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職名 | 教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | すずき ひでのり 鈴木 秀謙 |
生年月 | 1965.01 | |||||||||
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学歴 | 三重大学医学部医学科 学士課程 (1984年04月10日~1990年03月26日) 卒業
三重大学大学院医学研究科外科系脳神経外科学講座 博士課程・博士後期課程 (1993年04月01日~1997年03月25日) 修了 |
学位 | 1997.03 医学博士 三重大学
所属学会 | 日本脳神経外科学会 評議員、代議員 日本脳卒中学会 評議員、代議員 スパズムシンポジウム 世話人 日本脳神経外科コングレス 日本脳卒中の外科学会 評議員、代議員 日本脊髄外科学会 日本脳神経CI学会 日本脳腫瘍の外科学会 日本救急医学会 日本脳神経外科学会中部支部会 理事 東海クモ膜下出血研究会 代表幹事 三重脳卒中協会三重県支部 支部長代理 Congress of Neurological Surgeons (International Vista Membership) 日本神経内視鏡学会 日本脳神経血管内治療学会 日本結合組織学会 | |||||||||
社会活動 | ||||||||||
職歴 | 1990.06~1990.12 三重大学医学部附属病院 研修医
1991.01~1992.05 松阪中央総合病院 研修医 1992.06~1993.03 松阪中央総合病院 脳神経外科 医員 1993.04~1997.03 三重大学大学院医学系研究科 (博士課程) 大学院生 1997.04~1999.01 三重大学医学部附属病院 脳神経外科 医員 1999.02~1999.03 三重県立総合医療センター 脳神経外科 専門診療医 1999.04~2001.03 三重県立総合医療センター 脳神経外科 医員 2001.04~2002.06 山紀会山本第三病院 脳神経外科 医員 2002.07~2005.08 三重大学医学部脳神経外科講座 助手 2005.09~2007.12 三重大学医学部附属病院 救急部 講師 (兼 副部長) 2008.01~2009.10 米国ロマリンダ大学メディカルセンター脳神経外科 研究員 2009.11~2012.06 三重大学医学部附属病院 脳神経外科 講師 2012.07~ 三重大学大学院医学系研究科 脳神経外科学 教授 2019.10~ 三重大学医学部附属病院 副病院長 2020.11~ 三重大学医学部附属病院 臨床麻酔部長(兼任) |
学術(芸術)賞 | 三医会賞,三医会賞,2000,三重大学医学部医学科同窓会
Thomas J. Zirkle Award,Thomas J. Zirkle Award,2009.03,Annual Postgraduate Convention Young Investigators Award,Young Investigators Award,2009.10,ICCV The Next Big Idea, 1st Place Award,The Next Big Idea, 1st Place Award,2011.07,Vasospasm 2011 2019 NRR Highly Cited Article Award,2019 NRR Highly Cited Article Award,2019.12 |
専門分野 | 脳血管障害、脳血管攣縮、脳神経外科全般 | |||||||||
現在の研究課題 | 神経画像の臨床応用 脳血管攣縮の病態解明 脳腫瘍の外科 | |||||||||
担当科目 | ||||||||||
主な業績等 | 自然軽快傾向を示したSpontaneous spinal epidural hematomaの1手術例 1993 脳神経外科 21 1119-1123
自然軽快傾向を示したSpontaneous spinal epidural hematomaの1手術例 共著 1993 脳神経外科 21 1119-1123 種々の病態下での脳室側Shunt tube周囲の画像所見. ーMRI所見を中心としてー 共著 1993 CT研究 15 259-266 大脳円蓋部にextra-axial massを形成したanaplastic astrocytoma 1994 神経内科 41 202-204 大脳円蓋部にextra-axial massを形成したanaplastic astrocytoma 共著 1994 神経内科 41 202-204 非活動性神経膠腫 1994 神経内科 41 604-605 非活動性神経膠腫 共著 1994 神経内科 41 604-605 慢性期脳卒中患者における脳卒中の再発状況 1994 脳卒中 16 270-277 慢性期脳卒中患者における脳卒中の再発状況 共著 1994 脳卒中 16 270-277 特異なMRI所見を呈した外傷性てんかんの一例 1996 CI研究 18 365-371 特異なMRI所見を呈した外傷性てんかんの一例 共著 1996 CI研究 18 365-371 21-aminosteroid U74006Fによる脳血管攣縮の抑制効果:脂質過酸化反応と脳血管攣縮との関連 共著 1997 脳血管攣縮 12 295-300 21-aminosteroid U74006Fによる脳血管攣縮抑制効果と脂質過酸化反応に対する影響 ーサルのくも膜下出血モデルにおける検討ー. 1997 三重医学 41 1-8 21-aminosteroid U74006Fによる脳血管攣縮抑制効果と脂質過酸化反応に対する影響 ーサルのくも膜下出血モデルにおける検討ー. 共著 1997 三重医学 41 1-8 Rat髄腔内Endothelin,Hemolysate注入modelにおけるHeme Oxygenaseの誘導. 共著 1997 脳血管攣縮 13 231-233 脳血管攣縮におけるmyosin light chainリン酸化の動態および収縮寛関連蛋白の変化について. 共著 1997 脳血管攣縮 13 282-286 RNAフィンガープリンティング法を用いた脳血管攣縮関連遺伝子の探索研究. 1998 脳血管攣縮 13 272-276 RNAフィンガープリンティング法を用いた脳血管攣縮関連遺伝子の探索研究. 共著 1998 脳血管攣縮 13 272-276 クモ膜下出血と破裂動脈瘤. 共著 1998 京医誌 45 9-14 くも膜下出血後の脳および攣縮脳動脈壁におけるHeme Oxygenase-1mRNAの誘導. 1998 脳血管攣縮 14 155-160 くも膜下出血後の脳および攣縮脳動脈壁におけるHeme Oxygenase-1mRNAの誘導. 共著 1998 脳血管攣縮 14 155-160 くも膜下出血急性期のCBFとスパズム 共著 1999 脳血管攣縮 1 11-154 くも膜下出血後の脳および攣縮脳動脈壁におけるHeme Oxygenase-1 mRNAの誘導 1999 脳血管攣縮 14 155-160 くも膜下出血後の脳および攣縮脳動脈壁におけるHeme Oxygenase-1 mRNAの誘導 共著 1999 脳血管攣縮 14 155-160 ラット脳血管攣縮モデルにおけるHeme Oxygenase-1の遺伝子発現誘導と攣縮抑制機構 共著 1999 日本薬理学雑誌 114 55-59 脳血管攣縮におけるHeme Oxygenase-1の誘導とその意義 1999 血管 22 43-51 脳血管攣縮におけるHeme Oxygenase-1の誘導とその意義 共著 1999 血管 22 43-51 ラット脳血管攣縮モデルにおいてHeme Oxygenase-1の特異的抑制がHeme Clearanceに及ぼす効果 2000 脳血管攣縮 15 269-273 ラット脳血管攣縮モデルにおいてHeme Oxygenase-1の特異的抑制がHeme Clearanceに及ぼす効果 共著 2000 脳血管攣縮 15 269-273 頚髄髄内腫瘍摘出術後に頭蓋内急性硬膜外血腫をきたした1例 2000 脊髄外科 14 37-42 頚髄髄内腫瘍摘出術後に頭蓋内急性硬膜外血腫をきたした1例 共著 2000 脊髄外科 14 37-42 犬2回くも膜下出血モデルにおける脳血管攣縮に対するRho-associate Kinase阻害剤Y27632の治療効果の検討 共著 2000 脳血管攣縮 15 251-254 くも膜下出血患者の髄液中フェリチン濃度と脳血管攣縮 2002 脳卒中の外科(増刊号) 30 7-12 くも膜下出血患者の髄液中フェリチン濃度と脳血管攣縮 共著 2002 脳卒中の外科(増刊号) 30 7-12 3D XR/MR Fusion:Advantage 3D XR. 共著 2003 GE todey 10 15-18 Spontaneous Haemorrhage into Metastatic Brain Tumours after Stereotactic Radiosurgery 共著 2003.07 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 74 908-912 Spontaneous Haemorrhage into Metastatic Brain Tumours after Stereotactic Radiosurgery 単著 2003.07 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 74 908-912 3D XR/MR Fusion: Advantage 3D XR 共著 2003.10 GE today 10 15-18 A Novel Image Fusion Visualizes the Angio-architecture of the Perforating Arteries 共著 2003.11 AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 24 2011-2014 A novel image fusion visualizes the angioarchitecture of the perforating arteries in the brain. 2003.11 AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 24 2011-4 A novel image fusion visualizes the angioarchitecture of the perforating arteries in the brain. 共著 2003.11 AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology 24 2011-4 Intracranial Heme Metabolism and Cerebral Vasospasm 共著 2003.12 Stroke 34 2796-2800 Intracranial Heme Metabolism and Cerebral Vasospasm 単著 2003.12 Stroke 34 2796-2800 Intracranial heme metabolism and cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2003.12 Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation 34 2796-800 Intracranial heme metabolism and cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 単著 2003.12 Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation 34 2796-800 Xray/MR Fusionの臨床的優位性 共著 2004 GE imagination at work, GE Healthcare, GE Yokogawa Medical Systems 1-12 各科手術と静脈血栓塞栓症(肺血栓塞栓症/深部静脈血栓症):脳神経外科 単著 2004 オペ・ナースのための情報誌 るみえーる 16 4-5 各科手術と静脈血栓塞栓症(肺血栓塞栓症/深部静脈血栓症):脳神経外科 単著 2004 オペ・ナースのための情報誌 るみえーる 16 4-5 脳血管攣縮とテネイシンC:Preliminary Study 共著 2004 脳卒中の外科(増刊号) 32 75-79 Possible Role of Heme Oxygenase-1 and Ferritin in Cerebral Vasospasm after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 共著 2005 Cerebral Vasospasm. Advances in Research and Treatment 142-145 Possible Role of Heme Oxygenase-1 and Ferritin in Cerebral Vasospasm after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 共著 2005 Cerebral Vasospasm. Advances in Research and Treatment 142-145 高齢者脳疾患に対する血管内治療 共著 2005 Geriatric Neurosurgery 17 41-45 Visualization of the Intracisternal Angioarchitecture at the Posterior Fossa by Use of 共著 2005.02 Neurosurgery 56 335-342 Visualization of the intracisternal angioarchitecture at the posterior fossa by use of image fusion. 2005.02 Neurosurgery 56 335-42; discussion 335-42 Visualization of the intracisternal angioarchitecture at the posterior fossa by use of image fusion. 