka M, Lu C, Palframan R, von Andrian U, Takagi J, Springer TA. Reversibly locking a protein fold in an active conformation with a disulfide bond: integrin alphaL I-domains with high affinity and antagonist activity in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001; 98:6009-14. 23 Jun CD, Shimaoka M, Carman CV, Takagi J, Springer TA. Dimerization and the effectiveness of ICAM-1 in mediating LFA-1-dependent adhesion. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001; 98: 6830-5. 24 Ohta N, Shimaoka M, Imanaka H, Nishimura M, Taenaka N, Kiyono H, Yoshiya I. Glucocorticoid suppresses neutrophil activation in ventilator-induced lung injury. Crit Care Med 2001; 29:1012-6. 25 Sakaue G, Shimaoka M, Fukuoka T, Hiroi T, Inoue T, Hashimoto N, Sakaguchi T, Sawa Y, Morishita R, Kiyono H, Noguchi K, Mashimo T. NF-B decoy suppresses cytokine expression and thermal hyperalgesia in a rat neuropathic pain model. Neuroreport 2001; 12:2079-84. 26 Jun CD, Carman CV, Redick SD, Shimaoka M, Erickson HP, Springer TA. Ultrastructure and function of dimeric, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). J Biol Chem 2001; 276:29019-27. 27 Ma Q, Shimaoka M, Lu C, Jing H, Carman CV, Springer TA. Activation induced conformational changes in the I-domain region of LFA-1. J Biol Chem 2002; 277: 10638-41. 28 Takeuchi M, Goddon S, Dolhnikoff M, Shimaoka M, Hess D, Amato MBP, Kacmarek RM. Set positive end-expiratory pressure during protective ventilation affects lung injury. Anesthesiology 2002; 97: 682-92. 29 Salas A, Shimaoka M, Carman CV, Chen S, Springer TA. Transition from rolling to firm adhesion is regulated by the conformation of the I domain of the integrin LFA-1. J Biol Chem 2002; 277: 50255-62. 30 Shimaoka M, Lu C, Salas A, Xiao T, Takagi J, Springer TA. Stabilizing the alphaM inserted domain in alternative conformations with a range of engineered disulfide bonds. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002; 99: 16737-41. 31 Shimaoka M, Xiao T, Liu JH, Yang Y, Dong Y , Jun CD, McCormack A, Zhang R, Joachimiak A, Takagi J, Wang JH, Springer TA. Structures of the alphaL I domain and its complex with ICAM-1 reveal a shape-shifting pathway for integrin regulation. Cell 2003; 112: 99-111. 32 Vorup-Jensen T, Ostermeier C, Shimaoka M, Hommel U, Springer TA. Structure and allosteric regulation of the alphaXbeta2 integrin I domain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003; 100: 1873-8. 33 Shimaoka M, Salas A, Yang W, Weitz-Schmitdt G, Springer TA. Small molecule integrin antagonists that bind to the beta2 subunit I-like domain and activate signals in one direction and block them in the other. Immunity 2003; 19:391-402. 34 Sedeek KA, Takeuchi M, Suchodolski K, Vargas SO, Shimaoka M, Schnitzer JJ, Kacmarek RM. Open-lung protective ventilation with pressure control ventilation, high-frequency oscillation, and intratracheal pulmonary ventilation results in similar gas exchange, hemodynamics, and lung mechanics. Anesthesiology 2003; 99: 1102-11. 35 Yang W, Shimaoka M, Chen JF, Springer TA. Activation of integrin alpha/beta subunit I-like domains by one-turn C-terminal alpha-helix deletions. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101: 2333-8. 36 Yang W, Shimaoka M, Salas A, Takagi J, Springer TA. Intersubunit signal transmission in integrins by a receptor-like interaction with a pull spring. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101: 2906-11. 37 Salas A, Shimaoka M, Kogan AN, Harwood C, von Andrian UH, Springer TA. 2004. Rolling adhesion through an extended conformation of integrin alphaLbeta2 and relation to alpha I and beta I-like domain interaction. Immunity 2004; 20: 393-406. 