職名 准教授
氏名 すずき てつひと
鈴木 哲仁
生年月 1987.05
所属 部局 生物資源学研究科
学科・専攻 共生環境学専攻
講座 環境情報システム工学
教育研究分野 生産環境システム学
TEL 059-231-9599
E-mail t-suzuki@bio. (末尾に mie-u.ac.jp を補ってください)
学歴 2006.04~2010.03 京都大学農学部
2010.04~2012.03 京都大学大学院農学研究科修士
2012.04~2012.05 京都大学大学院農学研究科博士後期(中退)
学位 2019.11 博士(農学) 京都大学
所属学会 日本分析化学会、農業食料工学会、関西農業食料工学会
社会活動 日本分析化学会近畿支部幹事、農業食料工学会庶務幹事、関西農業食料工学会企画委員長他
職歴 2012.04~2013.04 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1)
2013.05~2023.03 京都大学大学院農学研究科 助教
2023.04~現在 三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科 准教授
学術(芸術)賞 2011 農業機械学会関西支部学生ベストプレゼン賞、
2011 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門優秀講演賞
2012 農業機械学会関西支部学生ベストプレゼン賞
2013 SeTBio '13, Student Best Presentation Award
2013 分析化学会若手ポスター賞
2016 近赤外研究会最優秀ポスター賞
2016 RSC(Royal Society of Chemistry) Analyst賞
2018 日本分析化学会若手ポスター賞
2020 日本分析化学会奨励賞
2021 農業食料工学会研究奨励賞
2022 CIGR-WG5 Workshop, Young Scientist Award
2023 関西農業食料工学会奨励賞
専門分野 農業機械学,農業情報学,生物診断工学
現在の研究課題 光および音を用いた農畜水産物の非破壊センシング(魚の鮮度、鶏卵の胚成長、粉末食品中の異物、他)
担当科目 【学部】力学基礎Ⅱ、設計製図学Ⅰ、生物資源学総論(分担)、地球環境学概論(分担)、共生環境学総論(分担)、農業食料工学実習(分担)、環境情報システム工学実習Ⅰ(分担)、環境情報システム工学実習Ⅱ(分担)、
主な業績等 Ⅰ.原著論文
47) Li, N,. Samuel, O., Riza, D.F.A., Shibasaki, M., Wulandari, Fukushima, M., Fujiura, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, ., Suzuki, T. (2023): An automatic eye surface-fundus double imaging system for estimation of vitamin A levels in Japanese Black Cattle, Comput. Electron. Agric., 107908.
46) Tsay, L.W.J., Shiigi, T., Zhao, X., Huang, Z., Shiraga, K., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2022): Static and dynamic evaluations of acoustic positioning system using TDMA and FDMA for robots operating in a greenhouse. Int. J. Agric. & Biol. Eng 15(5), 28–33.
45) Tamura, H., Shiigi, T., Nishizu, T., Yoshitomi, H., Njane, S. N., Ogata, K. Abamba Omwange, K., Shiraga, K, Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2022): Fish volume estimation and accuracy of multiple-neck underwater Helmholtz resonators, JSAM, 84 (3), 155–165.
44) Huang, Z., Omwange, K.A., Tsay, L.W.J., Saito, Y., Maai, E., Yamazaki, A., Nakano, R., Nakazaki, T., Kuramoto, M., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2022): UV excited fluorescence image-based non-destructive method for early detection of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) spoilage, Food Chem., 368, 130776.
43) Saito, Y., Suzuki, T., Kondo, N. (2022): Evaluation of optical properties of tofu samples produced with different coagulation temperatures and times using near-infrared transmission spectroscopy, Infrared Phys. Technol. , 123, 104149.
42) Saha, K.K., Al Riza, D.F., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Sugimoto, T., Kondo, N. (2022): Assessment of chalkiness index of Sake rice using transmission imaging. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 275, 121149.
41) Huang, Z., Shiigi, T., Tsay, L.W.J., Nakanishi, H., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Naoshi, K. (2021): A sound-based positioning system with centimeter accuracy for mobile robots in a greenhouse using frequency shift compensation, Comput. Electron. Agric., 187, 106235.