単著 2005.02 Neurosurgery 56 335-42; discussion 335-42 3D DSA/MRI融合画像を用いたAVMの術前評価 2006 脳卒中 28 236- 3D DSA/MRI融合画像を用いたAVMの術前評価 共著 2006 脳卒中 28 236- Image Fusionを用いた後頭蓋窩動静脈の描出 2006 CI研究 28 111-118 Image Fusionを用いた後頭蓋窩動静脈の描出 共著 2006 CI研究 28 111-118 テネイシンCを用いた脳血管攣縮発生予測の可能性 共著 2006 脳卒中の外科(増刊号) 34 60-63 3D DSA/MRI融合画像 共著 2006.07 日本臨床 64 367-371 Cerebrospinal fluid ferritin in chronic hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2006.09 J Neurol 253 1170-1176 Cerebrospinal fluid ferritin in chronic hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2006.09 J Neurol 253 1170-1176 Cerebrospinal fluid ferritin in chronic hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2006.09 Journal of neurology 253 1170-6 Cerebrospinal fluid ferritin in chronic hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 単著 2006.09 Journal of neurology 253 1170-6 [Image fusion of three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography and magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of cerebrovascular diseases]. 単著 2006.10 Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine 64 Suppl 7 367-71 MRI findings of Malignant Transformation of Epidermoid Cyst: Case Report 共著 2007 J Neuro-oncol 82 171-174 くも膜下出血後水頭症と脳脊髄液中テネイシンC濃度との関連 2007 脳卒中 29 340- くも膜下出血後水頭症と脳脊髄液中テネイシンC濃度との関連 共著 2007 脳卒中 29 340- ラット脳血管攣縮に対するBlack Blood MRIを用いた低侵襲的評価 共著 2007 脳卒中の外科(増刊号) 肺炎球菌尿中抗原検査で陽性を呈した劇症型感染症の1例 共著 2007 日本救急医学会雑誌 18 Role of image fusion combining three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography with magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of unruptured cerebral aneurysms. 2007.01 Neurological research 29 58-63 Role of image fusion combining three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography with magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of unruptured cerebral aneurysms. 単著 2007.01 Neurological research 29 58-63 Role of image fusion combining three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography with magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of unruptured cerebral aneurysms 共著 2007.01 Neurol Res 29 58-63 Role of image fusion combining three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography with magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of unruptured cerebral aneurysms 共著 2007.01 Neurol Res 29 58-63 MRI findings of malignant transformation of epidermoid cyst: case report. 2007.04 Journal of neuro-oncology 82 171-4 MRI findings of malignant transformation of epidermoid cyst: case report. 共著 2007.04 Journal of neuro-oncology 82 171-4 Stroke Prevention Program 脳梗塞急性期治療の進歩と期待 共著 2008 日経メディカル 3 1-4 ラットくも膜下出血後の遅発性脳血管攣縮に対するシロスタゾールの治療効果-BB-MRIを用いた検討- 共著 2008 脳卒中 30 280- ラットくも膜下出血モデルにおけるオステオポンチンの抗攣縮効果 2010 脳血管攣縮 26 82-87 ラットくも膜下出血モデルにおけるオステオポンチンの抗攣縮効果 共著 2010 脳血管攣縮 26 82-87 出血性脳血管障害の臨床 2010 画像診断 30 874-883 出血性脳血管障害の臨床 共著 2010 画像診断 30 874-883 動眼神経麻痺で発症した内頚動脈後交通動脈分枝部における術中所見とCFD解析 共著 2010 脳神経外科ジャーナル 19 767-772 Complete recovery from aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest. 2010.02 European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine 17 42-4 Complete recovery from aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest. 単著 2010.02 European journal of emergency medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine 17 42-4 Tenascin-C is induced in cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats and humans: a pilot study. 2010.03 Neurological research 32 179-84 Tenascin-C is induced in cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats and humans: a pilot study. 単著 2010.03 Neurological research 32 179-84 Dynamic Four-dimensional CT Angiography(DFA)を用いた構造解析に基づく新しい脳動脈瘤の評価. 共著 2011 映像情報メディカル(増刊号) 43 78-84 Embolic protection deviceを用いたCASにおける遠位塞栓の危険因子の検討 共著 2011 日本血管内治療学会誌 12 13-17 Subarachnoid hemorrhage causes pulmonary endothelial cell apoptosis and neurogenic pulmonary edema in mice. 2011 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 111 129-32 Subarachnoid hemorrhage causes pulmonary endothelial cell apoptosis and neurogenic pulmonary edema in mice. 単著 2011 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 111 129-32 ここが知りたい! おさえておきたい出血性脳血管障害?基本から最新の知識まで - 2011 画像診断 31 83- ここが知りたい! おさえておきたい出血性脳血管障害?基本から最新の知識まで - 共著 2011 画像診断 31 83- スパズム治療成績の現状 -PRESATサブ解析よりー 2011 脳血管攣縮 27 10-16 スパズム治療成績の現状 -PRESATサブ解析よりー 共著 2011 脳血管攣縮 27 10-16 ラットくも膜下出血モデルにおける神経学的評価. 2011 脳血管攣縮 27 54-59 ラットくも膜下出血モデルにおける神経学的評価. 共著 2011 脳血管攣縮 27 54-59 脳血管疾患とテネイシンC. 2011 呼吸と循環 59 1099-1105 脳血管疾患とテネイシンC. 共著 2011 呼吸と循環 59 1099-1105 破裂脳動脈瘤の新しい4D-CTAによる構造解析とCFD解析 共著 2011 日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(電子版) 25 Novel dynamic four-dimensional CT angiography revealing 2-type motions of cerebral arteries. 2011.03 Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation 42 815-8 Novel dynamic four-dimensional CT angiography revealing 2-type motions of cerebral arteries. 共著 2011.03 Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation 42 815-8 Cerebrospinal fluid tenascin-C in cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2011.10 Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology 23 310-7 Cerebrospinal fluid tenascin-C in cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 単著 2011.10 Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology 23 310-7 Determinants of poor outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage when both clipping and coiling are available: Prospective Registry of Subarachnoid Aneurysms Treatment (PRESAT) in Japan. 2011.11 World neurosurgery 76 437-45 Determinants of poor outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage when both clipping and coiling are available: Prospective Registry of Subarachnoid Aneurysms Treatment (PRESAT) in Japan. 共著 2011.11 World neurosurgery 76 437-45 CDF解析によるブレブ発生と増大メカニズムの検討 共著 2012 脳神経外科ジャーナル 21 413-419 Evaluation of cerebral arteriovenous malformations using image fusion combining three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography with magnetic resonance imaging. 2012 Turkish neurosurgery 22 341-5 Evaluation of cerebral arteriovenous malformations using image fusion combining three-dimensional digital subtraction angiography with magnetic resonance imaging. 