職名 助教
氏名 かとう しんや
加藤 信哉
生年月 1966.07
所属 部局 研究基盤推進機構
学科・専攻 先端科学研究支援センター
講座 放射線科学・安全管理学部門
TEL 059-231-6355
FAX 059-231-5034
E-mail kato-shinya@med. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください)
学歴 愛媛大学大学院生物環境保全学専攻博士課程
学位 博士(生命システム科学)県立広島大学
所属学会 日本アイソトープ協会
社会活動 第1種放射線取扱主任者

Medicine International (Spandidos): Editorial Board
職歴 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 放射性同位元素実験施設 研究員
県立広島大学生命環境学部生命科学科 細胞死制御工学研究室 ラボ主任研究員
(社)生物資源利用研究所 研究員
学術(芸術)賞 令和5年度 優秀論文・著書・作品賞(三重大学),2024.03
専門分野 応用生物化学
現在の研究課題 研究テーマ:
「 低線量放射線の生体影響に関する脂質膜モデルを用いた解析」
担当科目 入門生物学(医学科1年生)
主な業績等 【博士論文】

【原著論文(査読あり)】45報(筆頭著者: 31報、責任著者: 9報*、最近5年: 15報)
45. Reactive oxygen species-mediated cytotoxic and DNA-damaging mechanism of N4-hydroxycytidine, a metabolite of the COVID-19 therapeutic drug molnupiravir, Free Radical Research, in press, Jan. (2025).

44. Rosmarinic acid, a natural polyphenol, has a potential pro-oxidant risk via NADH-mediated oxidative DNA damage, Hatasu Kobayashi, Yuichiro Hirao, Shosuke Kawanishi, Shinya Kato, Yurie Mori, Mariko Murata, Shinji Oikawa, Genes and Environment,46(13)1-9, June (2024).

*43. A case of wild yeast starter from raisins, in which red koji mold Monascus ruber was identified along with Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Shinya Kato*, New Food Industry,66(2)77-85, Feb.(2024).

42. Oxidative DNA damage: induction by fructose, in vitro, and its enhancement by hydrogen peroxide
Kaoru Midorikawa, Kokoro Kobayashi, Shinya Kato, Shosuke Kawanishi, Hatasu Kobayashi, Shinji Oikawa, Mariko Murata,
Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis,503719,Nov.(2023).

41.Myricetin causes site-specific DNA damage via reactive oxygen species generation by redox interactions with copper ions
Yuichiro Hirao, Hatasu Kobayashi, Yurie Mori, Shinya Kato, Shosuke Kawanishi, Mariko Murata, Shinji Oikawa, Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis,503694,Sept.(2023).

*40. Lactoferrin inhibits the proliferation of IMR-32 neuroblastoma cells even under X-rays
Shinya Kato*, Medicine International,3:33, June (2023).

39. Oxidative DNA damage by N4-hydroxycytidine, a metabolite of the SARS-CoV-2 antiviral molnupiravir
Hatasu Kobayashi, Yurie Mori, Sharif Ahmed, Yuichiro Hirao, Shinya Kato, Shosuke Kawanishi, Mariko Murata, Shinji Oikawa
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 227 (9), 1068-1072, May(2023).

*38. Under lithium carbonate administration, nicotine triggers cell dysfunction in human glioblastoma U-251MG, which is distinct from cotinine
Shinya Kato*, Medicine International, 2:19, May (2022).

37. Copper-mediated DNA damage caused by purpurin, a natural anthraquinone,
Hatasu Kobayashi, Yurie Mori, Ryo Iwasa, Yuichiro Hirao, Shinya Kato, Shosuke Kawanishi, Mariko Murata, Shinji Oikawa,Genes and Environment,44:15, May (2022).

36. Mechanism of reactive oxygen species generation and oxidative DNA damage induced by acrylohydroxamic acid, a putative metabolite of acrylamide
Yurie Mori, Hatasu Kobayashi, Yoshio Fujita, Minami Yatagawa, Shinya Kato, Shosuke Kawanishi, Mariko Murata,Shinji Oikawa, Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 873(503420), Jan.(2022).

