教員紹介トップページへ | 三重大学トップページへ |

職名 | 教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | ごとう ひでまさ 後藤 英仁 |
生年月 | ||||||||||
TEL | 059-232-1111(内線6323) | |||||||||
FAX | 059-231-5263 | |||||||||
kaibo-1@doc.medic. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください) | ||||||||||
個人のホームページ | ||||||||||
学歴 | 三重大学医学部 学士課程 (1987年04月01日~1993年03月25日) 卒業・修了
三重大学大学院医学系研究科 博士課程・博士後期課程 (1995年04月01日~1998年07月15日) 卒業・修了 |
学位 | 1998.07 医学博士 三重大学
所属学会 | 日本癌学会 日本細胞生物学会 日本解剖学会 The American Society for Cell Biology 日本分子生物学会 日本生化学会 | |||||||||
社会活動 | 2020.10~ 日本学術会議連携会員 | |||||||||
職歴 | 1993.05~1993.06 三重大学附属病院 医師 小児科研修医
1993.07~1994.01 国立療養所(現 国立病院機構)三重病院 医師 小児科研修医 1994.01~1994.06 国立津病院(現 国立三重中央医療センター) 医師 研修医 1994.07~1995.03 三重大学附属病院 医師 研修医 1998.07~1998.09 愛知県がんセンター研究所 研究生 任意研修生 1998.10~2000.03 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学(愛知県がんセンター研究所勤務) ポスドク 未来開拓事業特別研究員 2000.03~2000.12 愛知県がんセンター研究所 研究生 任意研修生 2001.01~2001.12 科学技術振興事業団(愛知県がんセンター研究所勤務) ポスドク 科学技術特別研究員 2001.12~2004.03 Rutgers University ポスドク Research Associate 2004.04~2006.03 愛知県がんセンター研究所 研究員 主任研究員 2006.04~2018.04 愛知県がんセンター研究所 研究員 室長 2018.05~2019.09 三重大学医学部 特任教員 特任准教授 2019.10~ 三重大学医学部 教授 教授 |
学術(芸術)賞 | 三医会賞,2000.06,三医会
日本癌学会・奨励賞,染色体不安定性に関わる分裂期キナーゼ群の機能解析,2007.10,日本癌学会 |
専門分野 | 組織学
細胞生物学 |
現在の研究課題 | がんにおける細胞周期異常の解明
細胞老化の分子機構の解明 |
担当科目 | 医学医療A/生命医科学の課題 神経解剖学 人体形態学 組織学講義(総論・各論) 組織学実習(各論・総論) 脳実習 分子生命体科学A | |||||||||
主な業績等 | 欧文原著
1. Ito S., Goto H., Kuniyasu K., Shindo M., Yamada M., Tanaka K., Toh G.-T., Sawa M., Inagaki M., Bartek J., Masai, H.: Cdc7 kinase stimulates Aurora B kinase in M-phase. Sci. Rep. 9 (1), 18622, 2019. 2. Goto H., Natsume T., Kanemaki M.T., Kaito A., Wang S., Gabazza E.C., Inagaki M., Mizoguchi A.: Chk1-mediated Cdc25A degradation as a critical mechanism for normal cell cycle progression. J. Cell Sci. 132 (2), pii: jcs223123, 2019. 3. Inaba H., Yamakawa D., Tomono Y., Enomoto A., Mii S., Kasahara K., Goto H.*, Inagaki M.*: Regulation of keratin 5/14 intermediate filaments by CDK1, Aurora-B, and Rho-kinase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 498 (3): 544-550, 2018. (*Co-corresponding author) 4. Makihara H., Inaba H., Enomoto A., Tanaka H., Tomono Y., Ushida K., Goto M., Kurita K., Nishida Y., Kasahara K., Goto H.*, Inagaki M.*: Desmin phosphorylation by Cdk1 is required for efficient separation of desmin intermediate filaments in mitosis and detected in murine embryonic/newborn muscle and human rhabdomyosarcoma tissues. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 478 (3): 1323-1329, 2016. (*Co-corresponding author) 5. Inaba H., Goto H., Kasahara K., Kumamoto K., Yonemura S., Inoko A., Yamano S., Wanibuchi H.,He D., Goshima N., Kiyono T., Hirotsune S., Inagaki M.: Ndel1 suppresses ciliogenesis in proliferating cells by regulating the trichoplein-Aurora A pathway. J. Cell Biol. 212 (4): 409-423, 2016. 6. Hyder C.L., Kemppainen K., Isoniemi K.O., Imanishi S.Y., Goto H., Inagaki M., Fazeli E., Eriksson J.E., Törnquist K.: Sphingolipids inhibit vimentin-dependent cell migration. J. Cell Sci. 128 (Pt 11): 2057-2069, 2015. 7. Tanaka H., Goto H., Inoko A., Makihara H., Enomoto A., Horimoto K., Matsuyama M., Kurita K., Izawa I., Inagaki M.: Cytokinetic failure-induced tetraploidy develops into aneuploidy, triggering skin aging in phospho-vimentin deficient mice. J. Biol. Chem. 290 (21): 12984-12998, 2015. 