単著 2012 Turkish neurosurgery 22 341-5 アルファ7ニコチン性受容体作動薬PNU-282987のくも膜下出血後のearly injury抑制効果 2012 脳血管攣縮 28 12-18 アルファ7ニコチン性受容体作動薬PNU-282987のくも膜下出血後のearly injury抑制効果 共著 2012 脳血管攣縮 28 12-18 くも膜下出血後early brain injuryにおけるテネイシンCの役割 共著 2012 脳血管攣縮 28 5-8 テネイシンCとearly brain injuryおよび脳血管攣縮との関係 2012 脳血管攣縮 28 1-4 テネイシンCとearly brain injuryおよび脳血管攣縮との関係 共著 2012 脳血管攣縮 28 1-4 テネイシンCの脳動脈瘤収縮効果 共著 2012 脳血管攣縮 28 9-12 三叉神経痛に対する微小血管減圧術後にカルバマゼピンの中止により脳梁膨大部に一過性MRI異常を来した一例 共著 2012 脳神経外科ジャーナル 21 644-648 治療困難な脳動脈瘤に対するCFD解析の有用性 共著 2012 The Mt. Fuji Workshop on CVD 30 88-91 脳動脈瘤発生とCFD解析 共著 2012 血栓と循環 20 12-17 Imatinib mesylate prevents cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage via inhibiting tenascin-C expression in rats. 2012.04 Neurobiology of disease 46 172-9 Imatinib mesylate prevents cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage via inhibiting tenascin-C expression in rats. 共著 2012.04 Neurobiology of disease 46 172-9 Factors predicting retreatment and residual aneurysms at 1 year after endovascular coiling for ruptured cerebral aneurysms: Prospective Registry of Subarachnoid Aneurysms Treatment (PRESAT) in Japan. 2012.06 Neuroradiology 54 597-606 Factors predicting retreatment and residual aneurysms at 1 year after endovascular coiling for ruptured cerebral aneurysms: Prospective Registry of Subarachnoid Aneurysms Treatment (PRESAT) in Japan. 共著 2012.06 Neuroradiology 54 597-606 Alteration of hemodynamics after placing intracranial stents. 共著 2013 Neurologia medico-chirurgica 53 171-8 Changes in hemodynamics after placing intracranial stents. 2013 Neurologia medico-chirurgica 53 171-8 Changes in hemodynamics after placing intracranial stents. 共著 2013 Neurologia medico-chirurgica 53 171-8 Effect of aneurysm treatment modalities on cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 単著 2013 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 115 99-105 Evaluation of the hematoma consequences, neurobehavioral profiles, and histopathology in a rat model of pontine hemorrhage. 共著 2013 J Neurosurg. 118(2) 465-477 Matricellular protein: a new player in cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. 共著 2013 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 115 213-8 Matricellular protein: a new player in cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. 単著 2013 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 115 213-8 Monthly View 2013 脳神経外科速報 23(7) 818-819 Pontine hemorrhage. 共著 2013 J Neurosurg 118(5) 1152-1153 Regulation of cerebral vasospasm by growth factors and matricellular. 単著 2013 Annual Report of the NOVARTIS Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science.2013;25:47-49. 25 47-49 Role of platelet-derived growth factor in cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. 2013 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 115 219-23 Role of platelet-derived growth factor in cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. 共著 2013 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 115 219-23 Role of platelet-derived growth factor in cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. 共著 2013 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 115 219-23 Role of the sphingosine metabolism pathway on neurons against. 共著 2013 Transl Stroke Res 4 524-532 血管内ガイドワイヤーシミュレーションの研究(血管内モデル、ガイドワイヤー、カテーテルの接触解析) 共著 2013 バイオエンジニアリング講演会論文集 25 201-202 三重大学脳神経外科教授就任のご挨拶 2013 三医会会報 26 30-32 三重大学脳神経外科教授就任のご挨拶 共著 2013 三医会会報 26 30-32 数値流体力学 (Computational Fluid Dynamics) 解析を用いた脳動脈瘤の新しい理解: - 3次元血流領域の新しいパラメータによる複雑な血流の定量化の試み - 共著 2013 三重医報 636 20-30 High-risk plaque for carotid artery stenting evaluated with 3-dimensional T1-weighted gradient echo sequence. 2013.01 Stroke 44 105-10 High-risk plaque for carotid artery stenting evaluated with 3-dimensional T1-weighted gradient echo sequence. 共著 2013.01 Stroke 44 105-10 High-risk plaque for carotid artery stenting evaluated with 3-dimensional T1-weighted gradient echo sequence. 共著 2013.01 Stroke 44 105-10 Low wall shear stress is independently associated with the rupture status of middle cerebral artery aneurysms. 2013.02 Stroke 44 519-21 Low wall shear stress is independently associated with the rupture status of middle cerebral artery aneurysms. 共著 2013.02 Stroke 44 519-21 Low wall shear stress is independently associated with the rupture status of middle cerebral artery aneurysms. 共著 2013.02 Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation 44 519-21 Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis to Characterize Local Hemodynamic Features of Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm Rupture Points. 共著 2013.02 World neurosurgery Importance of independent evaluation of initial anatomic results after endovascular coiling for ruptured cerebral aneurysms. 共著 2013.04 Journal of clinical neuroscience 20 527-31 脳室内出血における内視鏡下血腫除去術の有用性 共著 2013.06 脳卒中の外科 41(6) 411-415 Tenascin-C induces prolonged constriction of cerebral arteries in rats. 共著 2013.07 Neurobiology of disease 55 104-9 研究のすすめ 単著 2013.07 脳神経外科 41 7-563 Angiographic vasospasmと脳梗塞の関係“主観的評価と客観的評価” 共著 2014 脳血管攣縮 30 8-11 Midline lumbar fusion with cortical bone trajectory screw. 2014 Neurologia medico-chirurgica 54 716-21 Midline lumbar fusion with cortical bone trajectory screw. 共著 2014 Neurologia medico-chirurgica 54 716-21 クモ膜下出血における早期脳損傷の役割~新しい治療ターゲット~ 共著 2014 脳循環代謝 25 123-128 くも膜下出血後の血液脳関門障害におけるテネイシンCの役割 共著 2014 脳血管攣縮 30 12-14 頚動脈内膜剥離術 少ない症例で安定した成績をめざす 2014 脳神経外科速報 24 841-849 頚動脈内膜剥離術 少ない症例で安定した成績をめざす 共著 2014 脳神経外科速報 24 841-849 血管内カテーテル/ガイドワイヤシミュレータの研究 : ガイドワイヤ先端接触力の推定 共著 2014 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 26 519-520 血管内カテーテル/ガイドワイヤシミュレータの研究 : カテーテルの変形挙動 共著 2014 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 26 515-516 最新臨床脳卒中学(下) 4. 脳出血の治療 (1)急性期治療 1)血圧の管理 脳出血急性期の血圧管理 共著 2014 日本臨床(増刊号) 72 308-311 神経因性膀胱で発症した頚椎椎間板ヘルニアの一例. 共著 2014 脳外誌 23 827-831 数値流体解析による肥厚性リモデリングの評価-白くて厚い脳動脈瘤壁の術前診断の可能性-. 共著 2014 CI研究 36 73-77 第12回国際脳血管攣縮学会(Vasospasm 2013)報告記(2013年7月10?12日) 2014 脳神経外科 42 240-241 第12回国際脳血管攣縮学会(Vasospasm 2013)報告記(2013年7月10?12日) 共著 2014 脳神経外科 42 240-241 当施設におけるPhase contrast MRIを用いたFlow Dynamics Analysisの試み 共著 2014 映像情報メディカル 46 520-521 脳動脈瘤の流体解析 共著 2014 日本血管内治療学会誌 15 8-12 片側顔面痙攣に対する微小血管減圧術. 2014 脳神経外科速報 24 1296-1302 片側顔面痙攣に対する微小血管減圧術. 共著 2014 脳神経外科速報 24 1296-1302 Tenascin-C causes neuronal apoptosis after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. 2014.04 Translational stroke research 5 238-47 Tenascin-C causes neuronal apoptosis after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. 