*35. Effects of platinum-coexisting dopamine with X-ray irradiation upon human glioblastoma cell proliferation
Shinya Kato*, Human Cell, 34(6),1653-1661, Aug (2021).

*34. Pro-/anti-oxidative properties of dopamine on membrane lipid peroxidation upon X-ray irradiation
Shinya Kato*, Keiko Kuwata, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 185(109518), Epub in Aug.(2021).

33. Micro-MRI improves the accuracy of clinical diagnosis in cerebral small vessel disease
Hidehiro Ishikawa,Atsushi Niwa, Shinya Kato, Yuichiro Ii,Akihiro Shindo,Keita Matsuura, Yamato Nishiguchi, Asako Tamura, Akira Taniguchi, Masayuki Maeda, Yoshio Hashizume, Hidekazu Tomimoto, Brain Communications, 3(2), fcab070, Epub on 8th April (2021).

*32. Carcinostatic effects of alkanoyl ascorbate plus platinum nano-colloid and stabilization of the esterolytically resultant ascorbate by hydrogen
Shinya Kato*, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa
Human Cell, 34(2), 436-444, Jan. (2021).

*31. Heat-retention effects of hydrogen-rich water bath assessed by thermography for humans
Shinya Kato*, Yuki Takada, Nobuhiko Miwa
Journal of Thermal Biology, 95 (102805) Jan. (2021).

*30. Hydrogen-bubbled platinum-colloid suppresses human esophagus- or tongue-carcinoma cells with intracellular platinum-uptake and the diminished normal-cell mortality
Shinya Kato*, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa
Human Cell, 33(4), 1294-1301, July(2020).

29. Mechanisms of DNA damage induced by morin, an inhibitor of amyloid β-peptide aggregation
Yurie Mori, Shinya Kato, Yutaka Fujisawa, Shiho Ohnishi, Yusuke Hiraku, Shosuke Kawanishi, Mariko Murata, Shinji Oikawa
Free Radical Research, 53(1), 115-123, Jan. (2019).

28. The stenosis of cerebral arteries and impaired brain glucose uptake by long-lasting inflammatory cytokine release from dermatitis,but rescued by anti-IL-1 therapy.
Shinya Kato, Yoshiaki Matsushima, Kento Mizutani, Fumihiro Kawakita, Masashi Fujimoto, Karin Okada, Makoto Kondo, Koji Habe, Hidenori Suzuki, Hitoshi Mizutani, Keiichi Yamanaka
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 138(10), 2280-2283, May(2018).

*27. Radiosensitization by liposome-encapsulated fullerenes to mitochondria/DNA-damages on human melanoma cells.
Shinya Kato*, Tetsuro Yoshimura, Nobuhiko Miwa
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 18 (6), 3775-3786, June(2018).

26. The hydrogen-storing microporous silica 'Microcluster' reduces acetaldehyde contained in a distilled spirit.
Shinya Kato, Nobuhiko Miwa
Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 69, 117-121, Dec.(2016).

25. Synergic carcinostatic effects of ascorbic acid and hyperthermia on Ehrlich ascites tumor cell.
Yasukazu Saitoh, Tomoya Yoshimoto, Shinya Kato, Nobuhiko Miwa
Experimental Oncology, 37(2), 94-99, June(2015).

24. Antioxidant activities of nano-bubble hydrogen-dissolved water assessed by ESR and 2,2'-bipyridyl methods.
Shinya Kato, Daigo Matsuoka, Nobuhiko Miwa
Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 53, 7-10, Aug.(2015).

23. Repressive effects of oat extracts on intracellular lipid-droplet formation in adipocytes and a three-dimensional subcutaneous adipose tissue model.
Shinya Kato, Yuko Kato, Hiroki Shibata, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa
Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 49, 269-273, Apr.(2015).

22. Enhanced radiosensitization by the cationic liposome-encapsulated thymidine analogue BrdU through the increased intracellular BrdU-uptake on human melanoma as compared to anionic or nonionic liposomal or free BrdU.
Shinya Kato, Masatsugu Kimura, Nobuhiko Miwa
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 10(11), 3280-3290, Nov.(2014).