8. Oakes V., Wang W., Harrington B., Lee, W.J., Beamish H., Chia, K.M., Pinder A., Goto H., Inagaki M., Pavey S., Gabrielli B.: Cyclin A/Cdk2 regulates Cdh1 and claspin during late S/G2 phase of the cell cycle. Cell Cycle. 13 (20): 3302-3311, 2014. 9. Ohta M., Ashikawa T., Nozaki Y., Kozuka-Hata H., Goto H., Inagaki M., Oyama M., Kitagawa D.: Direct interaction of Plk4 with STIL ensures formation of a single procentriole per parental centriole. Nat. Commun. 5: 5267, 2014. 10. Kitagawa M., Fung S.Y.S., Hameed U.F.S., Goto H., Inagaki M., Lee S.H.: Cdk1 Coordinates Timely Activation of MKlp2 Kinesin with Relocation of the Chromosome Passenger Complex for Cytokinesis. Cell Rep. 7 (1): 166-179, 2014. 11. Kakeno M., Matsuzawa K., Matsui T., Akita H., Sugiyama I., Ishidate F., Nakano A., Takashima S., Goto H., Inagaki M., Kaibuchi K., Watanabe T.: Plk1 phosphorylates CLIP-170 and regulates its binding to microtubules for chromosome alignment. Cell Struct. Funct. 39 (1): 45-59, 2014. 12. Ikawa K., Satou A., Fukuhara M., Matsumura S., Sugiyama N., Goto H., Fukuda M., Inagaki M., Ishihama Y., Toyoshima F.: Inhibition of endocytic vesicle fusion by Plk1-mediated phosphorylation of vimentin during mitosis. Cell Cycle. 13 (1): 126-137, 2014. 13. Matsuyama M., Tanaka H., Inoko A., Goto H., Yonemura S., Kobori K., Hayashi Y., Kondo E., Itohara S., Izawa I., Inagaki M.: Defect of mitotic vimentin phosphorylation causes microophthalmia and cataract via aneuploidy and senescence in lens epithelial cells. J. Biol. Chem. 288 (50): 35626-35635, 2013. 14. Neise D., Sohn D., Stefanski A., Goto H., Inagaki M., Wesselborg S., Budach W., Stühler K., Jänicke R.U.: The p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) inhibitor BI-D1870 prevents gamma irradiation-induced apoptosis and mediates senescence via RSK- and p53-independent accumulation of p21WAF1/CIP1. Cell Death Dis. 4: e859, 2013. 15. Kasahara K., Goto H., Izawa I., Kiyono T., Watanabe N., Elowe S., Nigg E.A., Inagaki M.: PI 3-kinase-dependent phosphorylation of Plk1-Ser99 promotes association with 14-3-3γ and is required for metaphase-anaphase transition. Nat. Commun. 4: 1882, 2013. 16. Inoko A., Matsuyama M., Goto H., Ohmuro-Matsuyama Y., Hayashi Y., Enomoto M., Ibi M., Urano T., Yonemura S., Kiyono T., Izawa I., Inagaki M.: Trichoplein and Aurora A block aberrant primary cilia assembly in proliferating cells. J. Cell Biol. 197 (3): 391-405, 2012. 17. ‡Li P., ‡Goto H., Kasahara K., Matsuyama M., Wang Z., Yatabe Y., Kiyono T., Inagaki M.: P90 RSK arranges Chk1 in the nucleus for monitoring of genomic integrity during cell proliferation. Mol. Biol. Cell. 23 (8): 1582-1592, 2012. (‡Equal Contribution) 18. ‡Matsuyama M., ‡Goto H., ‡Kasahara K., Kawakami Y., Nakanishi M., Kiyono T., Goshima N., Inagaki M.: Nuclear Chk1 prevents premature mitotic entry. J. Cell Sci. 124 (Pt 13): 2113-2119, 2011. (‡Equal Contribution) 19. Ibi M., Zou P., Inoko A., Shiromizu T., Matsuyama M., Hayashi Y., Enomoto M., Mori D., Hirotsune S., Kiyono T., Tsukita S., Goto H., Inagaki M.: Trichoplein controls microtubule anchoring at the centrosome by binding to Odf2 and ninein. J. Cell Sci. 124 (Pt 6): 857-864, 2011. 20. Kasahara K., Goto H., Enomoto M., Tomono Y., Kiyono T., Inagaki M.: 14-3-3γ mediates Cdc25A proteolysis to block premature mitotic entry after DNA damage. EMBO J. 29 (16): 2802-2812, 2010. 