共著 2014.04 Translational stroke research 5 238-47 Gellan sulfate core platinum coil with tenascin-C promotes intra-aneurysmal organization in rats. 2014.10 Translational stroke research 5 595-603 Gellan sulfate core platinum coil with tenascin-C promotes intra-aneurysmal organization in rats. 共著 2014.10 Translational stroke research 5 595-603 Effects of tenascin-C on early brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. 2015 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 120 69-73 Effects of tenascin-C on early brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. 共著 2015 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 120 69-73 Tenascin-C is a possible mediator between initial brain injury and vasospasm-related and -unrelated delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2015 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 120 117-21 Tenascin-C is a possible mediator between initial brain injury and vasospasm-related and -unrelated delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 単著 2015 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 120 117-21 Vasoconstrictive effect of tenascin-C on cerebral arteries in rats. 2015 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 120 99-103 Vasoconstrictive effect of tenascin-C on cerebral arteries in rats. 共著 2015 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 120 99-103 くも膜下出血患者における血漿中ガレクチン-3濃度の検討. 共著 2015 脳血管攣縮 31 45-48 くも膜下出血後の遅発性虚血性脳障害をめぐる新展開 2015 脳外誌 24 232-238 くも膜下出血後の遅発性虚血性脳障害をめぐる新展開 共著 2015 脳外誌 24 232-238 くも膜下出血後の遅発性脳障害:現状の整理と今後の治療ターゲット. 2015 脳神経外科 43 869-877 くも膜下出血後の遅発性脳障害:現状の整理と今後の治療ターゲット. 共著 2015 脳神経外科 43 869-877 シロスタゾール増量による脳血管攣縮抑制効果. 2015 脳血管攣縮 31 15-20 シロスタゾール増量による脳血管攣縮抑制効果. 共著 2015 脳血管攣縮 31 15-20 テネイシンCは上皮成長因子受容体を介しラット脳動脈を収縮させる. 共著 2015 脳血管攣縮 31 38-40 血管内カテーテル/ガイドワイヤシミュレータの研究(動脈瘤のコイル塞栓) 共著 2015 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 27 93-94 血管内カテーテル・ガイドワイヤーシミュレーターの研究 : ガイドワイヤー形状がカテーテルの挿入時の形状に与える影響 共著 2015 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 26 135-136 血漿中ペリオスチン濃度はクモ膜下出血後DCI発症例で高値を示す. 共著 2015 脳血管攣縮 31 41-44 手術で治る認知症もある 2015 スギ薬局健康増進セミナー in 三重 2015 紙面採録 手術で治る認知症もある 共著 2015 スギ薬局健康増進セミナー in 三重 2015 紙面採録 小児外傷性肺損傷に対してECMOを用いて救命し得た1経験例 共著 2015 日救急医会誌 26 166-172 数値流体力学による脳動脈瘤の新しい理解と臨床応用 共著 2015 CI研究 37 31-37 前方循環に発生した出血発症仮性脳動脈瘤の検討 ~特にIC以外に発生した脳動脈瘤に関して~ 共著 2015 脳卒中の外科 43 352-358 多孔質媒体モデルを用いたCFD解析による脳動脈瘤コイル塞栓術後閉塞状態の予測 共著 2015 Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy 9 69-77 当施設におけるperfusion CTを用いたクモ膜下出血後脳梗塞発生例の検討. 共著 2015 脳血管攣縮 31 26-29 脳卒中の最新治療と我々の取り組み 2015 三医会関西支部会会報 11 1- 脳卒中の最新治療と我々の取り組み 共著 2015 三医会関西支部会会報 11 1- Using computational fluid dynamics analysis to characterize local hemodynamic features of middle cerebral artery aneurysm rupture points. 2015.01 World neurosurgery 83 80-6 Using computational fluid dynamics analysis to characterize local hemodynamic features of middle cerebral artery aneurysm rupture points. 共著 2015.01 World neurosurgery 83 80-6 Cervical ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in x-linked hypophosphatemic rickets revealing homogeneously increased vertebral bone density. 2015.02 Asian spine journal 9 106-9 Cervical ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in x-linked hypophosphatemic rickets revealing homogeneously increased vertebral bone density. 共著 2015.02 Asian spine journal 9 106-9 What is early brain injury? 2015.02 Translational stroke research 6 1-3 What is early brain injury? 単著 2015.02 Translational stroke research 6 1-3 [Delayed Brain Injury after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:Update and Perspective]. 単著 2015.10 No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery 43 869-77 Characteristics of Cerebrovascular Injury in the Hyperacute Phase After Induced Severe Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2015.12 Translational stroke research 6 458-66 Characteristics of Cerebrovascular Injury in the Hyperacute Phase After Induced Severe Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2015.12 Translational stroke research 6 458-66 An immuno-wall microdevice exhibits rapid and sensitive detection of IDH1-R132H mutation specific to grade II and III gliomas. 2016 Science and technology of advanced materials 17 618-625 An immuno-wall microdevice exhibits rapid and sensitive detection of IDH1-R132H mutation specific to grade II and III gliomas. 共著 2016 Science and technology of advanced materials 17 618-625 Assessment of the Correlations Between Brain Weight and Brain Edema in Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2016 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 121 89-92 Assessment of the Correlations Between Brain Weight and Brain Edema in Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2016 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 121 89-92 Cerebral Infarction After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2016 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 121 167-72 Cerebral Infarction After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2016 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 121 167-72 The Role of Matricellular Proteins in Brain Edema after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2016 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 121 151-6 The Role of Matricellular Proteins in Brain Edema after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 単著 2016 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 121 151-6 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Brain Edema Formation After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2016 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 121 173-7 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Brain Edema Formation After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2016 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 121 173-7 くも膜下出血における画像診断(3D-CTA/DSA)の役割 共著 2016 脳卒中の外科 44 447-452 開頭に工夫を要した中硬膜動脈由来眼動脈を伴った多発性前方循環脳動脈瘤の一例 共著 2016 脳卒中の外科 44 381-384 血管内治療デバイス留置シミュレータの開発(動脈瘤のコイル塞栓) 共著 2016 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 脊椎疾患における痛み・痺れ領域の検討 共著 2016 脳神経外科 44 1025-1031 編集後記 2016 脳卒中の外科 44 36- 編集後記 共著 2016 脳卒中の外科 44 36- Tenascin-C in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: deleterious or protective? 