40) Huang, Z., Jacky, T.L.W., Zhao, X., Fukuda, H., Shiigi, T., Nakanishi, H., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2020): Position and orientation measurement system using spread spectrum sound for greenhouse robots, Biosystems Engineering, 198, 50–62.
39) Khaliduzzaman, A., Fujitani, S., Kashimori, A., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2021): Non-invasive Detection of Chick Embryo Gender Based on Body Motility and a Near-infrared Sensor. Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 14(2), 45–53. https://doi.org/10.37221/eaef.14.2_45
38) Rahman, A., Syduzzaman, M., Khaliduzzaman, A., Fujitani, S., Kashimori, A., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2021): Nondestructive Preincubation Sex Determination of Broiler Eggs Using Visible Transmission Spectroscopy Combined with Multivariate Analysis. Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 14(2), 61–72.
37) Abamba Omwange, K., Saito, Y., Zichen, H., Khaliduzzaman, A., Kuramoto, M., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N., Suzuki, T. (2021): Evaluating Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis) fish freshness during storage using multispectral images from visible and UV excited fluorescence. LWT Food Sci. Technol., 151, 112207.
36) Saito, Y., Chiang, W., Kondo, N., Suzuki, T. (2021): Quantitative analysis of Tofu microstructure with different coagulant concentrations based on geometric parameters and haralick texture features, JSAM, 83 (2), 95–104.
35) Abamba Omwange, K., Al Riza, D.F., Saito, Y., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Shiraga, K., Giametta, F., Kondo, N. (2021): Potential of front face fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence imaging in discriminating adulterated extra-virgin olive oil with virgin olive oil, Food Control, 124, 107906.
34) Fatchurrahman, D., Kuramoto, M., Al Riza, D.F., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Kondo, N. (2020): Fluorescence time series monitoring of different parts of green pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) under different storage temperatures, Comput. Electron. Agric., 179, 105850.
33) Abamba Omwange, K., Riza, D.F.A., Sen, N., Shiigi, T., Kuramoto, M., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N., Suzuki, T. (2020): Fish freshness monitoring using UV-fluorescence imaging on Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis) fisheye, J. Food Eng, 287, 110111.
32) Konagaya, K., Riza, D.F.A, Ogawa, Y., Kohno, Y., Kuramoto, M., Takahashi, N., Suzuki, T., Kondo, N. (2020): Autofluorescence changes of tomato surface tissues during overripening, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 19, 879–884.
31) Rotich, V., Riza, D.F.A, Giametta, F., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2020): Thermal oxidation assessment of Italian extra virgin olive oil using an UltraViolet (UV) induced fluorescence imaging system, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 237, 118373.
30) Rahman, A., Syduzzaman, M., Khaliduzzaman, A., Fujitani, S., Kashimori, A., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2020): Nondestructive sex-specific monitoring of early embryonic development rate in white layer chicken eggs using visible light transmission, Br. Poult. Sci., 61(2), 209–216.
29) Njane, N.S., Ogata, K., Ogawa, Y., Kawamura, T., Nishizu, T., Shiigi, T., Suzuki, T., Kondo, N. (2020): Precise fish volume estimation using underwater double cavity helmholtz, JSAM, 82 (2), 138–149.
28) Khaliduzzaman, A., Konagaya, K., Suzuki, T., Kashimori, A., Kondo, N., Ogawa, Y. (2020): A nondestructive eggshell thickness measurement technique using terahertz waves, Scientific Reports, 10, 1052.
27) Peng, Y., Kondo, N., Fujiura, T., Suzuki, T., Ouma, S., Wulandari, Yoshioka, H., Itoyama, E. (2020): Dam behavior patterns in Japanese black beef cattle prior to calving: Automated detection using LSTM-RNN, Comput. Electron. Agric., 169, 105178.
