職名 助教
氏名 ふじもと まさし
藤本 昌志
生年月 1978.04
所属 部局 附属病院
学科・専攻 脳神経外科
学歴 三重大学医学部 学士課程 (1997年04月01日~2003年03月25日) 卒業
三重大学大学院医学系研究科 博士課程・博士後期課程 (2009年04月01日~2013年03月25日) 修了
学位 2013.03 医学博士 三重大学
所属学会 日本脳神経外科学会 日本脳神経外科コングレス 日本脳神経血管内治療学会 日本脳卒中の外科学会 日本脊髄外科学会 日本脳卒中学会 日本神経内視鏡学会 スパズム・シンポジウム

2014年度和賀賞 ,2014.12
スパズム・シンポジウム第8回優秀論文賞 基礎研究部門,2017.03
専門分野 脊髄脊椎・末梢神経疾患、脳血管障害
現在の研究課題 脊髄脊椎・末梢神経疾患治療の実態調査研究
担当科目 脊髄脊椎疾患(胸腰椎・末梢神経)
主な業績等 Aneurysm organization effects of gellan sulfate core platinum coil with tenascin-C in a simulated clinical setting and the possible mechanism 共著 J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 25 771-780
Angiographic vasospasmと脳梗塞の関係“主観的評価と客観的評価” 共著 脳血管攣縮 30 8-11
Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment Suppresses Early Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice 共著 Mol Neurobiol 53 4529-4538
Cerebral ischemic lesions detected with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging after carotid artery stenting: Comparison of several anti-embolic protection devices. 共著 Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49 93-393
Cerebrospinal fluid tenascin-C in cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 共著 J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 23 310-317
Complete recovery from aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest. 共著 Eur J Emerg Med 17 42-44
Conventional DSAにて診断できなかった頚部頚動脈狭窄症の2例 共著 脳卒中 31 311-316
Correction to: Role of periostin in early brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice. 共著 Stroke 48 e273-
Current status of ruptured cerebral aneurysm treatment in regional hospitals and results of coil embolization. 共著 Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy. 12 109-116
Deficiency of tenascin-C and attenuation of blood-brain barrier disruption following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice 共著 J Neurosurg 124 1693-1702
Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate C2 radiculopathy secondary to atlantoaxial osteoarthritis causing occipital neuralgia: A case report 共著 Interdiscip Neurosurg 24 101110-
Effects of tenascin-C knockout on cerebral vasospasm after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice. 共著 Mol Neurobiol 55 1951-1958
Effects of Tenascin-C on Early Brain Injury after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats. 共著 Acta Neurochir Suppl 120 69-73
Effects of Toll-Like Receptor 4 Antagonists Against Cerebral Vasospasm After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 Mol Neurobiol 54 6624-6633
Epidermal growth factor-like repeats of tenascin-C-induced constriction of cerebral arteries via activation of epidermal growth factor receptors in rats 共著 Brain Res 1642 436-444
Gadolinium-enhanced 3D MR angiographyによる脳動脈瘤コイル塞栓術後の評価 共著 脳神経外科ジャーナル 18 919-919
Imatinib mesylate prevents cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage via inhibiting tenascin-C expression in rats. 共著 Neurobiol Dis 46 172-179
Matricellular protein: a new player in cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. 共著 Acta Neurochir Suppl 115 213-218
Periprocedural hemodynamic instability with carotid angioplasty and stenting. 共著 Surg Neurol 70 279-285
Role of Periostin in Early Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice 共著 Stroke 48 1108-1111
Role of platelet-derived growth factor in cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. 共著 Acta Neurochir Suppl 115 219-223