2016.02 Neural regeneration research 11 230-1 Tenascin-C in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: deleterious or protective? 単著 2016.02 Neural regeneration research 11 230-1 A Case of Moyamoya Disease with a Transient Neurologic Deterioration Associated with Subcortical Low Intensity on Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Images After Bypass Surgery. 2016.04 World neurosurgery 88 688.e17-688.e21 A Case of Moyamoya Disease with a Transient Neurologic Deterioration Associated with Subcortical Low Intensity on Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Magnetic Resonance Images After Bypass Surgery. 共著 2016.04 World neurosurgery 88 6.88E+19-6.88E+23 Aneurysm Organization Effects of Gellan Sulfate Core Platinum Coil with Tenascin-C in a Simulated Clinical Setting and the Possible Mechanism. 2016.04 Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 25 771-80 Aneurysm Organization Effects of Gellan Sulfate Core Platinum Coil with Tenascin-C in a Simulated Clinical Setting and the Possible Mechanism. 共著 2016.04 Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 25 771-80 Onion-skin Hemifacial Dysesthesia Successfully Treated with C2-4 Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion: A Case Report. 2016.04 NMC case report journal 3 45-47 Onion-skin Hemifacial Dysesthesia Successfully Treated with C2-4 Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion: A Case Report. 共著 2016.04 NMC case report journal 3 45-47 Deficiency of tenascin-C and attenuation of blood-brain barrier disruption following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice. 2016.06 Journal of neurosurgery 124 1693-702 Deficiency of tenascin-C and attenuation of blood-brain barrier disruption following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice. 共著 2016.06 Journal of neurosurgery 124 1693-702 Epidermal growth factor-like repeats of tenascin-C-induced constriction of cerebral arteries via activation of epidermal growth factor receptors in rats. 2016.07 Brain research 1642 436-444 Epidermal growth factor-like repeats of tenascin-C-induced constriction of cerebral arteries via activation of epidermal growth factor receptors in rats. 共著 2016.07 Brain research 1642 436-444 Management of inadvertent vertebral artery injury due to central venous catheterization in a coagulopathic patient. 2016.07 Acute medicine & surgery 3 265-267 Management of inadvertent vertebral artery injury due to central venous catheterization in a coagulopathic patient. 共著 2016.07 Acute medicine & surgery 3 265-267 Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment Suppresses Early Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 2016.09 Molecular neurobiology 53 4529-38 Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment Suppresses Early Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2016.09 Molecular neurobiology 53 4529-38 Controlled normothermia for a cerebral air embolism complicating computed tomography-guided transthoracic needle biopsy of the lung. 2016.10 Acute medicine & surgery 3 411-414 Controlled normothermia for a cerebral air embolism complicating computed tomography-guided transthoracic needle biopsy of the lung. 共著 2016.10 Acute medicine & surgery 3 411-414 Cavernous Sinus Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Presenting with Intracerebral Hemorrhage Associated with Chronological Angiographic Demonstration of Disturbed Leptomeningeal Venous Drainage as the Sole Outflow Route. 2016.11 World neurosurgery 95 617.e7-617.e12 Cavernous Sinus Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Presenting with Intracerebral Hemorrhage Associated with Chronological Angiographic Demonstration of Disturbed Leptomeningeal Venous Drainage as the Sole Outflow Route. 共著 2016.11 World neurosurgery 95 6.17E+09-6.17E+14 [Distribution of Pain and Numbness in Patients with Cervical Spine Disorders]. 共著 2016.12 No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery 44 1025-1032 2種類の多孔質媒体モデル数値流体力学(CFD)によるStent-assisted coiling のシミュレーション 共著 2017 映像メディカル 49 4-5 A study of the relationship between the microcatheter shape and stability by numerical simulation 共著 2017 JNET 11 333-340 Blockage of central sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor does not abolish the protective effect of systemic FTY720 in early brain injury after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2017 Curr Drug Deliv 14 861-866 Characteristics of blood blister-like aneurysms with a saccular-shape appearance 共著 2017 World Neurosurg 108 595-602 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using porous media modeling predicts recurrence after coiling of cerebral aneurysms 共著 2017 PLoS One 12 e0190222- Delayed Onset of Isolated Unilateral Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Caused by Post-Traumatic Pituitary Apoplexy: A Case Report. 2017 Clinical medicine insights. Case reports 10 1179547617731299- Delayed Onset of Isolated Unilateral Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Caused by Post-Traumatic Pituitary Apoplexy: A Case Report. 共著 2017 Clinical medicine insights. Case reports 10 1.18E+15- Effects of Toll-like receptor 4 antagonists against cerebral vasospasm after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice 共著 2017 Mol Neurobiol 54 6624-6633 Matricellular proteinとくも膜下出血後delayed cerebral ischemia 2017 脳血管攣縮 33 13-15 Matricellular proteinとくも膜下出血後delayed cerebral ischemia 共著 2017 脳血管攣縮 33 13-15 Preventive effects of cilostazol against the development of shunt-dependent hydrocephalus after subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2017 J Neurosurg 127 319-326 Relationships of morphologic parameters and hemodynamic parameters determined by computational fluid dynamics analysis with the severity of subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2017 JNET 11 512-519 Role of periostin in early brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice 共著 2017 Stroke 48 1108-1111 Skull Meningioma Associated with Intradural Cyst: A Case Report. 2017 Clinical medicine insights. Case reports 10 1179547617738231- Skull Meningioma Associated with Intradural Cyst: A Case Report. 共著 2017 Clinical medicine insights. Case reports 10 1.18E+15- Stagnation and complex flow in ruptured cerebral aneurysms: A possible association with hemostatic pattern 共著 2017 J Neurosurg 126 1566-1572 くも膜下出血患者における急性期血漿中ガレクチン-3濃度とその意義. 