26) Konagaya, K., Riza, D.F.A., Nie, S., Yoneda, M., Hirata, T., akahashi, N., Kuramoto, M., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Kondo, N. (2020): Monitoring mature tomato (red stage) quality during storage using ultraviolet-induced visible fluorescence image, Postharvest Biol. Technol., 160, 111031.
25) Nie, S., Riza, D.F.A., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Kuramoto, M., Miyata, N., Kondo, N. (2020): Potential of a double lighting imaging system for characterization of 'Hayward' kiwifruit harvest indices, Postharvest Biol. Technol., 162, 111113.
24) Njane, S.N., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Ogata, K., Shinohara, Y., Kawamura, T., Nishizu, T., Kondo, N. (2019): Underwater Helmhortz resonator with double cavities for volumetric estimation of aquatic samples, JSAM, 81(4), 233–242.
23) 吉田里奈,小川雄一,児玉陽平,中島亜弓,鈴木哲仁,近藤直(2019):乾燥パセリ中の異物サイズとミリ波透過強度分布との関係,農業食料工学会誌,81(3),159–167.
22) Muharfiza, Riza, D.F.A., Sen, N., Kohno, Y., Suzuki, T., Kuramoto, M., Kondo, N. (2019): The potential of fluorescence technology for quality monitoring of Miyauchi Iyokan ( C. iyo Hort. Ex Tanaka ) during post-harvest treatment, Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol, 27 (S1), 189–196.
21) Syduzzaman, M., Rahman, A., Alin, K., Fujitani, S., Kashimori, A., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2019): Noninvasive quantification of yolk content using Vis-NIR spectroscopy and its effect on hatching time and gender of broiler chicken, Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 12 (3), 289–296.
20) 鈴木哲仁,小川雄一,近藤直,近藤孝志,神波誠治,菜嶋茂喜(2019):多孔質膜一体型金属メッシュを用いた非標識検出法の高感度化,日本レーザー医学会誌,39(4),335–40.
19) Khaliduzzaman, A., Fujitani, S., Kashimori, A., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2019): A non-invasive diagnosis technique of chick embryonic cardiac arrhythmia using near infrared light, Comput. Electron. Agric., 158, 326–334.
18) Peng, Y., Kondo, N., Fujiura, T., Suzuki, T., Wulandari, Yoshioka, H., Itoyama, I. (2019): Classification of multiple cattle behavior patterns using a recurrent neural network with long short-term memory and inertial measurement units, Comput. Electron. Agric., 157, 247–253.
17) 椎木友朗,冨田さくら,篠原義昭,近藤直,西津貴久,鈴木哲仁(2019):ヘルムホルツ共鳴を利用したマガキ軟体部の体積推定方法,農業食料工学会誌,81(1),51–59.
16) Han, S., Kondo, N., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Fukushima, M., Kohama, N., Fujiura, T., Zhang, J., Kong, F., Wu, J., (2018): Classification of vitamin A deficiency levels by ocular changes in Japanese black cattle. Biosystems Engineering, 173, 71–78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2017.11.011
15) Liao, Q., Suzuki, T., Kohno, Y., Riza, D.F.A., Kuramoto, M., Kondo, N. (2018): Potential of using uric acid fluorescence in eye fluid for freshness assessment on red sea bream (Pagrus Major), Spec. Lett., 51(8), 431–37.
14) Liao, Q., Suzuki, T., Shirataki, Y., Kuramoto, M., Kondo, N. (2018): Freshness related fluorescent compound changes in Japanese dace fish (Tribolodon Hakonensis) eye fluid during storage, Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 11(3), 95–100.
13) Habaragamuwa, H., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Shiigi, T., Ono, M., Kondo, N. (2018): Detecting greenhouse strawberries (mature and immature), using deep convolutional neural network, Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 11 (3), 127–138.
12) Saito, Y., Konagaya, K., Suzuki, T., Kondo, N. (2018): Determination of optical coefficients of Tofu using spatially resolved diffuse reflectance at 633 nm, Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 11(1), 38–42.