Tenascin-C causes neuronal apoptosis after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats 共著 Transl Stroke Res 5 238-247
Tenascin-C in brain injuries and edema after subarachnoid hemorrhage: findings from basic and clinical studies 共著 J Neurosci Res 98 42-56
Tenascin-C Induces Prolonged Constriction of Cerebral Arteries in Rats. 共著 Neurobiol Dis 55 104-109
Tenascin-C is a possible mediator between initial brain injury and vasospasm-related and -unrelated delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. 共著 Acta Neurochir Suppl 120 117-121
The role of matricellular proteins in brain edema after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 Acta Neurochir Suppl 121 151-156
Toll-like receptor 4 and tenascin-C signaling in cerebral vasospasm and brain injuries after subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 Acta Neurochir Suppl 127 91-96
Vascular endothelial growth factor in brain edema formation after subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 Acta Neurochir Suppl 121 173-177
Vasoconstrictive effect of tenascin-C on cerebral arteries in rats. 共著 Acta Neurochir Suppl 120 99-103
くも膜下出血患者における急性期血漿中ガレクチン-3濃度とその意義. 共著 脳血管攣縮 33 31-34
くも膜下出血患者における血漿中ガレクチン-3濃度の検討. 共著 脳血管攣縮 31 45-48
くも膜下出血後early brain injuryにおけるテネイシンCの役割 共著 脳血管攣縮 28 5-8
くも膜下出血後の血液脳関門障害におけるテネイシンCの役割 共著 脳血管攣縮 30 12-14
くも膜下出血後の遅発性虚血性脳障害をめぐる新展開 共著 脳外誌 24 232-238
くも膜下出血発症急性期における血漿トロンビン切断型オステオポンチン測定の有用性 共著 脳血管攣縮 35 74-76
コイル塞栓術を第一選択とした80歳以上の高齢者くも膜下出血の治療 共著 Geriatric Neurosurgery 21 45-49
シロスタゾール増量プロトコールによるくも膜下出血予後改善効果 共著 脳血管攣縮 35 80-82
テネイシンCとearly brain injuryおよび脳血管攣縮との関係 共著 脳血管攣縮 28 1-4
テネイシンCの脳動脈瘤収縮効果 共著 脳血管攣縮 28 9-12
テネイシンCは上皮成長因子受容体を介しラット脳動脈を収縮させる. 共著 脳血管攣縮 31 38-40
血漿中ペリオスチン濃度はクモ膜下出血後DCI発症例で高値を示す. 共著 脳血管攣縮 31 41-44
重症くも膜下出血に対する治療 共著 脳神経外科ジャーナル 29 109-115
脳血管疾患とテネイシンC. 共著 呼吸と循環 59 1099-1105
非重症例くも膜下出血患者における血漿中ガレクチン-3濃度上昇と遅発性脳梗塞および予後についての検討. 共著 脳血管攣縮 34 6-9
EDコイル10タイプを用いた脳動脈瘤コイル塞栓術の臨床評価 共著 2008.05 日本血管内治療学会誌 9 4-10
Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment Suppresses Early Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2016.09 Mol Neurobiol 53 4529-4538
Increased plasma galectin-3 preceding the development of delayed cerebral infarction and eventual poor outcome in non-severe aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2018.04 Transl Stroke Res 9 110-119
Acute-Phase Plasma Osteopontin as an Independent Predictor for Poor Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. 共著 2018.08 Mol Neurobiol 55 6841-6849
The Stenosis of Cerebral Arteries and Impaired Brain Glucose Uptake by Long-Lasting Inflammatory Cytokine Release from Dermatitis Is Rescued by Anti-IL-1 Therapy 共著 2018.10 J Invest Dermatol 138 2280-2283
Deficiency of Tenascin-C Alleviates Neuronal Apoptosis and Neuroinflammation After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Mice. 共著 2018.11 Mol Neurobiol 55 8346-8354
Tiny Falx Meningioma Causing Massive Interhemispheric Subdural Hematoma: A Case Report. 共著 2019.03 NMC Case Rep J. 5 51-55
A screw position change at an early postoperative stage preceding the subsequent occurrence of screw loosening 共著 2021.01 Eur Spine J 30 136-141
Cerebrovascular pathophysiology of delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 共著 2021.02 Histol Histopathol 36 143-158
Neurovascular Events after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 共著 2017 Narunia