共著 2017 脳血管攣縮 33 31-34 シロスタゾール投与によるくも膜下出血後水頭症の発生抑制の可能性 共著 2017 脳卒中の外科 45 14-18 頚椎aneurysmal bone cystに対し、Hybrid手術室で治療を行った1例 共著 2017 脊髄外科 31 187-189 血管内カテーテル・ガイドワイヤーシミュレーターの研究(カテーテルの挿入手法が治療に与える影響の調査) 共著 2017 バイオフロンティア講演会講演論文集 血管内治療デバイス留置シミュレータの開発 (血管バイオモデルを用いたコイルの変形挙動評価) 共著 2017 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 血管内治療デバイス留置シミュレータの開発(動脈瘤コイル塞栓の数値シミュレーション) 共著 2017 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 腰椎固定術の基礎と低侵襲手技の発展 共著 2017 脳外誌 26 353-361 腰椎固定術の変遷と進化 -腰椎手術を始めるあなたに知っておいてもらいたいこと- 共著 2017 脳神経外科 45 759-769 場所の重複記憶錯誤の病態と発症機序:地理的定位錯誤を生じた二例の検討から 共著 2017 言語聴覚研究 14 369-377 脳動脈瘤に対するステント留置による血行力学的効果-多孔質媒体モデルを用いた数値流体力学(CFD)による検討- 共著 2017 脳外誌 26 444-451 Computational fluid dynamics for predicting delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2017.01 J Neurol Disord Stroke 5 1120- Hemodynamic Differences Between Ruptured and Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Simultaneously Existing in the Same Location: 2 Case Reports and Proposal of a Novel Parameter Oscillatory Velocity Index. 2017.02 World neurosurgery 98 868.e5-868.e10 Hemodynamic Differences Between Ruptured and Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms Simultaneously Existing in the Same Location: 2 Case Reports and Proposal of a Novel Parameter Oscillatory Velocity Index. 共著 2017.02 World neurosurgery 98 8.68E+07-8.68E+12 Mechanical Recanalization for Acute Embolic Occlusion at the Origin of the Superior Mesenteric Artery. 2017.02 Vascular and endovascular surgery 51 91-94 Mechanical Recanalization for Acute Embolic Occlusion at the Origin of the Superior Mesenteric Artery. 共著 2017.02 Vascular and endovascular surgery 51 91-94 Positional Occlusion of Vertebral Artery Due to Cervical Spondylosis as Rare Cause of Wake-up Stroke: Report of Two Cases. 2017.02 World neurosurgery 98 877.e13-877.e21 Positional Occlusion of Vertebral Artery Due to Cervical Spondylosis as Rare Cause of Wake-up Stroke: Report of Two Cases. 共著 2017.02 World neurosurgery 98 8.77E+15-8.77E+23 Prolonged Cerebral Hyperperfusion and Subcortical Low Intensity on Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Images: Unusual Manifestation After Removal of Organized Chronic Subdural Hematoma. 2017.05 World neurosurgery 101 812.e1-812.e4 Prolonged Cerebral Hyperperfusion and Subcortical Low Intensity on Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Images: Unusual Manifestation After Removal of Organized Chronic Subdural Hematoma. 共著 2017.05 World neurosurgery 101 8.12E+03-8.12E+06 Deletion of the BH3-only protein Noxa alters electrographic seizures but does not protect against hippocampal damage after status epilepticus in mice 共著 2017.08 Cell Death Dis 8 e2556-e2556 Higher cerebrospinal fluid pH may contribute to the development of delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2017.08 Transl Stroke Res 8 165-173 Impact of hypertriglyceridemia on carotid stenosis progression under normal low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels 共著 2017.08 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 26 1793-1800 [Transition and Evolution of Lumbar Spinal Fusion]. 共著 2017.09 No shinkei geka. Neurological surgery 45 759-769 A Case of Vertebral Artery Fusiform Aneurysm Treated by Flow Alteration: Successful Prediction of Therapeutic Effects Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2017.10 NMC case report journal 4 107-110 A Case of Vertebral Artery Fusiform Aneurysm Treated by Flow Alteration: Successful Prediction of Therapeutic Effects Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. 共著 2017.10 NMC case report journal 4 107-110 Basi-parallel anatomical scanning-magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome of the basilar artery: a case report. 2017.10 Acute medicine & surgery 4 458-461 Basi-parallel anatomical scanning-magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome of the basilar artery: a case report. 共著 2017.10 Acute medicine & surgery 4 458-461 Implications of periostin in the development of subarachnoid hemorrhage-induced brain injuries 共著 2017.12 Neural Regen Res 12 1982-1984 Toll-like receptor 4 as a possible therapeutic target for delayed brain injuries after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2017.12 Neural Regen Res 12 193-196 Hemodynamic characteristics of hyperplastic remodeling lesions in cerebral aneurysms. 2018 PloS one 13 e0191287- Hemodynamic characteristics of hyperplastic remodeling lesions in cerebral aneurysms. 共著 2018 PloS one 13 e0191287- スパズムの概念および治療の変遷と現状の課題 2018 脳神経外科ジャーナル. 27 216-221 スパズムの概念および治療の変遷と現状の課題 共著 2018 脳神経外科ジャーナル. 27 216-221 マウスくも膜下出血モデルにおける上皮成長因子受容体阻害薬の神経細胞アポトーシス抑制効果の検討. 共著 2018 脳血管攣縮 34 31-33 血管内治療デバイス留置シミュレータの開発 (コイルと動脈瘤モデルの接触状態の可視化) 共著 2018 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 血管内治療デバイス留置シミュレータの開発(動脈瘤壁面性状のコイル挙動への影響) 共著 2018 バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 転倒後に神経根症状を呈した明らかな一方向弁をもたないextradural meningeal cystの1全摘例 共著 2018 脊髄外科 32 181-186 脳動脈瘤頭蓋内ステント留置の治療効果予測技術の開発 -多孔質媒体モデルを用いた数値流体力学による血行力学的評価-. 共著 2018 三重医報 696 28-30 非重症例くも膜下出血患者における血漿中ガレクチン-3濃度上昇と遅発性脳梗塞および予後についての検討. 共著 2018 脳血管攣縮 34 6-9 Possible Role of Inflammation and Galectin-3 in Brain Injury after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2018.02 Brain sciences 8 Possible Role of Inflammation and Galectin-3 in Brain Injury after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2018.02 Brain sciences 8 To Improve Translational Research in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2018.02 Translational stroke research 9 1-3 To Improve Translational Research in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 単著 2018.02 Translational stroke research 9 1-3 Effects of Tenascin-C Knockout on Cerebral Vasospasm After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 2018.03 Molecular neurobiology 55 1951-1958 Effects of Tenascin-C Knockout on Cerebral Vasospasm After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2018.03 Molecular neurobiology 55 1951-1958 Increased Plasma Galectin-3 Preceding the Development of Delayed Cerebral Infarction and Eventual Poor Outcome in Non-Severe Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2018.04 Translational stroke research 9 110-119 Increased Plasma Galectin-3 Preceding the Development of Delayed Cerebral Infarction and Eventual Poor Outcome in Non-Severe Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2018.04 Translational stroke research 9 110-119 One-stage Stent-assisted Coil Embolization for Rupture-side-unknown Bilateral Vertebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysms in an Acute Stage: A Case Report. 