38 Lu C, Shimaoka M, Sales A, Springer TA. The mechanism of action and binding sites for competitive, antagonistic, allosteric and agonistic antibodies to the I domain of integrin LFA-1. J Immunol 2004; 173: 3972-8. 39 Xie C, Shimaoka M, Xiao T, Schwab P, Klickstein LB, Springer TA. The integrin a subunit leg extends at a Ca2+-dependent epitope in the thigh/genu interface upon activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101: 15422-7. 40 Vorup-Jensen T, Carman CV, Shimaoka M, Schuck P, Svitel J, Springer TA. Exposure of acidic residues as a danger signal for recognition of fibrinogen and other macromolecules by integrin alphaXbeta2. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005; 102:1614-9. 41 Song G, Yang Y, Liu J-h, Casasnovas JM, Shimaoka M, Springer TA, Wang J-h. Structural basis of ICAM recognition revealed in a complex between the binding domains of ICAM-3 and integrin alphaLbeta2 at 1.65 Å. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005; 102: 3366-71. 42 Zhang M, Alicot EM, Chiu I, Li J, Verna N, Vorup-Jensen T, Kessler B, Shimaoka M, Chan R, Friend D, Mahmood U, Weissleder R, Moore FD, Carroll MC. Identification of the target self-antigens in reperfusion injury. J Exp Med 2006; 203: 141-52. 43 Song G, Lazar GA, Kortemme T, Shimaoka M, Desjarlais JR, Baker D, Springer TA. Rational design of ICAM-1 variants for antagonizing integrin LFA-1-dependent adhesion. J Biol Chem 2006; 281: 5042-9. 44 Salas A, Shimaoka M, Phan U, Kim M, Springer TA. Transition from rolling to firm adhesion can be mimicked by extension of integrin alpha 1 beta 2 in an intermediate-affinity state. J Biol Chem 2006; 281: 10876-82. 45 Jin M, Song G, Kim YS, Astrof N, Shimaoka M, Wittrup D, Springer TA. Directed evolution to probe protein allestery: integrin I domains of unprecedented affinity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006; 113: 5758-63. 46 Huang L, Shimaoka M, Rondon I, Roy I, Chang Q, Po M, Dransfield DT, Ladner RC, Edge AS, Salas A, Wood CR, Springer TA, Cohen EH. Identification and characterization of a human monoclonal antagonistic antibody AL-57 specific for the high affinity form of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1. J Leukoc Biol 2006; 80:905-14. 47 Shimaoka M, Kim M, Cohen E, Yang W, Astrof N, Peer D, Salas A, Ferrand A, Springer, TA. AL-57, a novel ligand-mimetic antibody to integrin LFA-1, reveals chemokine-induced affinity upregulation in lymphocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006; 38:13991-6 48 Nishida N, Xie C, Shimaoka M, Cheng Y, Walz T, Springer TA. Activation of Leukocyte beta(2) Integrins by Conversion from Bent to Extended Conformations. Immunity 2006; 25:583-94. 49 Yang W, Carman CV, Kim M, Salas A, Shimaoka M, Springer TA. A small molecule agonist of an integrin alphaLbeta2. J Biol Chem 2006; 281: 37904-12. 50 Astrof NS, Salas A, Shimaoka M, Chen JF, Springer TA. The importance of force linkage in mechanochemistry of adhesion receptors. Biochemistry 2006; 45: 15020-8. 51 Zhu J, Carman CV, Kim M, Shimaoka M, Springer TA, Luo BH. Requirement of {alpha} and {beta} subunit transmembrane helix separation for integrin outside-in signaling. Blood 2007; 110:2475-83 52 Vorup-Jensen T, Chi L, Gjelstrup LC, Jensen UB, Jewett CA, Xie C, Shimaoka M, Linhardt RJ, Springer TA. Binding between the integrin alpha Xbeta 2 (CD11c/CD18) and heparin. J Biol Chem 2007; 282:30869-77 53 Vorup-Jensen T, Waldron TT, Astrof N, Shimaoka M, Springer TA. The connection between metal ion affinity and ligand affinity in integrin I domains. Biochim Biophys Acta 2007; 1774:1148-55. 