21.Fullerene-C60 derivatives prevent UV-irradiation/TiO2-induced cytotoxicity on keratinocytes and 3D-skin tissues through antioxidant actions.
Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,
14, 3285-3291, May(2014).

20. Radiosensitization by fullerene-C60 dissolved in squalene on human malignant melanoma through lipid peroxidation and enhanced mitochondrial membrane potential.
Shinya Kato, Masatsugu Kimura, Nobuhiko Miwa
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 97, 134-141, Apl. (2014).

19. Hydrogen water intake via tube-feeding for patients with pressure ulcer and its reconstructive effects on normal human skin cells in vitro.
Qiang Li, Shinya Kato, Daigo Matsuoka, Hiroshi Tanaka, Nobuhiko Miwa
Medicinal Gas Research, 3(1), 20, Sep.(2013).

18. Repressive effects of a capacitive-resistive electric transfer (CRet) hyperthermic apparatus combined with ProVitamin C on intracellular lipid-droplets formation in adipocytes.
Shinya Kato, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
International Journal of Hyperthermia, 29(1), 30-37, Jan.(2013).

17. Inhibitions by hydrogen-occluding silica microcluster to melanogenesis in human pigment cells and tyrosinase reaction.
Shinya Kato, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13(1), 52-59, Jan.(2013).

16. Enhanced radiosensitization by liposome-encapsulated pimonidazole for anticancer effects on human melanoma cells.
Shinya Kato, Masatsugu Kimura, Katsuhiro Kageyama, Hiroshi Tanaka, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12(6), 4472-4477, June(2012).

15. Colloidal platinum in hydrogen-rich water exhibits radical-scavenging activity and improves blood fluidity.
Shinya Kato, Ryoji Hokama, Hajime Okayasu, Yasukazu Saitoh, Keizou Iwai, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12(5), 4019-4027, May(2012).

14. Hydrogen-rich electrolyzed warm water represses wrinkle formation against UVA ray together with type-I collagen production and oxidative-stress diminishment in fibroblasts and cell-injury prevention in keratinocytes.
Shinya Kato, Yasukazu Saitoh, Keizou Iwai, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, 106, 24-33, Jan.(2012).

13. Anticancer effects of 6-O-palmitoyl-ascorbate combined with a capacitive-resistive electric transfer hyperthermic apparatus as compared with ascorbate in relation to ascorbyl radical generation.
Shinya Kato, Ryoko Asada, Katsuhiro Kageyama, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Cytotechnology, 63, 425-435, Aug.(2011).

12. Fullerene-C60 incorporated in liposome exerts persistent hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity and cytoprotection in UVA/B-irradiated keratinocytes.
Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11(5), 3814-3823, May(2011).

11. Super-highly hydroxylated fullerene derivative protects human keratinocytes from UV-induced cell injuries together with the decreases in intracellular ROS generation and DNA damages.
Yasukazu Saitoh, Akifumi Miyanishi, Hiromi Mizuno, Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Ken Kokubo, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, 102, 69-76, Jan.(2011).

10. Fish collagen-containing drink is subcutaneously absorbed and attenuates the UVA-induced tissue-integrity destruction and DNA damages in 3D-human skin tissue model.
Shinya Kato, Hisakazu Matsui, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Functional Foods, 3(1), 50-55, Jan.(2011).

9. Clinical evaluation of fullerene-C60 dissolved in squalane for anti-wrinkle cosmetics.
Shinya Kato, Hikaru Taira, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(10), 6769-6774, Oct.(2010).

8. Novel polyhydroxylated fullerene suppresses intracellular oxidative stress together with repression of intracellular lipid accumulation during the differentiation of OP9 preadipocytes into adipocytes.
Yasukazu Saitoh, Li Xiao, Hiromi Mizuno, Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Hikaru Taira, Ken Kokubo, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Free Radical Research, 44(9), 1072-1081, Sept.(2010).

7. Defensive effects of fullerene-C60/liposome complex against UVA-induced intracellular reactive oxygen species generation and cell death in human skin keratinocytes HaCaT, associated with intracellular uptake and extracellular excretion of fullerene-C60.
Shinya Kato, Risa Kikuchi, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology, 98(2), 144-151, Feb.(2010).