11) Njane, S.N., Shinohara, Y., Kondo, N., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Nishizu, T. (2018): Improved underwater Helmholtz resonator with an open cavity for sample volume estimation, Comput. Electron. Agric., 147, 18–26.
10) Khaliduzzaman, Fujitani, S., Kondo, N., Syduzzaman, M., Rahman, A., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kashimori, A., Fujiura, T. (2018): Cardiac signal behavior of early and late hatch chick embryos during incubation, Comput. Electron. Agric., 148, 188–196.
9) Riza, D.F.A., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2017): Diffuse reflectance characteristic of potato surface for external defects discrimination, Postharvest Biol. Technol., 133, 12–19.
8) Mahirah J., Yamamoto, K. Miyamoto, M., Kondo, N., Ogawa, Y., Suzuki, T., Habaragamuwa, H., Ahmad, U. (2017): Monitoring harvested paddy during combine harvesting using a machine vision - double lighting system, Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 10(2), 140–149.
7) Mitsunaka, T., Ashida, N., Saito, A., Iizuka, K., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Fujishima, M. (2016): CMOS biosensor IC focusing on dielectric relaxations of biological water with 120 and 60 GHz oscillator arrays, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 51(11), 2534–2544.
6) Shan, J., Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2015): Coffee roasting degrees prediction in terms of weight loss with selected wavebands based on near-infrared spectroscopy, Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 8 (4), 195–199.
5) Shiraga, K. Naito, H., Suzuki, T., Kondo, N., Ogawa, Y. (2015): Hydration and hydrogen bond network of water during the Coil-to-Globule transition in poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) aqueous solution at cloud point temperature, J. Phys. Chem. B, 119(17), 5576–5587.
4) Shiraga, K., Suzuki, T., Kondo, N., Tanaka, K., Ogawa, Y. (2015): Hydration state inside HeLa cell monolayer investigated with terahertz spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett., 106, 253701.
3) Suzuki, T., Kondo, T., Ogawa, Y., Kamba, S., Kondo, N. (2013): Detection of SiO2 thin layer by using a metallic mesh sensor, IEEE Sens. J., 13(12), 4972–4976.
2) 鈴木哲仁,小川雄一,近藤直,近藤孝志,神波誠治(2013):異なる周期間隔を有する金属メッシュを用いたタンパク質の非標識検出,計測自動制御学会論文集,49(1),54-58.
1) Suzuki, T., Ogawa, Y., Kondo, N. (2011): Characterization of pesticide residue, cis-Permethrin by terahertz spectroscopy, Eng. Agric. Environ. Food, 4(4), 90–94.


1) 小川雄一、鈴木哲仁,“テラヘルツ波金属メッシュセンサを用いた大腸菌検出”、OPTRONICS, 32 (11), pp.116-120 (2013)
2) 鈴木哲仁,“金属メッシュを用いたセンシング応用”,農業食料工学会誌, vol. 76, no. 3, pp.208-212 (2014)
3) 近藤直、小川雄一、鈴木哲仁編著、西津貴久、椎木友朗共著、“生物センシング工学―光と音による生物計測―”、コロナ社、ISBN:987-4-339-06752-1:全193頁(2016)
4) 鈴木哲仁、小川雄一、満仲健、山之上雅文、菊池正二郎,“60GHzで動作するCMOS発振器アレイセンサによる小型で迅速な大腸菌検出”、日本分析化学会第67年会「展望とトピックス」、p.21 (2018)
5) 鈴木哲仁,“光技術を用いた微生物検査の展望”,農業食料工学会誌, vol. 82, no. 4, pp.317-322 (2020)
6) 鈴木哲仁,“食の安全・安心のための局在電場を利用した高感度センシングに関する研究”,農業食料工学会誌, 83 (6), 414 (2021)
7) 鈴木哲仁,“鶏卵の光学計測による鶏ヒナの孵化前雌雄判定”,農業食料工学会誌, 86 (3), 129-132 (2023)

8)JST A-STEP産学共同(育成型),高効率・高品質な雛生産のための孵卵中鶏卵の非破壊計測技術の開発,2020年‐2022年度
