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職名 | 准教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | とりまる たけし 鳥丸 猛 |
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学歴 | 2001.03 名古屋大学資源生物環境学科 卒業
2003.03 名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科博士課程(前期課程)生物圏資源学専攻 修了 2005.03 名古屋大学大学院生命農学研究科博士課程(後期課程)生物圏資源学専攻 修了 |
学位 | 2005.03 博士(農学) 名古屋大学
所属学会 | 日本生態学会 日本森林学会 | |||||||||
社会活動 | ||||||||||
職歴 | 2009.04~2014.03 弘前大学農学生命科学部 助教
2014.04~現在 三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科 准教授 |
学術(芸術)賞 | Dag Lindgren's award for talented forest geneticists(2013), Sweden | |||||||||
専門分野 | 森林生態学、森林遺伝学、繁殖生態学
現在の研究課題 | ・ブナ林の構造と動態に関する研究
・日本海側ブナ林の林床に生育する常緑低木種の生態学的研究 ・ブナ林の遺伝的多様性の時空間的変化に関する研究 ・樹木の乾燥ストレス応答に関する研究 |
担当科目 | ・生物学基礎II(分担)
・FSC実習I(分担) ・森林生物学実験(分担) ・森林生態学実習(分担) ・森林生態学 |
主な業績等 | 1)Indora Fardhani, Takeshi Torimaru, Hiromitsu Kisanuki (2021) Effects of tree density and the topography of the sites of host trees on epiphytic orchid communities on Schima wallichii in a forest in West Java, Indonesia. ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 111: 103739.
2) Masashi Tsukamoto,Shinji Akada,Shuichi Matsuda,Hitomi Jouyu,Hiromitsu Kisanuki, Nobuhiro Tomaru, Takeshi Torimaru (2020) Assessments of fine-scale spatial patterns of SNPs in an old-growth beech forest. HEREDITY 125(4):240-252. 3) Indra Fardhani, Takeshi Torimaru, Hiromitsu Kisanuki (2019) The vertical distribution of epiphytic orchids on Schima wallichii trees in a montane forest in West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21(1):290-298. 4) Yagi Hitomi, Xu Jie, Moriguchi Natsuki, Miyagi Ryutaro, Moritsuka Etsuko, Sato Eri, Sugai Kyoko, Setsuko Suzuki, Torimaru Takeshi, Yamamoto Shin-ichi, Takahashi Aya, Tamura Koichiro, Tachida Hidenori, Teshima Kosuke M, Kusumi Junko (2019) Population genetic analysis of two species of Distylium: D. racemosum growing in East Asian evergreen broad-leaved forests and D. lepidotum endemic to the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands. TREE GENETICS & GENOMES 15(6):1-12. 5) Torimaru Takeshi, Suzuki Sei, Matsushita Michinari, Matsuyama Nobuhiko, Akada Shinji (2018) Effects of soil properties and clonal growth on the apparent sex ratio of the flowering stems of the dioecious clonal shrub Aucuba japonica var. borealis growing in an evergreen coniferous secondary forest. ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 91:91-100. 6) Takeshi Torimaru, Shinji Akada, Kiyoshi Ishida, Machiko Narita, Daisuke Higaki (2018) Species habitat associations in an old-growth beech forest community organised by landslide disturbances. Journal of Forest Research 23(2): 98-104. 7) 福井忠樹,赤田辰治,土井絵里子,鳥丸猛 (2016) 高倉森とサンスケ沢におけるブナおよびハウチワカエデの機能形質と食害率. 白神研究 11:3-13. 8) Tomas Funda, Ulfstand Wennstrom, Curt Almqvist, Takeshi Torimaru, Bengt Andersson Gull, Xiao-Ru Wang (2015) Low rates of pollen contamination in a Scots pine seed orchard in Sweden: the exception or the norm? SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH 30(7): 573-586. 9) 鳥丸猛,成田真智子,井頭千明,石田祐宣,伊藤大雄,赤田辰治 (2015) 高倉森とサンスケ沢におけるブナの開花年次変動と気象要因および立地条件との相関解析. 白神研究 10: 12-21. 10) Takeshi Torimaru, Yuichi Takeda, Michinari Matsushita, Ichiro Tamaki, Junji Sano, Nobuhiro Tomaru (2015) Family-specific responses in survivorship and phenotypic traits to different light environments in a seedling population of Fagus crenata in a cool-temperate forest. POPULATION ECOLOGY 57(1):77-91. 11) Michiko Inanaga, Atsushi Nakanishi, Takeshi Torimaru, Naoyuki Nishimura, Nobuhiro Tomaru (2014) Distance-dependent but genetically random mating in a Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) population. BOTANY 92(11):795-803. 12) Takeshi Torimaru, Takumi Okayama, Yutaka Kumagai, Shinji Akada (2014) Development and characterization of microsatellite loci in the sub-canopy tree Chengiopanax sciadophylloides (Araliaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology. CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES 6(3):799-801. 