教員紹介トップページへ | 三重大学トップページへ |

職名 | 教授 | |||||||||
氏名 | かこう じゅん 角甲 純 |
生年月 | ||||||||||
TEL | ||||||||||
FAX | ||||||||||
jkako@med. (末尾にを補ってください) | ||||||||||
個人のホームページ | https://researchmap.jp/jkako/ | |||||||||
学歴 | 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 健康科学・看護学専攻 がん看護専門看護師教育コース 修士課程・博士前期課程 (~) 卒業・修了
東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学系専攻博士課程 全人的医療開発学系心療緩和医療学分野 博士課程・博士後期課程 (~) 卒業・修了 |
学位 | 博士(医学) | |||||||||
所属学会 | 日本がん看護学会 日本看護科学学会 日本緩和医療学会 日本サイコオンコロジー学会 日本がんサポーティブケア学会 日本口腔ケア学会 | |||||||||
社会活動 | ||||||||||
職歴 | 医療法人あかね会 土谷総合病院 看護師
旧国立がんセンター中央病院 看護師 国立がん研究センター東病院 看護師 広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究科 助教 兵庫県立大学看護学部 准教授 三重大学大学院医学系研究科看護学専攻 教授 |
学術(芸術)賞 | ||||||||||
専門分野 | がん看護、緩和ケア | |||||||||
現在の研究課題 | 終末期のがん関連症状に対する看護支援の有効性の検証 | |||||||||
担当科目 | ||||||||||
主な業績等 | Intranasal Vinegar as an Effective Treatment for Persistent Hiccups in a Patient With Advanced Cancer Undergoing Palliative Care. 2017.08 Journal of pain and symptom management 54 e2-e4
Evaluation of the Appropriate Washout Period Following Fan Therapy for Dyspnea in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Pilot Study. 共著 2018.02 The American journal of hospice & palliative care 35 293-296 Fan Therapy Is Effective in Relieving Dyspnea in Patients With Terminally Ill Cancer: A Parallel-Arm, Randomized Controlled Trial. 2018.10 Journal of pain and symptom management 56 493-500 The Optimal Cutoff Point for Expressing Revised Edmonton Symptom Assessment System Scores as Binary Data Indicating the Presence or Absence of Symptoms. 2018.11 The American journal of hospice & palliative care 35 1390-1393 Determining caregiver burden using new technologies for informal caregivers of people with dementia: A systematic review. 2019.10 Geriatrics & gerontology international 19 1069-1071 Biofeedback or loperamide for faecal incontinence in women. 2019.12 The lancet. Gastroenterology & hepatology 4 903-904 Unanswered questions and future direction in the management of terminal breathlessness in patients with cancer. 2020 ESMO open 5 Suppl 1 e000603- Immediate Effect of Fan Therapy in Terminal Cancer With Dyspnea at Rest: A Meta-Analysis. 2020.04 The American journal of hospice & palliative care 37 294-299 JPOS/JASCC clinical guidelines for delirium in adult cancer patients: a summary of recommendation statements. 2020.05 Japanese journal of clinical oncology 50 586-593 Regarding Acupuncture for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. 2020.06 The oncologist 25 e999- Prehabilitation vs Postoperative Rehabilitation for Frail Patients. 2020.09 JAMA surgery 155 897- Terminal agitation and delirium in patients with cancer. 2020.09 The Lancet. Oncology 21 e409- Traditional Influences Within Studies of Nonpharmacological Interventions for Hiccups in Adults: A Systematic Review. 2020.10 Journal of pain and symptom management 60 e34-e37 Scoping Review: What Is the Role of Nurses in the Era of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic? 2020.12 Journal of palliative medicine 23 1566-1567 The Educational Program for Healthcare Providers Regarding Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients: a Systematic Review. 2021.06 Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education 36 452-462 The effects of curative-intent cancer therapy on employment, work ability, and work limitations. 2021.08 Cancer 127 3031-3032 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health of nursing students in Japan: protocol for a cross-sectional study. 2021.12 BMJ open 11 e055916- Beliefs and Perceptions About Parenteral Nutrition and Hydration by Advanced Cancer Patients. 2022 Palliative medicine reports 3 132-139 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of nursing students in Japan: a cross-sectional study. 2022 Environmental health and preventive medicine 27 40- Research policy in supportive care and palliative care for cancer dyspnea. 2022.03 Japanese journal of clinical oncology 52 260-265 Validity and Reliability of the Japanese Version of the Dyspnea-12 Questionnaire in Patients With Lung Cancer. 2022.08 Journal of pain and symptom management 64 e83-e89 Nursing Students' Fear of COVID-19 and Changes in Life Satisfaction. 2022.09 Asia-Pacific journal of public health 34 719-722 Nursing support for symptoms in patients with cancer and caregiver burdens: a scoping review protocol. 2022.09 BMJ open 12 e061866- How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced nursing students' academic experience and career choices? A qualitative descriptive analysis. 2023.01 Teaching and learning in nursing : official journal of the National Organization for Assciate Degree Nursing 18 30-36 Impact of taste/smell disturbances on dietary intakes and cachexia-related quality of life in patients with advanced cancer. 2023.01 Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer 31 141- Development and validation of questionnaires for eating-related distress among advanced cancer patients and families. 2023.02 Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle 14 310-325 Systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy of benzodiazepines for dyspnea in patients with cancer. 2023.03 Japanese journal of clinical oncology 53 327-334 Efficacy of supplemental oxygen for dyspnea relief in patients with advanced progressive illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 2023.04 Respiratory investigation 61 418-437 A revision of JPOS/JASCC clinical guidelines for delirium in adult cancer patients: a summary of recommendation statements. 2023.05 Japanese journal of clinical oncology Current Management Options for Dyspnea in Cancer Patients. 2023.06 Current treatment options in oncology 24 565-579 |