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職名 | 助教 | |||||||||
氏名 | しろみず たかし 白水 崇 |
生年月 | 1975 | |||||||||
TEL | ||||||||||
FAX | ||||||||||
tshiromizu@med. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください) | ||||||||||
個人のホームページ | https://mie-integrative-pharm.tumblr.com/ | |||||||||
学歴 | 北海道大学理学部生物科学科 学士課程 (1996年04月01日~2000年03月31日) 卒業・修了
奈良先端科学技術大学院大学バイオサイエンス研究科 修士課程・博士前期課程 (2000年04月01日~2002年03月31日) 卒業・修了 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 博士課程・博士後期課程 (2002年04月01日~2006年03月31日) 卒業・修了 |
学位 | 2006.03 博士(医学) 名古屋大学
所属学会 | 日本薬理学会 日本癌学会 日本プロテオーム学会 日本心脈管作動物質学会 | |||||||||
社会活動 | ||||||||||
職歴 | 2006.04~2010.03 愛知県がんセンター研究所 発がん制御研究部 リサーチレジデント
2010.04~2017.06 (国)医薬基盤・健康・栄養研究所プロテオームリサーチプロジェクト 特任研究員 2017.07~ 三重大学大学院医学系研究科 統合薬理学 助教 |
学術(芸術)賞 | 令和4年度_緑の風記念三重医学研究振興会賞
専門分野 | 生化学、プロテオミクス、薬理学、実験動物学 | |||||||||
現在の研究課題 | ||||||||||
担当科目 | 生体防御の分子基盤, 分子医学実習, PBL-Tutorial教育 | |||||||||
主な業績等 | CRMP-2 binds to tubulin heterodimers to promote microtubule assembly. 2002.08 Nature cell biology 4 583-91
Filament formation of MSF-A, a mammalian septin, in human mammary epithelial cells depends on interactions with microtubules. 2003.05 The Journal of biological chemistry 278 18538-43 Biochemical and cell biological characterization of a mammalian septin, Sept11. 2004.06 FEBS letters 568 83-8 Regulation of mitotic function of Chk1 through phosphorylation at novel sites by cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1). 2006.05 Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms 11 477-85 The keratin-binding protein Albatross regulates polarization of epithelial cells. 2008.10 The Journal of cell biology 183 19-28 Trichoplein controls microtubule anchoring at the centrosome by binding to Odf2 and ninein. 2011.03 Journal of cell science 124 857-64 A strategy for large-scale phosphoproteomics and SRM-based validation of human breast cancer tissue samples. 2012.11 Journal of proteome research 11 5311-22 In-depth membrane proteomic study of breast cancer tissues for the generation of a chromosome-based protein list. 2013.01 Journal of proteome research 12 208-13 Identification of missing proteins in the neXtProt database and unregistered phosphopeptides in the PhosphoSitePlus database as part of the Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project. 2013.06 Journal of proteome research 12 2414-21 A novel mechanism of keratin cytoskeleton organization through casein kinase Iホア and FAM83H in colorectal cancer. 2013.10 Journal of cell science 126 4721-31 Cell surface localization of importin α1/KPNA2 affects cancer cell proliferation by regulating FGF1 signalling. 2016.02 Scientific reports 6 21410- Quantitation of putative colorectal cancer biomarker candidates in serum extracellular vesicles by targeted proteomics. 2017.10 Scientific reports 7 12782- Potential role of extracellular vesicle-mediated antigen presentation in Helicobacter pylori hypersensitivity during eradication therapy. 2018.08 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 142 672-676.e12 Primary Cilia as Signaling Hubs in Health and Disease. 2019.01 Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) 6 1801138- Generation of a Triple-Transgenic Zebrafish Line for Assessment of Developmental Neurotoxicity during Neuronal Differentiation. 2019.09 Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 12 C3orf70 Is Involved in Neural and Neurobehavioral Development. 2019.10 Pharmaceuticals (Basel, Switzerland) 12 Brainstem Organoids From Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. 2020 Frontiers in neuroscience 14 538- Phospho-Ser727 triggers a multistep inactivation of STAT3 by rapid dissociation of pY705-SH2 through C-terminal tail modulation. 2020.02 International immunology 32 73-88 Targeting E3 Ubiquitin Ligases and Deubiquitinases in Ciliopathy and Cancer. 2020.08 International journal of molecular sciences 21 |