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職名 | 准教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | みぞた いさお 溝田 功 |
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imizota@chem. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください) | ||||||||||
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学位 | https://researchmap.jp/gouseiyann | |||||||||
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学術(芸術)賞 | ||||||||||
専門分野 | ||||||||||
現在の研究課題 | α-イミノエステルに対する極性転換反応 | |||||||||
担当科目 | 化学基礎I 化学基礎II 化学実験II 分子素材工学特別研究I 分子素材工学特別研究II 分子素材工学特別研究III 分子素材工学特別研究IV 有機化学演習B | |||||||||
主な業績等 | Exploration into a New Dicarboxylic Acid Derived from Ricinoleic Acid for the Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors of High Performance 単著 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 89 1368-1374
Synthesis of 1,2-Diamino Acid Derivatives Utilizing Diastereoselective Tandem N-Alkylation/Homo- and Cross-addition Reaction of α-Aldimino Thioesters 単著 Arab. J. Sci. Eng SYNTHESIS OF MULTI-SUBSTITUTED 1,4-BENZOXAZINE USING AN UMPOLUNG REACTION WITH 2-OXO-1,4-BENZOXAZINE-3-CARBOXYLATES 単著 Heterocycles Synthesis of δ-Lactone and Amino Acid Frameworks Utilizing the Umpoled Reactivity of β,γ-Alkenyl α-Iminoester 単著 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 90 395-403 Titanium tetraiodide-mediated diastereoselective iodo-aldol and Mannich reactions of γ-alkoxy-α,β-alkynyl ketone derivatives 共著 Tetrahedron 72 6875-6885 ヨウ化チタンを用いる有機分子変換反応の開発 共著 2012 東海化学工業会会報 272 4-9 Integrated reactions using addition to conjugated imines and iminium salts 共著 2012.11 Pure and Applied Chemistry 84 2609-2617 Synthesis of Indolin-3-ones and Tetrahydro-4-quinolones from α-Imino Esters 共著 2013.01 Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2 130-134 Diastereoselective Tandem N-Alkylation-Mannich Reaction of α-Imino Esters 共著 2013.02 Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2 208-211 Tandem N-Alkylation-Addition Reaction of α-Aldimino Ester and Application to a New Flow System 共著 2013.06 Chemistry Letters 42 995-997 Regioselective Tandem N-Alkylation/C-Acylation of β,γ-Alkynyl α-Imino Esters 単著 2013.08 Organic Letters 15 4206-4209 Integrated reactions based on the sequential addition to α-imino esters 共著 2014 Pure and Applied Chemistry 86 755-764 Two-Step Synthesis of 3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) from 2,3-Butanedione 共著 2014.03 HETEROCYCLES 88 607-612 Tandem N-Alkylation/Vinylogous Aldol Reaction of β,γ-Alkenyl α-Iminoester 共著 2014.04 Organic Letters 16 2276-2279 N-Alkylation of α-Iminophosphonates and Application to Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons Reaction 共著 2014.08 Chemistry Letters 43 1752-1754 Highly efficient sequential N,N,C-trialkylation of α-N-acyloxyimino esters 単著 2015 Tetrahedron 71 5793-5799 FORMAL TOTAL SYNTHESIS OF ARTOCARPIN 単著 2016 Heteocycles Umpolung Reactions of α-Imino Esters: Useful Methods for the Preparation of α-Amino Acid Frameworks 単著 2016.02 The Chemical Record 16 688-702 https://researchmap.jp/gouseiyann |