21. Ichijima Y., Yoshioka K.-I., Yoshioka Y., Shinohe K., Fujimori H., Unno J., Takagi M., Goto H., Inagaki M., Mizutani S., Teraoka H.: DNA Lesions Induced by Replication Stress Trigger Mitotic Aberration and Tetraploidy Development. PLoS ONE 5 (1): e8821, 2010. 22. Enomoto M., *Goto H., Tomono Y., Kasahara K., Tsujimura K., Kiyono T., *Inagaki M.: Novel positive feedback loop between Cdk1 and Chk1 in the nucleus during G2/M transition. J. Biol. Chem. 284 (49): 34223-34230, 2009. (*Co-corresponding author) 23. Ikegami Y., *Goto H., Kiyono T., Enomoto M., Kasahara K., Tomono Y., Tozawa K., Morita A., Kohri K., *Inagaki M.: Chk1 phosphorylation at Ser286 and Ser301 occurs with both stalled DNA replication and damage checkpoint stimulation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 377 (4): 1227-1231, 2008. (*Co-corresponding author) 24. Yamashiro S., Yamakita Y., Totsukawa G., Goto H., Kaibuchi K., Ito M., Hartshorne D.J., Matsumura F.: Myosin phosphatase-targeting subunit 1 regulates mitosis by antagonizing polo-like kinase 1. Dev. Cell. 14 (5): 787-797, 2008. 25. Toyo-oka K., Mori D., Yano Y., Shiota M., Iwao H., Goto H., Inagaki M., Hiraiwa N., Muramatsu M., Wynshaw-Boris A., Yoshiki A., Hirotsune S.: Protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit regulates Cdk1 activity and microtubule organization via NDEL1 dephosphorylation. J. Cell Biol. 180 (6): 1133-1147, 2008. 26. Goto H., Inagaki M.: Production of a site- and phosphorylation state-specific antibody. Nat. Protoc. 2 (10): 2574-2581, 2007. 27. Shiromizu T., *Goto H., Tomono Y., Bartek J., Totsukawa G., Inoko A., Nakanishi M., Matsumura F., *Inagaki M.: Regulation of mitotic function of Chk1 through phosphorylation at novel sites by cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1). Genes Cells 11 (5): 477-485, 2006. (*Co-corresponding author) 28. Goto H., Kiyono T., Tomono Y., Kawajiri A., Urano T., Furukawa K., Nigg E.A., Inagaki M.: Complex formation of Plk1 and INCENP required for metaphase-anaphase transition. Nat. Cell Biol. 8 (2): 180-187, 2006. 29. Yamaguchi T., Goto H., Yokoyama T., Silljé H., Hanisch A., Uldschmid A., Takai Y., Oguri T., Nigg E.A., Inagaki M.: Phosphorylation by Cdk1 induces Plk1-mediated vimentin phosphorylation during mitosis. J. Cell Biol. 171 (3): 431-436, 2005. 30. Dyson M.H., Thomson S., Inagaki M., Goto H., Arthur S.J., Nightingale K., Iborra F.J., Mahadevan L.C.: MAP kinase-mediated phosphorylation of distinct pools of histone H3 at S10 or S28 via mitogen- and stress-activated kinase 1/2. J. Cell Sci. 118 (Pt 10): 2247-2259, 2005. 31. Yokoyama T., Goto H., Izawa I., Mizutani H., Inagaki M.: Aurora-B and Rho-kinase/ROCK, the two cleavage furrow kinases, independently regulate the progression of cytokinesis: possible existence of a novel cleavage furrow kinase phosphorylates ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM). Genes Cells 10 (2): 127-137, 2005. 32. Hirata A., Inada K., Tsukamoto T., Sakai H., Mizoshita T., Yanai T., Masegi T., Goto H., Inagaki M., Tatematsu M.: Characterization of a Monoclonal Antibody, HTA28, Recognizing a Histone H3 Phosphorylation Site as a Useful Marker of M-phase Cells. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 52 (11): 1503-1509, 2004. 33. Zhong S., Goto H., Inagaki M., Dong Z.: Phosphorylation at serine 28 and acetylation at lysine 9 of histone H3 induced by trichostatin A. Oncogene 22 (34): 5291-5297, 2003. 