54 Peer D, Zhu P, Carman CV, Lieberman J, Shimaoka M. Selective Manipulation of Gene Expression in Activated Leukocytes by Targeting the High-Affinity Conformation of Integrin LFA-1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007; 104: 4095-100. (*Featured in “PNAS In This Issue”) 55 Park EJ, Mora JR, Carman CV, Chen JF, Sasaki Y, Cheng G, von Andrian UH, Shimaoka M. Aberrant activation of integrin alpha(4)beta(7) suppresses lymphocyte migration to the gut. J Clin Invest 2007; 117: 2526-38. (*Featured in “JCI Commentaries”) 56 Peer D, Park EJ, Morishita Y, Carman CV, Shimaoka M. Systemic leukocyte-directed siRNA delivery revealing cyclin D1 as an anti-inflammatory target. Science 2008; 319: 627-30. (*Featured in a Science’s “Perspectives”) 57 Morin NA, Oakes PW, Hyun YM, Lee D, Chin YE, King MR, Springer TA, Shimaoka M, Tang JX, Reichner JS, Kim M. Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA mediates integrin LFA-1 de-adhesion during T lymphocyte migration. J Exp Med. 2008; 205:195-205. (*Featured article in J Exp Med) 58 Yuki K, Astrof NS, Bracken C, Yoo R, Silkworth W, Soriano SG, Shimaoka M. The volatile anesthetic isoflurane perturbs conformational activation of integrin LFA-1 by binding to the allosteric regulatory cavity. FASEB J 2008; 22:4109-16. (*Rated “Must Read” in Faculty of 1000 Medcine) 59 Imai Y, Park EJ, Peer D, Peixoto A, Cheng G, von Andrian UH, Carman CV, Shimaoka M. Genetic perturbation of the putative cytoplasmic membrane-proximal salt bridge aberrantly activates alpha4 integrins. Blood 2008; 112:5007-15. (*Selected for the cover image) 60 Podgrabinska S, Kamalu O, Mayer L, Shimaoka M, Snoeck H, Randolph GJ, Skobe M. Inflamed lymphatic endothelium suppresses dendritic cell maturation and function via Mac-1/ICAM-1-dependent mechanism. J Immunol. 2009. 183:1767-79. 61 Zhang H, Astrof NS, Liu JH, Wang JH, Shimaoka M. Crystal structure of isoflurane bound to integrin LFA-1 supports a unified mechanism of volatile anesthetic action in the immune and central nervous systems. FASEB J 2009 23:2735-40 62 Zhang H, Liu JH, Yang W, Springer TA, Shimaoka M, Wang JH. Structural basis of activation-dependent binding of ligand-mimetic antibody AL-57 to integrin LFA-1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009. 106: 18345-50. 63 Eckenhoff R, Xi J, Bhattacharji A, Shimaoka M, Covarrubias M, Dailey W. Azi-isoflurane, a photolabel analog of the commonly used inhaled general anesthetic, isoflurane. ACS Chem Neurosci 2010; 1:139-145. 64 Kim SS, Peer D, Kumar P, Subramanya S, Wu H, Asthana D, Habiro K, Yang YG, Manjunath N, Shimaoka M, Shankar P. RNAi-mediated CCR5 silencing by LFA-1-targeted nanoparticles prevents HIV infection in BLT mice. Mol Ther. 2010; 18:370-6. [PMC2839291] 65 Dearling JL, Park EJ, Dunning P, Baker A, Fahey F, Treves ST, Soriano SG, Shimaoka M, Packard AB, Peer D. Detection of intestinal inflammation by MicroPET imaging using a (64)Cu-labeled anti-beta(7) integrin antibody. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2010; 16:1458-66. [PMC2930103] 66 Yuki K, Astrof NS, Bracken C, Soriano SG, Shimaoka M. Sevoflurane binds and allosterically blocks integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1. Anesthesiology. 2010; 113:600-9. [PMID: 20693879] 67 Park EJ, Peixoto A, Imai Y, Goodarzi A, Cheng G, Carman CV, von Andrian UH, Shimaoka M. Distinct roles for LFA-1 affinity regulation during T-cell adhesion, diapedesis, and interstitial migration in lymph nodes. Blood. 