2018.04 NMC case report journal 5 45-49 One-stage Stent-assisted Coil Embolization for Rupture-side-unknown Bilateral Vertebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysms in an Acute Stage: A Case Report. 共著 2018.04 NMC case report journal 5 45-49 Significance of novel subcortical low intensity score on transient neurological events after revascularization surgery for moyamoya disease. 2018.04 Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 167 70-75 Significance of novel subcortical low intensity score on transient neurological events after revascularization surgery for moyamoya disease. 共著 2018.04 Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 167 70-75 Tiny Falx Meningioma Causing Massive Interhemispheric Subdural Hematoma: A Case Report. 2018.04 NMC case report journal 5 51-55 Tiny Falx Meningioma Causing Massive Interhemispheric Subdural Hematoma: A Case Report. 共著 2018.04 NMC case report journal 5 51-55 Incidence and risk factor of deep venous thrombosis in patients undergoing craniotomy for brain tumors: A Japanese single-center, retrospective study. 2018.05 Thrombosis research 165 95-100 Incidence and risk factor of deep venous thrombosis in patients undergoing craniotomy for brain tumors: A Japanese single-center, retrospective study. 共著 2018.05 Thrombosis research 165 95-100 A case of arteriovenous fistula of the cauda equina fed by the proximal radicular artery: anatomical features and treatment precautions. 2018.07 European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the Eur 27 281-286 A case of arteriovenous fistula of the cauda equina fed by the proximal radicular artery: anatomical features and treatment precautions. 共著 2018.07 European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the Eur 27 281-286 Matricellular proteins as possible biomarkers for early brain injury after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2018.07 Neural regeneration research 13 1175-1178 Matricellular proteins as possible biomarkers for early brain injury after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 単著 2018.07 Neural regeneration research 13 1175-1178 Acute-Phase Plasma Osteopontin as an Independent Predictor for Poor Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2018.08 Molecular neurobiology 55 6841-6849 Acute-Phase Plasma Osteopontin as an Independent Predictor for Poor Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2018.08 Molecular neurobiology 55 6841-6849 Deficiency of Tenascin-C Alleviates Neuronal Apoptosis and Neuroinflammation After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 2018.11 Molecular neurobiology 55 8346-8354 Deficiency of Tenascin-C Alleviates Neuronal Apoptosis and Neuroinflammation After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2018.11 Molecular neurobiology 55 8346-8354 Modified Citrus Pectin Prevents Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Mouse Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Inhibiting Galectin-3. 2018.11 Stroke 49 2743-2751 Modified Citrus Pectin Prevents Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Mouse Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Inhibiting Galectin-3. 共著 2018.11 Stroke 49 2743-2751 Response by Nishikawa et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Modified Citrus Pectin Prevents Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Mouse Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Inhibiting Galectin-3". 2018.12 Stroke STROKEAHA118024028- Response by Nishikawa et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Modified Citrus Pectin Prevents Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Mouse Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Inhibiting Galectin-3". 共著 2018.12 Stroke STROKEAHA118024028- Microbleeds after Carotid Artery Stenting: Small Embolism May Induce Cerebral Microbleeds. 2019 Cerebrovascular diseases extra 9 57-65 Microbleeds after Carotid Artery Stenting: Small Embolism May Induce Cerebral Microbleeds. 共著 2019 Cerebrovascular diseases extra 9 57-65 くも膜下出血後の血漿中テネイシンC濃度測定の意義 共著 2019 脳血管攣縮 35 83-83 くも膜下出血発症急性期における血漿トロンビン切断型オステオポンチン測定の有用性 共著 2019 脳血管攣縮 35 74-76 シロスタゾール増量プロトコールによるくも膜下出血予後改善効果 共著 2019 脳血管攣縮 35 80-82 炎症性バイオマーカーであるペリオスチンとくも膜下出血における遅発性脳虚血との関連 共著 2019 The Mt. Fuji Workshop on CVD. 37 146-148 画像所見で診断に難渋した硬膜に付着のない髄膜腫の1例 共著 2019 CI研究 41 23-29 血管内治療デバイスの血管内における位置の推定に関する基礎実験 共著 2019 日本機械学会 中国四国支部 第57期総会・講演集 111- 三叉神経痛の微小血管減圧術. 2019 Clinical Neuroscience. 37 467-469 三叉神経痛の微小血管減圧術. 共著 2019 Clinical Neuroscience. 37 467-469 実体血管モデルを用いたコイルの接触面積・荷重の評価 共著 2019 第42回日本バイオレオロジー学会年会 93- A novel radiological assessment of screw loosening focusing on spatial position change of screws using an iterative closest point algorithm with stereolithography data: technical note. 2019.01 World neurosurgery A novel radiological assessment of screw loosening focusing on spatial position change of screws using an iterative closest point algorithm with stereolithography data: technical note. 共著 2019.01 World neurosurgery Lessons from tenascin-C knockout mice and potential clinical application to subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2019.02 Neural regeneration research 14 262-264 Lessons from tenascin-C knockout mice and potential clinical application to subarachnoid hemorrhage. 共著 2019.02 Neural regeneration research 14 262-264 Selective Toll-Like Receptor 4 Antagonists Prevent Acute Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 2019.02 Molecular neurobiology 56 976-985 Selective Toll-Like Receptor 4 Antagonists Prevent Acute Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2019.02 Molecular neurobiology 56 976-985 Transient Aggravation of Hypopituitarism After Parent Artery Occlusion with Low-Flow Bypass for Unruptured Giant Cavernous Carotid Aneurysm. 2019.03 World neurosurgery 123 339-342 Transient Aggravation of Hypopituitarism After Parent Artery Occlusion with Low-Flow Bypass for Unruptured Giant Cavernous Carotid Aneurysm. 