34. Furukawa K., Sugiyama S., Osouda S., Goto H., Inagaki M., Horigome T., Omata S., McConnell M., Fisher P.A., Nishida Y.: Barrier-to-autointegration factor plays crucial roles in cell cycle progression and nuclear organization in Drosophila. J. Cell Sci. 116 (Pt 18): 3811-3823, 2003. 35. Kawaji A., Yasui Y., Goto H., Tatsuka M., Takahashi M., Nagata K., Inagaki M.: Functional Significance of the Specific Sites Phosphorylated in Desmin at the Cleavage Furrow: Aurora-B may Phosphorylate and Regulate Type III Intermediate Filaments during Cytokinesis Coordinately with Rho-kinase. Mol. Biol. Cell 14 (4): 1489-1500, 2003. 36. ‡Goto H., ‡Yasui Y., ‡Kawajiri A., Nigg E.A., Terada Y., Tatsuka M., Nagata K., Inagaki M.: Aurora-B Regulates the Cleavage Furrow-specific Vimentin Phosphorylation in the Cytokinetic Process. J. Biol.Chem. 278 (10): 8526-8530, 2003. (‡Equal Contribution) 37. Goto H., Tanabe K., Manser E., Lim L., Yasui Y., Inagaki M.: Phosphorylation and Reorganization of Vimentin by p21-Activated Kinase (PAK). Genes Cells 7 (2): 91-97, 2002. 38. Goto H., Yasui Y., Nigg E.A., Inagaki M.: Aurora-B phosphorylates Histone H3 at serine28 with regard to the mitotic chromosome condensation. Genes Cells 7 (1): 11-17, 2002. 39. Zhong S., Jansen C., She Q.-B., Goto H., Inagaki M., Bode A.M., Ma W.-Y., Dong Z.: Ultraviolet B-induced Phosphorylation of Histone H3 at Serine 28 Is Mediated by MSK1. J. Biol. Chem. 276 (35): 33213-33219, 2001. 40. ‡Yasui Y., ‡Goto H., Matsui S., Manser E., Lim L., Nagata K., Inagaki M.: Protein Kinases Required for Segregation of Vimentin Filaments in Mitotic Process. Oncogene 20 (23): 2868-2876, 2001. (‡Equal Contribution) 41. Zhong S., Zhang Y., Jansen C., Goto H., Inagaki M., Dong Z.: MAP Kinases Mediate UVB-induced Phosphorylation of Histone H3 at Serine 28. J. Biol. Chem. 276 (16): 12932-12937, 2001. 42. Nakamura Y., Hashimoto R., Amano M., Nagata K., Matsumoto N., Goto H., Fukusho E., Mori H., Kashiwagi Y., Kudo T., Inagaki M., Takeda M.: Localized phosphorylation of vimentin by Rho-kinase in neuroblastoma N2a cells. Genes Cells. 5 (10): 823-837, 2000. 43. Ohtakara K., Inada H., Goto H., Taki W., Manser E., Lim L., Izawa I., Inagaki M.: p21-Activated Kinase PAK Phosphorylates Desmin at Sites Different from Those for Rho-Associated Kinase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 272 (3): 712-716, 2000. 44. Goto H., Tomono Y., Ajiro K., Kosako H., Fujita M., Sakurai M., Okawa K., Iwamatsu A., Okigaki T., Takahashi T., Inagaki M.: Identification of a Novel Phosphorylation Site on Histone H3 Coupled with Mitotic Chromosome Condensation. J. Biol. Chem. 274 (36): 25543-25549, 1999. 45. Fujita M., Yamada C., Goto H., Yokoyama N., Kuzushima K., Inagaki M., Tsurumi T.: Cell Cycle Regulation of Human CDC6 Protein: Intracellular Localization, Interaction with the Human MCM Complex, and Cdc2 Kinase-Mediated Hyperphosphorylation. J. Biol. Chem. 274 (36): 25927-25932, 1999. 46. Kosako H., Goto H., Yanagida M., Matsuzawa K., Fujita M., Tomono Y., Okigaki T., Odai H., Kaibuchi K., Inagaki M.: Specific accumulation of Rho-associated kinase at the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis: cleavage furrow-specific phosphorylation of intermediate filaments. Oncogene 18 (17): 2783-2788, 1999. 