2010; 115:1572-81. [PMC2830762] 68 Yuki K, Soriano SG, Shimaoka M. Sedative Drug Modulates T-Cell and Lymphocyte Function-Associated Antigen-1 Function. Anesth Analg. 2011; 112:830-8. 69 Yuki K, Bu W, Xi J, Sen M, Shimaoka M, Eckenhoff RG. Isoflurane binds and stabilizes a closed conformation of the leukocyte function-associated antigen-1. FASEB J 2012 26:4408-17. 70 Carbo C, Yuki K, Demers M, Wagner DD, Shimaoka M. Isoflurane inhibits neutrophil recruitment in the cutaneous Arthus reaction model. J Anesth 2012 27:261-8 71 Yuki K, Bu W, Shimaoka M, Eckenhoff R. Volatile anesthetics, not intravenous anesthetic propofol, bind to and attenuate the activation of platelet integrin alphaIIbbeta3. PLoS One 2013;8(4):e60415 72 Yuki K, Bu W, Xi J, Shimaoka M, Eckenhoff R. Propofol shares the binding site with isoflurane and sevoflurane on leukocyte function-associated antigen-1. Anesth Analg. 2013 Oct;117(4):803-11 73 Okamoto T, Akita N, Hayashi T, Suzuki K, Shimaoka M. Endothelial connexin32 enhances angiogenesis by positively regulating tube formation and cell migration. Exp Cell Res 2014. 321(2):133-41. 74 Kollmann CS, Bai X, Tsai C-H, Yang H, Lind KE, Skinner SR, Zhu Z, Israel DI, Cuozzo JW, Morgan BA, Yuki K, Xie C, Springer TA, Shimaoka M, and Evindar G. Application of encoded library technology (ELT) to a protein-protein interaction target: discovery of a potent class of integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) antagonists Bioorg Med Chem 2014 22(7):2353-65 75 Okamoto T, Akita N, Hayashi T, Shimaoka M, Suzuki K. Endothelial connexin 32 regulates tissue factor expression induced by inflammatory stimulation and direct cell-cell interaction with activated cells. Atherosclerosis. 2014. 236(2): 430-7. 76 Yamanaka K, Nakanishi T, Saito H, Maruyama J, Isoda K, Yokochi A, Imanaka-Yoshida K, Tsuda K, Kakeda M, Okamoto R, Fujita S, Iwakura Y, Suzuki N, Ito M, Maruyama K, Gabazza EC, Yoshida T, Shimaoka M, Mizutani H. Persistent release of IL-1s from skin is associated with systemic cardio-vascular disease, emaciation and systemic amyloidosis: the potential of anti-IL-1 therapy for systemic inflammatory diseases. PLoS One. 2014 9(8): e104479. 77 Akita N, Ma N, Okamoto T, Asanuma K, Yoshida K, Nishioka J, Shimaoka M, Suzuki K, Hayashi T. Host protein C inhibitor inhibits tumor growth, but promotes tumor metastasis, which is closely correlated with hypercoagulability. Thromb Res. 2015 Jun;135(6):1203-8. 78 Lee J, Park EJ, Yuki Y, Ahmad S, Mizuguchi K, Ishii KJ, Shimaoka M, Kiyono H. Profiles of microRNA networks in intestinal epithelial cells in a mouse model of colitis. Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 9;5:18174. 79 Kawamoto E, Okamoto T, Takagi Y, Honda G, Suzuki K, Imai H, Shimaoka M. LFA-1 and Mac-1 integrins bind to the serine/threonine-rich domain of thrombomodulin. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 473(4):1005-12 80 Gayle AA, Shimaoka M. Evaluating the lexico-grammatical differences in the writing of native and non-native speakers of English in peer-reviewed medical journals in the field of pediatric oncology: Creation of the genuine index scoring system. PLoS One. 2017 Feb 17;12(2):e0172338 81 Gayle A, Shimaoka M. Public Response to Scientific Misconduct: Assessing Changes in Public Sentiment Toward the Stimulus-Triggered Acquisition of Pluripotency (STAP) Cell Case via Twitter. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2017 Apr 20;3(2):e21 82 Okamoto T, Kawamoto E, Takagi Y, Akita N, Hayashi T, Park EJ, Suzuki K, Shimaoka M. Gap junction-mediated regulation of endothelial cellular stiffness. Sci Rep. 2017 Jul 21;7(1):6134 83 Yoshida K, Akita N, Okamoto T, Asanuma K, Uchida A, Sudo A, Shimaoka M, Suzuki K, Hayashi T. Activated protein C suppresses osteoclast differentiation via endothelial protein C receptor, protease-activated receptor-1, sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor, and apolipoprotein E receptor 2. Thromb Res. 2018 Mar;163:30-40. 84 Okamoto T, Takagi Y, Kawamoto E, Park EJ, Usuda H, Wada K, Shimaoka M. Reduced substrate stiffness promotes M2-like macrophage activation and enhances peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ expression. Exp Cell Res. 2018 Jun 15;367(2):264-273. 85 Beilin C, Choudhuri K, Bouma G, Malinova D, Llodra J, Stokes DL, Shimaoka M, Springer TA, Dustin ML, Thrasher AJ, Burns SO. Dendritic cell-expressed common gamma-chain recruits IL-15 for trans-presentation at the murine immunological synapse. Wellcome Open Research. 2018. 3:84 86 Kawamoto E, Masui-Ito A, Eguchi A, Soe ZY, Prajuabjinda O, Darkwah S, E Park EJ, Imai H, Shimaoka M. Integrin and PD-1 ligand expression on circulating extracellular vesicles in systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis. Shock Shock. 2019 Jul;52(1):13-22. [Epub ahead of print] 87 Sakakura Y, Kamei M, Sakamoto R, Morii H, Itoh-Masui A, Kawamoto E, Imai H, Miyabe M, Shimaoka M. Biomechanical profiles of tracheal intubation: a mannequin-based study to make an objective assessment of clinical skills by expert anesthesiologists and novice residents. BMC Med Educ. 2018 Dec 4;18(1):293. 88 Park EJ, Prajuabjinda O, Soe ZY, Darkwah S, Appiah MG, Kawamoto E, Momose F, Shiku H, Shimaoka M. Exosomal regulation of lymphocyte homing to the gut. Blood Adv. 2019 Jan 8;3(1):3656-3666. 89 Kawamoto E, Nago N, Okamoto T, Gaowa A, Masui-Ito A, Sakakura Y, Akama Y, Soe ZY, Prajuabjinda O, Darkwah S, Appiah MG, Myint PK, Obeng G, Park EJ, Imai H, Shimaoka M. Anti-adhesive effects of human soluble thrombomodulin and its domains. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 Feb 15. [Epub ahead of print] 90 Soe ZY, Prajuabjinda O, Myint PK, Gaowa A, Kawamoto E, Park EJ, Shimaoka M. Talin-2 regulates integrin functions in exosomes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 Mar 14. pii: S0006-291X(19)30404-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.03.027. [Epub ahead of print] 91 Darkwah S, Nago N, Appiah MG, Kawamoto E, Shimaoka M, Park EJ. Differential roles of dendritic cells in expanding CD4 T cells in sepsis. Biomedicines 2019 (in press) 92 Ikuno A, Akeda K, Takebayashi S, Shimaoka M, Okumura K, Sudo A. Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation profile identifies differentially methylated loci associated with humanintervertebral disc degeneration. PLoS One 2019 (in press) Reviews 1 Shimaoka M, Takagi J, Springer TA. Conformational regulation of integrin structure and function. Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct 2002; 31: 485-516. 2 Shimaoka M, Springer TA. Therapeutic antagonists and the conformational regulation of integrin structure and function. Nature Rev Drug Discover 2003; 2: 703-16. 3 Shimaoka M, Springer TA. Therapeutic antagonists and the conformational regulation of beta2 integrin. Curr Topic Med Chem 2004; 4: 1485-95. 4 Shimaoka M, Park EJ, Advances in understanding sepsis. Eur. J. Anaesthesiol. 2008; 42:146-53. 5 Peer D, Shimaoka M. Systemic siRNA delivery to leukocyte-implicated diseases. Cell Cycle 2009. 8: 853-9. 