6. Defensive effects of fullerene-C60 dissolved in squalane against the 2,4-nonadienal-induced cell injury in human skin keratinocytes HaCaT and wrinkle formation in 3D-human skin tissue model.
Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 6(1), 52-58, Feb. (2010).

5. Fullerene-C60/liposome complex: Defensive effects against UVA-induced damages in skin structure, nucleus and collagen type I/IV fibrils, and the permeability into human skin tissue.
Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 98(1), 99-105, Jan.(2010).

4. Highly hydroxylated or γ-cyclodextrin-bicapped water-soluble derivative of fullerene: The antioxidant ability assessed by electron spin resonance method and β-carotene bleaching assay.
Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 19(18), 5293-5296, Sept.(2009).

3. Biological safety of LipoFullerene composed of squalane and fullerene-C60 upon mutagenesis, photocytotoxicity, and permeability into the human skin tissue.
Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 104(6), 483-487, June(2009).

2. Biological safety of liposome-fullerene consisting of hydrogenated lecithin, glycine soja sterols, and fullerene-C60 uopn photocytotoxicity and bacterial reverse mutagenicity.
Shinya Kato, Hisae Aoshima, Yasukazu Saitoh, Nobuhiko Miwa.
Toxicology and Industrial Health, 25(3), 197-203, Apr.(2009).

1. Sedimentation behavior of dispersed particles of clay and silt in acidic and alkaline suspensions of inorganic materials from various volcanic ash soils.
Yukiya Horikawa, Shinya Kawachi, Toshimasa Honna.
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 50(1), 19-25 (2004).

1. 放射線施設における床表面汚染定点測定箇所の簡単で安価な選定方法の検討
黒澤 俊人, 加藤 信哉, 苅田 修一
技術報告集第23号 ISSN 1348-1991, 15-18 (2015).

3. 新規素材の美肌・抗老化・抗メタボ効能に関する化粧品・美肌サプリメントとしての研究開発動向~主に水素・白金・フラーレン・プロビタミンC/E・炭酸ガス・天然系抗酸化剤について~.
齋藤 靖和, 加藤 信哉, 肖 黎, 三羽 信比古.
隔月刊 コスメティックステージ, 5(1), 47-62 (2010).

2. フラーレン誘導体の化粧品としての効能開発と今後の展開~抗酸化作用と細胞死防御効果をベースとして~.
肖 黎, 河地 信哉, 寥 峰, 青島 央江、齋藤 靖和, 三羽 信比古.
隔月刊 コスメティックステージ, 1(7), 36-45 (2007).

1. カーボンナノ素材の皮膚メラニン抑制作用と化粧品への応用
肖 黎,鈴木 清香,河地 信哉,松林 賢司,平田 直之,齋藤 靖和,三羽 信比古:遠藤 守信,飯島 澄男
ナノカーボンハンドブック 第1編,第3章,3-7-2節 514-521 (2007).

3. 共通教育科目「生物学2(暮らしの中の放射線)」の構築,三重大学高等教育研究,第31号,in press,3月 (2025).

2.入門生物学における「マイルド・アクティブラーニング」 加藤 信哉,三重大学高等教育研究, 第30号,p107-108,3月 (2024).

1. Myricetinによる酸化的DNA損傷機構
平生 祐一郎, 小林 果, 森 有利絵, 加藤 信哉, 村田 真理子, 及川 伸二,日本衛生学雑誌 78(Suppl.) S193-S193,3月 (2023).

17. ◯野々村拓哉,小林果,平生祐一郎,加藤信哉,森有利絵,川西正祐,村田真理子,及川伸二,生体内還元物質NADH存在下におけるロスマリン酸の酸化的DNA損傷増強機構の解明,口頭発表,一般,日本酸化ストレス学会,2025年

16. 〇平生祐一郎,小林果,加藤信哉,森有利絵,川西正祐,村田真理子,及川伸二,サルビアノール酸 BによるDNA損傷機構,口頭発表,一般,日本衛生学会,2025年