47. Inada H., Goto H., Tanabe K., Nishi Y., Kaibuchi K., Inagaki M.: Rho-Associated Kinase Phosphorylates Desmin, the Myogenic Intermediate Filament Protein, at Unique Amino-Terminal Sites. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 253 (1): 21-25, 1998. 48. Goto H., Kosako H., Tanabe K., Yanagida M., Sakurai M., Amano M., Kaibuchi K., Inagaki M.: Phosphorylation of Vimentin by Rho-associated Kinase at a Unique Amino-terminal Site That Is Specifically Phosphorylated during Cytokinesis. J. Biol. Chem. 273 (19): 11728-11736, 1998. 49. Hashimoto R., Nakamura Y., Goto H., Wada Y., Sakoda S., Kaibuchi K., Inagaki M., Takeda M.: Domain- and Site-Specific Phosphorylation of Bovine NF-L by Rho-Associated Kinase. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 245 (2): 407-411, 1998. 50. Inagaki N., Goto H., Ogawara M., Nishi Y., Ando S., Inagaki M.: Spatial Patterns of Ca2+ Signals Define Intracellular Distribution of a Signaling by Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinase II. J. Biol. Chem. 272 (40): 25195-25199, 1997. 欧文総説 1. Tanaka K., Goto H., Nishimura Y., Kasahara K., Mizoguchi A., Inagaki M.: Tetraploidy in cancer and its possible link to aging. Cancer Sci. 109 (9): 2632-2640, 2018. 2. Goto H., Inaba H., Inagaki M.: Mechanisms of ciliogenesis suppression in dividing cells. Cell. Mol. life Sci. 74 (5): 881-890, 2017. 3. Izawa I., Goto H., Kasahara K., Inagaki M.: Current topics of functional links between primary cilia and cell cycle. Cilia 4: 12, 2015. 4. Goto H., Kasahara K., Inagaki M.: Novel insights into Chk1 regulation by phosphorylation. Cell Struct. Funct. 40 (1): 43-50, 2015. 5. Goto H., Inagaki M.: New Insights into Roles of Intermediate Filament (IF) Phosphorylation and Progeria Pathogenesis. IUBMB Life 66 (3): 195-200, 2014. 6. Goto H., Inoko A., Inagaki M.: Cell cycle progression by the repression of primary cilia formation in proliferating cells. Cell. Mol. life Sci. 70 (20): 3893-3905, 2013. 7. Goto H., Izawa I., Li P., Inagaki M.: Novel regulation of checkpoint kinase 1: Is checkpoint kinase 1 a good candidate for anti-cancer therapy? Cancer Sci. 103 (7): 1195-1200, 2012. 8. Goto H., Kosako H., Inagaki M.: Regulation of Intermediate Filament Organization during Cytokinesis: Possible Roles of Rho-associated Kinase. Microsc. Res. Tech. 49 (2):173-182, 2000. 欧文単行本 1. Goto H., Inaba H., Inagaki M. Chk1. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules, 2nd edition, ed. Choi S. Springer New York, 2018, pp1091-1097. 2. Goto H., Tanaka H., Kasahara K., Inagaki M. Phospho-specific antibody probes of intermediate filament (IF) proteins. Intermediate Filament Proteins, eds. Omary M.B. and Liem R.K.H. Methods in Enzymology, UK: Academic Press, 2016, pp85-111. 3. Goto H., Inagaki M. Method for the generation of antibodies specific for site and posttranslational modifications. Monoclonal Antibodies: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition, “Methods in molecular biology” series, eds. Ossipow V. and Fischer N. Humana Press. 2014, 1131: pp21-31. 4. Inada H., Nagata K., Goto H., Inagaki M. Regulation of intermediate filament dynamics: A novel approach using site-and phosphorylation state-specific antibodies. Cytoskeleton: Signalling and Cell Regulation: A Practical Approach. (The practical Approach Series) eds. Carraway, K.L., and Carraway, C.A.C. Oxford University Press, 1999, pp183-207. |