6 Imai Y, Shimaoka M, Kurokawa M. Essential roles of VLA-4 in the hematopoietic system. Int J Hematol. 2010; 91:569-75. 7 Kim SS, Subramanya S, Peer D, Shimaoka M, Shankar P. Antibody-mediated delivery of siRNAs for anti-HIV therapy. Methods Mol Biol. 2011; 721:339-53. 8 Banerjee D, Shimaoka M. Lentiviral gene transfer method to study integrin function in T lymphocytes. Methods Mol Biol. 2012; 757:47-54 9 Srinivasan C, Peer D, Shimaoka M, Integrin-targeted nanoparticles, Methods Mol Biol. 2012; 820:105-16. 10 Okamoto T, Tanigami H, Suzuki K, Shimaoka M. Thrombomodulin: a bi-functional modulator of inflammation and coagulation in sepsis. Criti Care Res Practice 2012;2012:614545. Epub 2012 Feb 28. 11 Maruyama K, Okamoto T, Shimaoka M. Integrins and Nitric Oxide in the Regulation of Glia Cells: Potential Roles in Pathological Pain. J Clin Anesth Res 2012 4:2 doi: 10.4172/2155-6105.S7-008 12 Tanigami H, Okamoto T, Yasue Y, Shimaoka M. Astroglial Integrins in the Development and Regulation of Neurovascular Units. Pain Res Treatment 2012;2012:964652. doi: 10.1155/2012/964652. Epub 2012 Dec 10. 13 Kawamoto E, Nakahashi S, Okamoto T, Imai H, Shimaoka M. Anti-integrin therapy for multiple sclerosis. Autoimmune Dis 2012;2012:357101. doi: 10.1155/2012/357101. Epub 2012 Dec 17. 14 Okamoto T, Shimaoka M. Conformational regulation of integrin activation in drug discovery. Clinical Hematology (Rinsho Ketsueki) 2014. 55(4): 405-17. 15 Shimaoka M. (Guest editor). Current Topics in Sepsis. Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets. 2015. 2015;15(1):1. 16 Shimaoka M. Strategic Career Planning for Physician-Scientists. J Orthopead Sci. 2015 2015 May;20(3):452-6. 17 Park EJ, Yuki Y, Kiyono H, Shimaoka M. Structural basis of blocking integrin activation and deactivation for anti-inflammation. J Biomed Sci. 2015 Jul 8;22:51. 18 Park EJ, Shimaoka M, Kiyono H. MicroRNA-mediated dynamic control of mucosal immunity. Int Immunol. 2017 Apr 1;29(4);157-163. 19 Shimaoka M, Kawamoto E, Gaowa A, Okamoto T, Park EJ. Connexins and Integrins in Exosomes. Cancers 2019 Jan 17;11(1) 20 Okamoto T, Usuda H, Tanaka T, Wada K, Shimaoka M. The functional implication for endothelial gap junction and cellular mechanics in vascular angiogenesis. Cancers 2019 Feb 18;11(2). 21 Koutsogiannaki S, Shimaoka M, Yuki K. 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InTech. 2012, Rijeka, Croatia Editor 1 Shimaoka M., Editor, Integrin and Cell Adhesion Molecules, Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol 757 Humana Press; 2011-2012 NY. Educational Materials Course syllabus 1 Shimaoka M. Integrins-cell adhesion molecules, In: Diamandopoulos GT, organizer. An advanced biomedical science program course PA514.0. Harvard Medical School; 2001. p221-4. Commentary etc. 1. 島岡要 研究医とダイヤモンド 国立大学医学部長会議 2015 6月2日 http://www.chnmsj.jp/kenkyuui_taikendan29.html 2. 島岡要 グローバルに活躍できる研究者を育成するための重要な概念 保健の科学 58号(5)2016 3. 永井勇輝、佐藤信夫、川本英嗣、今井寛、島岡要、矢野和男.ウエアラブルセンサを用いた看護師の不規則な勤務形態と幸福感に関する研究 信学技報, vol. 117, no. 199, LOIS2017-18, pp. 29-34, 2017年9月. 4. 島岡要 ビッグデータから見た研究者の仕事術. 研究開発リーダー. 146号 2018 5. 島岡要 巻頭エッセイ カガクへの視点「やりたいことを見つける方法」化学 73号(11)2018 6. 赤間雄一、島岡要 (ジャーナルクラブ)S1P依存性に臓器間を移動する2型自然リンパ球(ILC2)による生体防御 日本血栓止血学会誌 2018 29号(5):507 7. 島岡要 血栓止血の臨床—研修医のために:接着分子インテグリン 日本血栓止血学会誌 2018 29号(6):592 8. 島岡要、朴恩正、川本英嗣、阿栄高娃 エキソソーム・インテグリン:機能制御と疾患との関連 日本血栓止血学会誌 2019 30号(4):596 9. 伊藤亜紗実、島岡要 (ジャーナルクラブ)人工知能(AI)が集中治療室での敗血症治療戦略を学習するとどうなるか 日本血栓止血学会誌 2019 30号(4):687 10. 島岡要、宇都宮隆伸、内山耀、毛利啓人、坂本良太 Instagramと医療情報 医学のあゆみ 2019(印刷中) Originals in Japanese 1. 上條史絵、丸山一男、横地歩、島岡要 三重大学/鈴鹿医療科学大学合同教育プログラムー慢性疼痛多職種連携医療の進展に向けてー 三重大学高等教育研究 2019 25:9-12 |