13) Takeshi Torimaru, Ulfstand Wennstrom, Bengt Andersson, Curt Almqvist, Xiao-Ru Wang (2013) Reduction of pollen contamination in Scots pine seed orchard crop by tent isolation. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH 28(8):715-723. 14) Takeshi Torimaru, Shinji Akada, Kiyoshi Ishida, Shuichi Matsuda, Machiko Narita (2013) Spatial associations among major tree species in a cool-temperate forest community under heterogeneous topography and canopy conditions. POPULATION ECOLOGY 55(2):261-275 15) Takeshi Torimaru, Akemi Itaya, Shin-Ichi Yamamoto (2012) Quantification of repeated gap formation events and their spatial patterns in three types of old-growth forests: Analysis of long-term canopy dynamics using aerial photographs and digital surface models. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 284:1-11. 16) Takeshi Torimaru, Nobuhiro Tomaru (2012) Reproductive investment at stem and genet levels in male and female plants of the clonal dioecious shrub Ilex leucoclada (Aquifoliaceae). BOTANY-BOTANIQUE 90(4):301-310. 17) T. Torimaru, U. Wennstrom, D. Lindgren, X-R Wang (2012) Effects of male fecundity, interindividual distance and anisotropic pollen dispersal on mating success in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed orchard. HEREDITY 108(3):312-321. 18) Shin-Ichi Yamamoto, Naoyuki Nishimura, Takeshi Torimaru, Tohru Manabe, Akemi Itaya, Kazimierz Becek (2011) A comparison of different survey methods for assessing gap parameters in old-growth forests. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 262(5): 886-893. 19) Ayako Shimono, Xiao-Ru Wang, Takeshi Torimaru, Dag Lindgren, Bo Karlsson (2011) Spatial variation in local pollen flow and mating success in a Picea abies clone archive and their implications for a novel "breeding without breeding" strategy. TREE GENETICS & GENOMES 7(3):499-509. 20) Xiao-Ru Wang, Takeshi Torimaru, Dag Lindgren, Anders Fries (2010) Marker-based parentage analysis facilitates low input “breeding without breeding” strategies for forest trees. TREE GENETICS & GENOMES 6(2):227-235. 21) Takeshi Torimaru, Naoyuki Nishimura, Kiyoshi Matsui, Toshihiko Hara, Shin-Ichi Yamamoto (2009) Variations in resistance to canopy disturbances and their interactions with the spatial structure of major species in a cool-temperate forest. JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE 20(5):944-958. 22) 中森 由美子,鳥丸 猛,星野 大介,山本 進一,西村 尚之 (2009) 温帯針葉樹林における地形に関係した樹木の死亡率,加入率,平均回転率. 森林立地 51(2):117-125. 23) T. Torimaru, X. -R. Wang, A. Fries, B. Andersson, D. Lindgren (2009) Evaluation of Pollen Contamination in an Advanced Scots Pine Seed Orchard. SILVAE GENETICA 58(5-6):262-269. 24) T. Torimaru, N. Tani, Y. Tsumura, N. Nishimura, N. Tomaru (2007) Effects of kin-structured seed dispersal on the genetic structure of the clonal dioecious shrub Ilex leucoclada. EVOLUTION 61(6):1289-1300. 25) Takeshi Torimaru, Nobuhiro Tomaru (2006) Relationships between flowering phenology, plant size, and female reproductive output in a dioecious shrub, Ilex leucoclada (Aquifoliaceae). CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE BOTANIQUE 84(12):1860-1869. 26) T Torimaru, N Tomaru (2005) Fine-scale clonal structure and diversity within patches of a clone-forming dioecious shrub, Ilex leucoclada (Aquifoliaceae). ANNALS OF BOTANY 95(2):295-304. 27) T Torimaru, N Tani, Y Tsumura, K Hiraoka, N Tomaru (2004) Development and polymorphism of simple sequence repeat DNA markers for the evergreen shrub Ilex leucoclada M.MOLECULAR ECOLOGY NOTES 4(3):531-533. 28) T Torimaru, N Tomaru, N Nishimura, S Yamamoto (2003) Clonal diversity and genetic differentiation in Ilex leucoclada M. patches in an old-growth beech forest. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 12(4):809-818. |