15. 〇小林果, 平生祐一郎, 川西正祐, 加藤信哉, 森有利絵, 村田真理子, 及川伸二, ロスマリン酸による銅およびNADHとの酸化還元サイクルを介した酸化的DNA損傷, 口頭発表,一般,日本環境変異原ゲノム学会,2024年

14. 〇加藤信哉,生物学(暮らしの中の放射線)におけるマイルド・アクティブラーニング,口頭発表,一般,アイソトープ放射線研究発表会(日本アイソトープ協会),2024年

13. 〇加藤信哉, 自家製天然酵母(干しブドウ)の培養過程と酵母の同定, 口頭発表,一般, 日本農芸化学会中部支部会, 2023年

12. 〇加藤信哉, エックス線照射下におけるラクトフェリンによる神経芽腫細胞IMR-32の増殖抑制, 口頭発表, 一般,アイソトープ放射線研究発表会(日本アイソトープ協会), 2023年

11.〇加藤信哉, 共通教育科目「生物学(暮らしの中の放射線)」の展開, ポスター発表, 一般,アイソトープ放射線研究発表会(日本アイソトープ協会), 2023年

10. 〇加藤信哉, ラクトフェリンによる神経芽腫細胞IMR-32の増殖抑制, 口頭発表, 一般, 日本農芸化学会, 2023年

9. 〇加藤信哉, 白金存在下においてエックス線照射を行った場合の神経膠芽腫細胞増殖に対するドパミンの影響, ポスター発表, 一般,アイソトープ放射線研究発表会(日本アイソトープ協会), 2022年

8. 〇加藤信哉,桑田啓子,エックス線照射による膜脂質過酸化に対するドパミンの影響,ポスター発表,一般,アイソトープ放射線研究発表会(日本アイソトープ協会),2021年

7. 〇石川英洋,丹羽篤,伊井裕一郎,新堂晃大,西口大和,前田正幸,加藤信哉,橋詰良夫,冨本秀和,A New method of radiological-pathological comparative study using micro-MRI for small vessel disease,口頭発表,一般,日本神経学会,2020年

6. 〇石川英洋,丹羽篤,加藤信哉,伊井裕一郎,新堂晃大,橋詰良夫,冨本秀和,In-vivo MERで脳微小出血と診断された病変の病理所見,口頭発表,一般,日本認知症学会,2020年

5. 〇Yurie Mori, Shinya Kato, Yutaka Fujisawa, Kazuaki Kawai, Shiho Ohnishi, Hatasu Kobayashi, Shosuke Kawanishi, Mariko Murata, Shinji Oikawa, Mechanisms of oxidative DNA damage induced by morin, ポスター発表,一般,9th Joint meeting of Society for Free Radical Research Australia and Japan, 2019年

4. 〇森有利絵,加藤信哉,川西正祐,村田真理子,及川伸二,Cu(II)存在下におけるMorinによる酸化的DNA損傷機構,口頭発表,一般,日本酸化ストレス学会,2019年

3. 〇森有利絵,加藤信哉,川西正祐,村田真理子,及川伸二,金属イオン存在下Morinによる酸化的DNA損傷機構の解明,口頭発表,一般,日本衛生学会,2018年

2. 〇加藤信哉,山中恵一,小動物PET撮像における放射線安全管理,ポスター発表,一般,日本放射線安全管理学会,2017年

1. 〇加藤信哉,吉村哲郎,三羽信比古,フラーレンを内包するリポソームのヒトメラノーマ細胞に対する放射線増感効果,ポスター発表,一般,日本農芸化学会,2016年

2. 科研費基盤(C)課題番号26390017「フラーレンを内包するリポソームのがん細胞に対する放射線増感効果」・研究代表者・5,070千円(直接経費: 3,900千円、間接経費: 1,170千円)2014年度~2017年度

1. 科研費基盤(C)課題番号17590064「ビタミンC再生遺伝子dharとビタミンCリサイクルによる細胞死防御効果の増強」・研究分担者・3,710千円(直接経費: 3,500千円、間接経費: 2,100千円)2005年度~2007年度