共著 2019.03 World neurosurgery 123 339-342 Plasma Periostin and Delayed Cerebral Ischemia After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2019.04 Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics 16 480-490 Plasma Periostin and Delayed Cerebral Ischemia After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2019.04 Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics 16 480-490 Small Cortical Infarcts Transformed to Lobar Cerebral Microbleeds: A Case Series. 2019.04 Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 28 e30-e32 Small Cortical Infarcts Transformed to Lobar Cerebral Microbleeds: A Case Series. 共著 2019.04 Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association 28 e30-e32 Response by Nishikawa and Suzuki to Letter Regarding Article, "Modified Citrus Pectin Prevents Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Mouse Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Inhibiting Galectin-3". 2019.05 Stroke 50 e137- Response by Nishikawa and Suzuki to Letter Regarding Article, "Modified Citrus Pectin Prevents Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Mouse Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Inhibiting Galectin-3". 共著 2019.05 Stroke 50 e137- Quantification of hemodynamic irregularity using oscillatory velocity index in the associations with the rupture status of cerebral aneurysms. 2019.06 Journal of neurointerventional surgery 11 614-617 Quantification of hemodynamic irregularity using oscillatory velocity index in the associations with the rupture status of cerebral aneurysms. 共著 2019.06 Journal of neurointerventional surgery 11 614-617 Anti-vasospastic Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 2019.07 Molecular neurobiology 56 4730-4740 Anti-vasospastic Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2019.07 Molecular neurobiology 56 4730-4740 Potential therapeutic molecular targets for blood-brain barrier disruption after subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2019.07 Neural regeneration research 14 1138-1143 Potential therapeutic molecular targets for blood-brain barrier disruption after subarachnoid hemorrhage. 共著 2019.07 Neural regeneration research 14 1138-1143 Dose-Dependent Inhibitory Effects of Cilostazol on Delayed Cerebral Infarction After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2019.08 Translational stroke research 10 381-388 Dose-Dependent Inhibitory Effects of Cilostazol on Delayed Cerebral Infarction After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 単著 2019.08 Translational stroke research 10 381-388 Case of Hemorrhagic Moyamoya Disease Associated with Von Willebrand Disease. 2019.10 World neurosurgery 130 335-338 Case of Hemorrhagic Moyamoya Disease Associated with Von Willebrand Disease. 共著 2019.10 World neurosurgery 130 335-338 Machine Learning Analysis of Matricellular Proteins and Clinical Variables for Early Prediction of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2019.10 Molecular neurobiology 56 7128-7135 Machine Learning Analysis of Matricellular Proteins and Clinical Variables for Early Prediction of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2019.10 Molecular neurobiology 56 7128-7135 FGF-2 Attenuates Neuronal Apoptosis via FGFR3/PI3k/Akt Signaling Pathway After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2019.12 Molecular neurobiology 56 8203-8219 FGF-2 Attenuates Neuronal Apoptosis via FGFR3/PI3k/Akt Signaling Pathway After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2019.12 Molecular neurobiology 56 8203-8219 Inflammation: a Good Research Target to Improve Outcomes of Poor-Grade Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2019.12 Translational stroke research 10 597-600 Inflammation: a Good Research Target to Improve Outcomes of Poor-Grade Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 単著 2019.12 Translational stroke research 10 597-600 Morphological Characteristics of Neuronal Death After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice Using Double Immunoenzymatic Technique. 2019.12 The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society 67 919-930 Morphological Characteristics of Neuronal Death After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice Using Double Immunoenzymatic Technique. 共著 2019.12 The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society 67 919-930 Potential roles of matricellular proteins in stroke. 2019.12 Experimental neurology 322 113057- Potential roles of matricellular proteins in stroke. 共著 2019.12 Experimental neurology 322 113057- Link Between Receptors That Engage in Developing Vasospasm After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2020 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 127 55-58 Possible Involvement of Caspase-Independent Pathway in Neuronal Death After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2020 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 127 43-46 TAK-242, Toll-Like Receptor 4 Antagonist, Attenuates Brain Edema in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Mice. 共著 2020 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 127 77-81 The Role of Galectin-3 in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Preliminary Study. 2020 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 127 65-68 The Role of Galectin-3 in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Preliminary Study. 共著 2020 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 127 65-68 The Role of Tenascin-C in Tissue Injury and Repair After Stroke. 共著 2020 Frontiers in immunology 11 607587- The Stroke-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption: Current Progress of Inspection Technique, Mechanism, and Therapeutic Target. 2020 Current neuropharmacology 18 1187-1212 The Stroke-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption: Current Progress of Inspection Technique, Mechanism, and Therapeutic Target. 共著 2020 Current neuropharmacology 18 1187-1212 Toll-Like Receptor 4 and Tenascin-C Signaling in Cerebral Vasospasm and Brain Injuries After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 2020 Acta neurochirurgica. Supplement 127 91-96 Toll-Like Receptor 4 and Tenascin-C Signaling in Cerebral Vasospasm and Brain Injuries After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 単著 2020 Acta neurochirurgica. 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